The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2479 Trigger The Hidden Task

Chapter 2479 Trigger the hidden task


Long Fei didn't hear clearly

Princess Shayue picked up the black underwear on the table, blushing like red paper, her voice raised slightly, looked at Long Fei and said, "Do you want to see it?"


Long Fei's Adam's apple rolled, he almost jumped up

Fortunately, hold back o

Pretending to be very calm, he said, "If you want, I want to watch o"

Princess Shayue's eyes tightened, looking at the clothes with very little fabric in her hands. What would this dress look like if she wore it?

Her heart actually wants to know o

Long Fei said: "If you don't want to, then forget it."

Princess Shayue hurriedly said, "I am willing to o"

I said in my heart: "I would do anything for you"

Long Fei rescued her twice!

To get rid of the hidden dangers of the Shayue clan for her, help her to get the holy fire of refining weapons, so that the Shayue clan has a chance to rise again, this time, it is not even the strength of the Meng family to grab the marriage.

She has no expression on the surface, but her heart is very moved.

That girl wouldn't fantasize about such a thing?

It is too romantic for a beloved man to become an enemy of the whole world for her, and Princess Shayue also fantasized in her heart o


She knew in her heart that Long Fei was a human race. After today, he might leave here, and he might never step into the demon territory. They will be like two parallel lines in the future, never intersecting.

so o

Princess Shayue sacrificed her heart

She slowly unbuttoned her clothes, in front of Long Fei.

Her face was no longer so blushing, instead she became calmer. For the man she loved, she was willing to do anything.

Long Fei looked a little crazy, and his heart was full of excitement, "I'm going to push back, I'm going to push back, hahaha I didn't expect that I would welcome my first time in this way, hahaha"

extraordinarily excited


Just when he was extremely excited, Princess Shayue was about to undress.


The door was knocked over suddenly

Door frames are scattered, flying rooms are full of o

A huge fist with fur and golden gloves o

Transform Vajra's fist o

Shapeshifting Vajra yells, "Boss, something happened!"


Long Fei was furious, jumped up from the bed in an instant, rushed out one step, and shouted angrily, "Vajra!!"

Princess Shayue was stunned for a moment, and quickly buttoned her shirt, her face was flushed, seeing Long Fei rushing out of the bed, she said, "Are you able to move?"


Long Fei looked at himself and pretended to be stupid: "Hey, I can move!"

"I can actually move o"

Princess Shayue looks at Long Fei

she is not stupid

Naturally, it can be seen that Long Fei is pretending.

Thinking of what she did just now, what she said just now, and the black underwear in her hand, Princess Shayue couldn't wait to find a seam to get in.

The atmosphere is awkward

It's impossible now that Princess Shayue wears this black dress.

Long Fei lost that sexual interest o

He rushed out in a hurry, and now he can't wait to blast the deformed Vajra out, walk out of the room, and look at the deformed Vajrao in the yard

not far away

Kaelina leaned on a post o

Even though it was night, Long Fei still saw her snickering.

Transforming Vajra saw Long Fei come out and said: "Boss, something is bad, something happened, something happened, let's go quickly o"

Long Fei suppressed the anger in his heart, stared at the deformed Vajra, and said, "What happened?"

Deformation Vajra said: "The Ten Great Demon Tribes are joining forces to deal with you."


Long Fei was stunned for a moment, and said, "Treat me? I didn't provoke the ten major tribes of the demon race, nor did I rob their women, and I didn't peep at their wives taking a bath. Why should I deal with me?"

"I don't know the specifics of that." Transformation Vajra looked at Kaelin.

Long Fei turned his eyes and stared at Kailin, and said, "What's going on?"

Kaelina stepped forward o

Shapeshifting Vajra scratched his head and muttered to Kaelin, "How do you know the boss is going to get angry?"

Kailin said: "I don't know the specifics, I only know that the demons want to activate the ten-story magic tower."

"The ten-story magic tower?" Long Fei asked in confusion.

At this time o

Princess Shayue heard the ten-story magic tower coming out of the room quickly, and said in shock, "What did you just say? The ten-story magic tower test?"

Kailin said: "Yes, it is the ten-story magic tower test o"

Princess Shayue frowned, "How could this happen?"

immediately o

She didn't even think about it, and immediately said: "You guys go, hurry up and get out of here o"

Long Fei didn't know, but she knew what the ten-story magic tower test meant.

Absolutely no entry!

Jedi can't!

will die in it!

Long Fei said: "What is the ten-story magic tower test? Is it that scary?"

Princess Shayue said: "More than horror? It's very scary. So far, no one has been able to pass, and I can't explain it clearly now. You listen to me, leave now, and leave the demons quickly."

Long Fei didn't move, and said, "So cruel? I want to try it!"

For him, the more brutal the place is the place to escalate o

Ten-story magic tower, it sounds like it's awesome

Could it be a secret realm?

It's full of powerful Demonic Beasts?

Princess Shayue grabbed Long Fei and said, "Listen to me, don't go. You should leave now. The sooner the better, it will be too late."

Kaelina also said: "It should be very scary, let's leave o"

Deformation Vajra scratched his head, he was still wondering why Kailin knew that Long Fei would be angry o

Long Fei said: "What are you afraid of, isn't there a Devil Emperor?"

suddenly o

Long Fei's eyes sank, and he slapped his thigh sharply, saying, "Damn it, wouldn't it be something he did too?"


at this time o

A burst of laughter fell, and then the man in the purple robe fell, looking at Long Fei with a smile on his face, and said, "Boy, you really understand me, you guessed it all at once, hahaha"

Devil Emperor falls, transforms Vajra and Kailina immediately keep their distance o

Princess Shayue's eyes were anxious. She knew the rules of the ten-story magic tower in her heart. If it was recommended by the Devil Emperor, if Long Fei failed, he would die inside.

and o

The Devil Emperor will also be expelled from the Demon Race o

suddenly o

Princess Shayue looked at the Devil Emperor and said, "Devil Emperor Uncle, don't let him in, he will die inside, you too"

Don't wait for her to finish o

Devil Emperor's eyes moved, and he signaled Princess Shayue to stop talking. He looked at Long Fei with a look of contempt, and said, "How is it? Boy, do you dare to try our Demon Race's strongest test?"


"It is normal for the human race to be cowardly and afraid to try."

"If you don't dare, then treat it as if I didn't say it."

Devil Emperor looked at Long Fei with contempt

Long Fei said, "Stimulate generals?"

Devil Emperor said, "Just say whether you dare or not."

Before Long Fei could speak, the system sounded a prompt tone!


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