The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2453 Vajra Overlord

Demonic Beasts siege has a characteristic, once the city is broken, it will be unstoppable.

Mengcheng is just a small town after all

No matter how sturdy the city wall is, it can't stand the ravages of the deformed Vajra. With Long Fei's sword breaking through the door, 80,000 alien monsters rushed into Mengcheng like a broken bamboo.

At the same time o

The alien monsters that rushed into part of the city began to loot.




Anyone who resists kills

All the Meng family's property, burn it!

Any Mengjia store, grab it!

As for ordinary people, they were not harmed under Long Fei's order!

The demons also want ordinary people. These people want money but no money, experience and inexperience. Killing them is a waste of time. What’s more, Long Fei is not a murderer, so he won’t kill some unarmed ordinary people just because of leveling up.

Another part of the alien monsters quickly occupied the heights of Mengcheng.

Quickly occupy the commanding heights of the city wall o

Another part of the alien monsters stood neatly in two rows, like an army, looking ahead, waiting for the inspection by the chief.




The Alien King walked in from outside the city step by step, Long Fei stood on top of the Alien King's head, his eyes swept away, this breeze, this domineering, it was simply unparalleled.

At the same time o

The system prompts in my head have never stopped, and I have been thinking about it.



"Ding ding ding...!"

Although the experience value is not much, it is due to the large number of 'monsters', so the increase in experience value is still considerable, at least Long Fei is very satisfied.

Long Fei walked into Mengcheng and said with a slight smile, "Isn't it so cool for monsters to attack the city?"


"As long as I have enough energy, I can let the Alien Queen create endless armies for me, and then... lead this group of alien monsters to sweep the entire continent o"

"The Zhao family?"

"The Zhou family army?"


"Crush all!"

Long Fei was extremely excited, and was glad he chose to own. This alien queen is simply an arms factory, so awesome.

The deformed Vajra came up and said, "Boss, these Meng family warriors are not strong enough, they kill all at once, it's really boring."

Long Fei rolled his eyes at him, "How many can withstand your torment?"

Shapeshifting Vajra is now the pinnacle of the sky Demonic Beastso

Unless it's the powerhouse of Soul Refining Peak or Mad Body Realm, there's really no one who can stop him o

Plus his whole body golden armor, defense heaven-defyingo

at this time o


A purple-gold figure fell heavily in the sky

Kailin's eyebrows tightened and she immediately said, "Come on!"

Long Fei's eyes are ferocious

Without waiting for Long Fei to speak, Vajra transformed into a double fist and said, "Finally here, daddy is not happy in the desert, what is it?"

"Dare to challenge my boss?"

"His grandma's..."


Shapeshifting Vajra sank and leaped o


A four-story building collapsed and turned into ruins in an instant, and in an instant, another building exploded 100 meters away, splashing dust.

Transforming Vajra rushed up in a blink of an eye

far away

Meng Qian flew in quickly

Seeing a huge Demonic Beasts, or two-headed Demonic Beasts rushing towards him, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he sneered: "Is this guy the favorite of the waste people?"


Shapeshifting Vajra growled, "Abolish your ancestors!"

Right fist sinking

"Buzz, buzz, buzz..."

golden burst o

A dazzling golden light flashed on the golden glove, and the strong power was continuously released, all of which were pure physical power, "Vajra King Fist!!!"

roar o

The force squeezed the surrounding space and distorted it.

Meng Gan sneered, he didn't move, he raised his left hand, directly blocked Princess Sha Yue in front of himself, and said with a grim smile, "Come on!"

"Come hit me!"

Princess Shayue was strangled by him, her face was pale o

extremely uncomfortable o

Seeing the shapeshifting Vajra punching, she said with difficulty: "Leave me alone, kill him, kill him..."

Meng Gan seemed to laugh out loud, and said, "Come on, come and kill me, come on, hahaha..."

Deformation Vajra sees Princess Sandyue suddenly standing in front of o

His face tightened and he roared, "Despicable and shameless!"

Forced withdrawal of strength, deformation Vajra's body also slammed, landing heavily, two feet rolled up countless pieces of bluestone on the street, two hundred meters long drag marks.

Vajra king fist bangs elsewhere o




A hundred meters of buildings collapsed at this moment and turned into ashes in an instant.


Transformation Vajra spews a mouthful of blood, the powerful force cannot be released, causing a backlash in his body, and the internal organs are shaking o

extremely uncomfortable o

Meng Gan laughed wildly, "Hahaha... Did Yuemin see it? I said that kid likes you, even his pets dare not do anything to you."

"And you gave him your body, didn't you?"

"You bitch!"

Princess Shayue stared fiercely at Meng Gan and said, "You pervert."

The word pervert seemed to irritate Meng Gan, his eyes were ferocious, and the cold air burst out from his body, and a layer of frost immediately covered Princess Shayue's neck.

very cold o

also at this time

Shapeshifting Vajra seizes the momentary opportunity and rushes from the ground into the air again o

"King Vajra..."

Meng Gan's eyes moved slightly, and his body suddenly disappeared in mid-air.

"You think you're great?"

"You bastard, get out of the way for me"

The voice is not finished o

In an instant, before the deformed Vajra released the 'Vajra King Fist', Meng Gan appeared in front of him, slapped his left hand, and put a palm on the deformed Vajra's chest.

The cold power on the body exploded!


The power was like an explosion of a bomb, and the deformed Vajra didn't have time to make any response, and was directly knocked out!



Nearly 1000 meters of buildings were deformed Vajra pretended to be a straight line, and all the buildings collapsed.

last o

The transformation Vajra slammed into the city wall and stopped, a large mouthful of black blood spurted out, eyes and pupils were scattered, and the golden armor on his chest was covered with a thick layer of ice.

His golden armor defense and physical defense seem to be frozen in an instant, and they are of no use at all.

"Wow, wow wow..."

Another big mouthful of black blood spurted out, transforming Vajra with both fists, propped on the ground, his huge body stood up again, but... swayed a few times, and fell to the ground again.

Meng Gan's palm directly seriously injured him!

This power...


Transformed Vajra looked at Long Fei and said, "Boss, he's so strong, this guy is so strong, so powerful!"

grin o

Take a few Medicine Pillos with your head up at the same time


Transforming Vajra's body suddenly exploded, the bones of his whole body exploded, the frozen ice on his chest burst instantly, transforming Vajra like Demonic Beasts in a state of blood rage, his eyes were fierce, "Vajra dominates!!"

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