The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2427 First-Level Ghost Emperor

At the very beginning, Long Fei immediately cultivated when he exploded the 'Corrupted Ghost Claw'.

Also cultivation is successful o

just o

No matter what Long Fei tried, he couldn't release it.

Long Fei's current level is simply not enough because of the Cultivation Technique of Hongmeng Realm


It was released just now, and a large amount of Nether Power was absorbed, and the power in the body instantly became stronger. This feeling is very powerful.

Although Long Fei entered the imprinted space with his mind, but... he was sure that he had a powerful Nether Power in his body, but he didn't know why the Nether Power he absorbed was quickly absorbed by something.

a little puzzled

but o

This does not hinder his excitement o

"The proficiency level is 100, my brother is awesome!" Long Fei immediately opened the system to check the proficiency level of the 'Rotten Ghost Claw', and his expression instantly became impotent after reading it.

"Depend on!"

"Why don't you die?"

"The first-level proficiency is 200,000 points?"

"What is this f*ck Cultivation Technique? God-level Cultivation Technique wouldn't be so difficult to cultivate?"

After the proficiency appears, the Cultivation Technique fly attribute also appears.

Cultivation Technique: Inheritance of the Rotten Ghost Claw Ghost Emperor


Proficiency: 100 points

Description: The rotten ghost claw is inherited from the ghost emperor, with the power to swallow and absorb all

Description 2: Raised to first-level, you can unleash the 'first-level ghost emperor' to fight for it!

Seeing this, Long Fei's eyes tightened, staring at the words 'first-level ghost emperor' and his eyes became dull, "Oh, first-level ghost emperor?"

"What level is this?"

"Ghost Emperor?"

"A powerhouse at the overlord level of the Hongmeng world?"


suddenly o

Long Fei directly shuts down the system and releases the Rotten Ghost Hand again.


"System prompt: proficiency 100 points!"

Strange to say

In the imprint space of the underworld, Long Fei can only cultivate this rotten ghost hand, and what is even more surprising is that this set of Cultivation Technique has no cooling time in this space.

In other words, Long Fei can make infinite combos and continuously release o

"Mark of the Underworld"

"Could it be that the Ghost Emperor is also a descendant of the Underworld?"

"Can't you?"

"Isn't Yi Yourong saying that all the strong people of the Ming clan are almost dead? How can the Celestial Clan tolerate such an overlord-level powerhouse like the Ghost Emperor in the Hongmeng Realm?" Long Fei was puzzled, but he forgot about it in the next second.

what the hell

Long Fei doesn't want to think about the messy things of the Ming clan, the heaven clan, and whatever their relationship is, what he wants to do now is to cultivate the 'Rotten Ghost Claw' to the first-level Realm!

first-level ghost emperor!

Even if it's not strong, it's a bit more powerful for Long Fei.

Will the ghost emperor be strong?



"System prompt: proficiency 100 points!"



"System prompt: proficiency 100 points!"


Long Fei did not stay in the imprinted space for a whole night.

Skill proficiency increases wildly

at the same time o

Long Fei is also madly absorbing the power of the Netherworld, but... after a whole night, there is no Netherworld power left in his body.

All were swallowed up by the fountain of life o

while o

The heavy damage of the Fountain of Life is almost repaired o

He didn't care about these Long Fei, what he wanted was not the power of the nether, even if his body was full of this power, he didn't know how to release it.

All he wants is proficiency!

Fish maw white o in the east

soon o

The red sun rises slowly, the sun in the desert is not soft, and the temperature rises as soon as it comes out, and the desert seems to be burning again.

The fiery arrogance madly erodes o

Long Fei's mouth is dry and he is about to peel.

he doesn't care


"System prompt: proficiency 100 points!"


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' cultivation skill 'Rotten Ghost Claw' has been upgraded. The current level is first-level, and the proficiency required for the next first-level is 800,000!"

Seeing that long string of numbers, Long Fei felt dizzy.

Hearing the sound of skill upgrade, Long Fei came out of the imprinted space in an instant. He stayed for one more second now, and even if he released it once, he felt that he would vomit.

That kind of boring cultivation is too uncomfortable o

It's just a torture


Long Fei took a deep breath and looked at the rotten ghost hand in the system skill bar. Now he can summon the first-level ghost emperor, but... he doesn't know if he can release it in the imprint space of the underworld?

he dare not try

He's worried that one try will take a long cooldown o



The harsh sound of the poisonous snake spitting out letters kept ringing in Long Fei's ears. Long Fei's thoughts stopped, he opened it and looked at it. He almost jumped up from the ground in fright.

"I rely on!"

a large piece of o

Densely packed, all of them are alien monsters, surrounded by Long Fei, as if the alien queen is their mother and Long Fei is their father o


"Is that too much?"

It's all over the valley, it looks numb to the scalp

The Alien Queen is still spawning o

It's just that the look is much darker than last night, because the energy of Hongmeng Crystal is about to be exhausted.

Long Fei Station's body shape o

Those alien monsters all raised their heads and looked at him o

Long Fei clenched his fists, and his heart was extremely excited, "With these alone, I can swept the entire continent, just a barren desert, daddy can't beat you!"

suddenly o

Long Fei's thoughts moved, and he said directly: "Little ones, listen to my order o"

"Target, straight ahead, twenty kilometers away!"

"Rush me!"

"Let them feel what it means to destroy the knuckles, let them feel what it means to attack!" Long Fei was in high spirits and was extremely sturdy.

Because everything in front of me is so awesome

The tens of thousands of alien monsters are just like the evil ghosts released in The Underworld. With Long Fei's order, they rushed out frantically.

Like a black cloud swept across the ground

Long Fei glanced at Kailina and found no trace of her, so he might have gone to reconnaissance. Long Fei didn't have time to worry about that, so he rushed out quickly.

"Vajra, you must give me life o"

"Move my brother, hurt my woman, even if you are King Yama daddy, I will kill you today!" Long Fei rushed up like a thunderbolt.




The ground trembles, the sand rolls o

in a few minutes o

Long Fei stood at a high place and looked at a deep canyon. There were various caves on both sides of the canyon. There was a huge altar in the center of the canyon.

The altar suspended in mid-air

Feeling the appearance of alien monsters, a head poked out of those caves


A giant golden scorpion head was found in one of the largest caves, and Long Fei's eyes scowled, "It's from the Mahle Gobi!"

Long Fei was instantly furious, "Finally found you o"

The alien monsters surrounding the canyon became more ferocious with the anger in Long Fei's heart.

Long Fei drew out his giant broken sword and shouted loudly, "Kill me!"

"Kill everything!"

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