The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2420 Desert Giant

Over the snowy mountains, through the swamp o

go all the way o

For a whole month, Long Fei fought monsters to level up and collected Spiritual herbs, but it's just... a pity, the first-level didn't level up for a whole month.

Or Soul Refining 9th grade o

It's too difficult for him to level up now, he needs more than 800 million experience o

In a month, it is only 200 million experience to fight to the death.

and o

This is still the Demonic Beasts in the wild, and the experience is much higher than other places, but... it's still a word, slow!

too slow o

Long Fei is about to collapse

The higher the level, the less experience the monster has.

Now want to upgrade, difficult!

The level has not been upgraded, and the Spiritual herbs that Long Fei wanted have not been collected. Long Fei's heart is somewhat irritable this month, and now he can't wait to go to the Hongmeng Realm and kill a few strong men like Sea King. In this case, he will level up. can fly again

just o

Hongmeng Realm, don't say that he can't enter now, even if he can enter, he is courting death.

Except for the 'Netherfire' released by killing Neptune last time, Long Fei has never sensed the existence of Netherfire since that time, and the rune mark on his left arm is nothing special, just like a tattoo In the same way, Long Fei did not feel any strange power in it.

"What ancient inheritance?"


Long Fei complained in his heart

At this time o

Deformation Vajra jumped down from the distant hillside and said, "Boss, the desert is ahead, shall we continue?"


Long Fei didn't think much about it, there is still some time before the Tianzong Banquet!

He is not one to give up o

Since I came to the Wilderness, I must try my best to find it no matter what o

Shapeshifting Vajra said: "Understood!"


Shapeshifting Vajra whistled to the sky o

Kaelin, who was hidden in the sky, rushed out at that moment.

One in the sky, one on the ground

A purple gold armor, a gold armor o

These two bodyguards are simply too sharp o

In the past month, one person and one beast have cooperated flawlessly, and no matter what danger is, they can react as quickly as possible.

This month is also the easiest month for Long Fei.

Basically, he doesn't need to do anything, except for the barbecue.

Long Fei collected several high-quality Spiritual herbs, and with a thought, he felt a little, "No, the intensity is not enough!"

"Earth spirit flower is a fairy-level Spiritual herbso"

"Looks like...the bottom standard is immortal, but..." Long Fei frowned, immortal Spiritual herbs are hard to come by, and this kind of Spiritual herbs are basically born out of heaven and earth.

The time required is not the usual long o

It takes years, decades, even centuries, millennia to grow to grow Immortal Ascension Spiritual herbso

There are some fairy-level Spiritual herbs and god-level Spiritual herbs in the system mall, but...their attributes are not what Long Fei wants, even if they are exchanged, they are useless.

When checking the system, Long Fei saw the special item 'another world invitation scroll', which was rewarded by the system last time. This scroll has not changed much since the reward.

I haven't received an invitation from another world.

Long Fei was very depressed, "If you can enter another plane, maybe it will be convenient to find these Spiritual herbs o"

"It would be great if I could go back to Earth."

"What international supermodel, what national goddess, what school beauty are all caught, and then..." Long Fei became evil, if he returned to the former earth world with his current Cultivation Base, then he must be the great devil, not to mention the army, Even with nuclear weapons, the country can't deal with him o

he wants to go back and see o

just o

This invitation volume has not changed at all, and he can't get a begging invitation, and he has no way to shuttle there.

half an hour later

Long Fei stood in the yellow sand, under the scorching sun, at a glance, the desert looked like golden mountains.

dusty sky

Glittering radiance, like golden sand flying

spectacular o

Long Fei said, "It's the first time I've seen a desert, and I could only watch it in TV movies before!"


"Go in!"

As soon as Long Fei's voice fell, he stepped up.

at this time o

Deformed Vajra's eyes turned fierce, suddenly stopped in front of Long Fei, and said, "Boss, someone is here o"

Vajra glanced at the sky o

Among the clouds, Kaelin was also hovering motionless.

soon o





Not far away, a loud roar o

"Escape, run away"

"Run, run out of the desert o"


Occasionally screaming

In the distance, a caravan was scattered, and the camels carrying supplies were also scurrying around, like flies on their brows. This rarely happens.

Camels do this only when they are extremely frightened, afraid


suddenly o

A high sand mountain suddenly sank, and several camels were swallowed instantly.

No rush to react at all

The sand mountain just now was also razed to the ground in an instant and disappeared completely.

Long Fei said slightly: "How come there are people in this place?"

Opened the map and took a look, then looked at the costumes on their bodies, and said slightly: "Demon?"

Demons and humans are no different in appearance, it's just... what they believe in is different from what they practice cultivation, that's why they are called demons.

Running at the front is an old man who looks like the head of the caravan

When he saw Long Fei, he immediately shouted: "Help, help, help us..."

Transformed Vajra immediately looked at Long Fei and said, "Boss, what should I do?"

Long Fei said: "I can't see death without saving o"

"Save people first, don't worry about that guy in the desert o"

Shapeshifting Vajra said: "Understood!"

Immediately, when the limbs were braced, the body slammed down and flew out quickly. The jump was a thousand meters away.


It's like sensing the presence of deformed Vajra o

The big guy in the desert let out a hissing snarl, like a catharsis to the shapeshifting Vajra, this is daddy's turf o

Transform Vajra too lazy to pay attention to o

Those people also turned pale when they saw the deformed Vajra.

Don't wait for them to react o

Deformation Vajra grabs one person and throws it out o

‘Whoosh! ’




Several people were thrown out by him with force o

Those people are terrified


They fell from the air, but their bodies did not suffer any pain, they stood firmly on the ground, and they were completely wrapped by the power of deformed Vajra just now.

At this time, the old man realized that the deformed Vajra was to save them, and immediately said loudly: "Sir, there is one more person, please help her o"

suddenly o

Kneel down immediately

Everyone knelt down

Deformation Vajra looks at Long Fei o

The old man turned around and looked at Long Fei. He was slightly startled when he found that Long Fei was a human being, but he didn't care so much at this time, he immediately stepped forward on his knees and said, "Sir, save her, I beg you, As long as you save her, I will set up an immortal monument for you, the incense will continue, and I will swear with my own blood."

For demons, swearing with blood is the most poisonous way to swear.

Long Fei helped the old man up and said, "Don't worry o"

Vajra turned and flew out again o

the other end o

A special white camel is dragging a woman with a hood to run fast, and the monster in the desert has been chasing o

Being rescued by shapeshifting Vajra made him a little irritated o

suddenly o

Desert monster slams into shapeshifting Vajra...

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