The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2472 The World In The Nantian Monument


That look... just like a puppy seeing a bone, can't wait to pounce on it and gnaw at it.

Long Fei was also shocked.

Princess Shayue is a very self-controlled person, she never has this kind of expression, but now she keeps leaning on Long Fei's side, she can't help it.

Long Fei said repeatedly: "Princess, princess?"

Princess Shayue still looked like a nympho, and said, "Don't call me princess, I'm your wife, you can call me lady, or call me Min'er."

That voice... squeaks to the bone

Long Fei's whole body has goose bumps

I never knew that a woman's voice could be so loud, and I couldn't imagine such a voice coming from Princess Shayue's mouth.

She is the inheritor of the ancient refining tools, and she is a female man who can swing thousands of pounds of giant hammers.

Now become a soft soft girl o

about to post it

The breath on Long Fei's body trembled slightly.


Princess Shayue also suddenly 'woke up' looking at Long Fei, her face flushed crimson, and said, "I,,, I,, did I do something out of the ordinary just now?"

Transform Vajra laughed o

Long Fei glared at him, transforming Vajra immediately shut up, and said, "What did you just do you don't know?"

Princess Shayue's cheeks were hot and her face was flushed. She didn't dare to look directly into Long Fei's eyes. She shook her head and said, "It felt like a dream just now."

Long Fei was depressed, and murmured: "Is the charm value so powerful?"

Princess Shayue glanced at Long Fei a little and said, "I found that you are different from before."

Long Fei said, "What's the difference?"

Princess Shayue said: "More charming, irresistible charm, uncontrollable want to get close, very fast, too strange o"

She didn't dare to look directly into Long Fei's eyes, she was worried that she would be 'lost' again!

then o

Princess Shayue said: "There are still three days to enter the ten-story magic tower. You cultivate well in these three days, and I will prepare it for you."

After she finished speaking, she hurriedly ran out like a kitten that was stealing food when she was discovered, and she still covered her cheeks with her hands.

Long Fei looked a little dazed, "So cute!"

When Princess Shayue walked out of the yard, Long Fei remembered it and said, "What is our wedding day today, there is no bridal chamber yet?"

Shapeshifting Vajra said: "Boss, I'll call her back o"

Long Fei waved his hand and said, "Forget it, sooner or later, don't worry!"

Seeing the appearance of Princess Shayue's girl Huaichun, Long Fei gave a wicked smile and said to himself, "You can't escape my clutches, hehe..."

"All right!"

"You also go to cultivation o"

Long Fei urged an o

Shapeshifting Vajra: "Oh o"

Long Fei was the only one left in the yard. He didn't bother about the charm value anymore, but took out the Nantian Monument.

a tombstone

Strange runeo carved on tombstone

These runes make Long Fei feel a special familiar feeling, which is why Long Fei chooses it. He always feels that he knows these rune words like o

"Nantian Monument o"

"The town boundary stone!"

"Have I seen it before, or... Can I understand the text on it?" Long Fei looked at the rune on the Nantian monument in a daze, and then...


Long Fei exhaled lightly, moved his left hand, and held it up.

because o

The relationship between the imprint of the Ming clan and the fusion of Tianhuo, Long Fei used his left hand more during this period of time.

The moment I held the Nantian Monument with my left hand, it was cold and biting, and I didn't feel anything else, nor did I feel the power above.

Anyway, it's like an ordinary stele.

"It's weird!" Long Fei retracted his hand and said secretly, "I can't feel the slightest bit of power, am I wrong? No, the system has judged it to be a super artifact, how could it be without the slightest bit of power?"

" has a seal on it?"

Long Fei is a little puzzled

The system couldn't possibly go wrong, and... at first glance, Long Fei felt that this thing was not simple.

But now!

Can't feel its power

Nantian Stele is a stone

About 1.7 meters long and 15 cm thick

Whole body is black

The stele is carved with runeo

incomprehensible character o

The surface is wrapped with a thin layer of breath o

Nothing else is special

Long Fei turned on the system again to check o

Item: Nantian Stele

Grade: super artifact

Description: Town Boundary Stone

Apart from these three descriptions, there is no description o



Nothing at all, not even how to use it

Long Fei was a little depressed, "You can't just carry it and hammer others, right?"


"It's weird!" Long Fei checked the attributes several times, and the result was the same, without any description, just at this moment... his right hand touched it gently.

at this moment o


Long Fei's sea of ​​knowledge exploded with a loud roar.

A strange force emanated from the Nantian Monument, and the dazzling light suddenly shone across the entire starry sky, and at this moment... A picture appeared in Long Fei's mind.


murky world o

Everything here is like the most primitive desert, with no water, no trees, not even soil on the ground, and everything seems to be empty.

"This... what kind of world is this?" Long Fei's eyes sank. Such a world had never appeared in his memory.

"Nothing at all!"

"Could it be the plane that was just born?" Long Fei couldn't help but think of o

in the screen o

Long Fei kept moving forward. For some reason, he felt that the world was very familiar, which made him very comfortable, as if he was in his mother's arms.

I don't know how long it took


There was a roar in the sky, as if the sky was about to split o





A baby with colorful light and scales falling from the sky

very clear

You can clearly see that the baby has two thin tentacles on its forehead, and a small tail grows on the bony cone on the buttocks.

very cute o

in this moment o

The chaotic world suddenly had a vitality, the earth fission, the space was distorted, and after a brief loud roar, with the cry of the baby, the world began to recover.

Soil, water, mountains, trees, grass... all appear the same, just like a miracle

grow out of thin air

Finally, there are all kinds of exotic flowers and plants, and then to the appearance of animals o

Everything is so harmonious, even the Demonic Beasts appear

The harmonious picture does not know how many years have passed o

suddenly o

The sky sank again, cracked again, and a huge stone fell from the sky, hitting the ground heavily.

also at the same time

The disappearing baby reappeared, but... he was no longer a baby, but a dragon, a real king of dragons he had never seen before.


The picture that made Long Fei's pupils shrink suddenly appeared o

After the dragon stood still, it transformed into a human body, and that person... was actually himself! ! !

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