The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2489 Artifact, Killing The Sun

Pointing to the tiny leaf in Long Fei's hand, the red-haired old man couldn't help laughing, "Hahaha...hahaha... You are also called a spirit tool?"


"Boy, you lost o"

How can a leaf become a magic weapon?

Even if it's a magic weapon, what's the use of it?

Not even a level!

The comparison is the refiner, the speed is compared, and the level is refined.

The red-haired old man is the strongest in the refining tribe

Ancestor-level monster o

His crafting level has reached the superb Realm, not only that, he can kill people in crafting, the fire of crafting is his weapon o

I didn't kill Long Fei just now, that's because of the Skyfire controlled by Long Fei.

But o

Even so, he won o


The Crimson Fire Mad Saber he refined was a ninth-rank heavenly rank, almost...a spiritual treasure close to the divine weapon, enough to crush the little leaf of Long Fei.

indeed o

What Long Fei holds in his hand is a model of a willow leaf.

Originally he wanted to train Flying Daggers, Li Xunhuan's kind of Flying Daggerso

But o

In the end, his time was a little too late, and the injection of flame made Jinggang a little bit unbearable, so that Long Fei's final change became the current 'willow leaf'.

Long Fei glanced at its attributes, smiled lightly, and said, "Lose?"

"Why did I lose?"

The red-haired old man said, "Don't you agree?"

Long Fei said bluntly: "I don't agree!"

The red-haired old man picked up the Crimson Fire Crazy Saber he made and said, "Have you seen it, this is a spiritual weapon, what is your name? Is it a kid's toy?"


Long Fei asked, "What is a spirit tool, and what is a spirit tool used for?"

The red-haired old man said: "Spirit Power is injected, the power bursts out, and the square that can release powerful power is a spiritual tool. Any spiritual treasure is used to assist cultivation and kill people."

talking room o

Red-haired daddy's true essence moved, "Boom!"

The red fire mad knife suddenly burned, the flame was hot, and it carried a powerful devouring power, and the fire dragon roared in the flame.

"Nine ranks of the sky!"

"It's just a little bit closer to god-level, boy, you still don't admit defeat?" The red-haired old man was very proud, and he was very satisfied with this work.

Can be a bit above his usual level o

The ninth grade of the heaven order is not an ordinary grade

It's possible that the entire Sect doesn't have one!

Long Fei said: "So I lose?"

The red-haired old man said, "You still haven't lost?"

Long Fei said: "If you follow what you just said, then this leaf of mine is an artifact..."


"Hahaha..." The red-haired old man immediately burst out laughing and said, "Artifact? Just you? Your human race has not yet stepped into a god-level artifact refiner to refine a god-level spiritual treasure? It can't be refined o"

Long Fei didn't care either.

a thought o

suddenly o

The leaf was hanging in the air, and in an instant, "Rumble..."



The void continued to sound violent thunder o

As if the sky and the earth exploded

also at the same time

The flames of Emperor Yan just now burst out violently, just like the scorching sun hanging in the air, Long Fei took a step forward and said, "My name of this spiritual treasure is, Slaughter the Sun!"

Kill the sun!

Killed all day long!

A leaf emerges, the sky and the earth have no light Realmo

The entire secret realm was crushed by this fiery flame, and the eyes of the red-haired old man were suddenly locked. He stared at the flame of the Emperor Yan, shaking his head, "Impossible, absolutely impossible... No. It is possible to inject that powerful flame into a small piece of fine steel, and the fine steel can't bear it at all!"

"And... this level surpasses the god-level Realm, it is impossible to do it, even a god can't do it..."

The red-haired old man was shocked

He stared at Long Fei's breath, nothing changed.

Not the skyfire power he injected

That is to say o

The huge flame power comes from that leaf

The red-haired old man was unwilling. When the red fire mad knife moved, the real energy was injected, and the powerful Mahayana Realm power also erupted. He slashed at the leaf, "Break it to me!!!"


mad knife slash o

The Red Fire Crazy Blade instantly melted when it touched the flame of the Emperor Yan, turned into molten iron, and evaporated in just a few seconds.


The Divine Armament of the ninth rank of the heavens gave seconds like this!

The temperature of this flame?

this level?

can't imagine o

The red-haired old man retreated again and again, shook his head, said: "No, no, impossible, absolutely impossible, you don't have a hammer and a refining table, you can't refine such a powerful spirit weapon. , you are cheating, you are cheating o”

He's been a little out of his mind

Because of the inner panic

For him, he couldn't accept the spiritual weapon refined by Long Fei!

Long Fei smiled lightly and said, "If I cheat, this magic tower will definitely swallow me right away. You should know this better than me, right?"

"Your concept of refining is too traditional o"

"Without a refining table, can you not refine a weapon without a hammer?"

"A true refiner can make the most advanced Divine Armament from the lowest materials, this is the refining technique o"

"The idea is hammer o"

"Power is Fire"

"Refining everything!" Long Fei explained the essence of the ancient art of refining.

This is the powerful ancient artifact refining technique!

Long Fei looked at the red-haired old man who lost his temper and said, "You lost!"


The red-haired old man slumped on the ground. The red-red complexion was a little pale at this time, and his eyes flickered. Although he was not reconciled, he had to obey.

he lost o

stopped for half a moment

The red-haired old man stood up, exhaled heavily, and said, "I lost!"

Convinced orally o

He knows...he will never reach Long Fei's Realmo in his life.

He looked at Long Fei's eyes with some fiery o

Long Fei said: "Remember what I said just now, the mind is the hammer, the force is the fire, and everything is refined. The strongest refining flame is not external force, but your heart fire!"

immediately o

Long Fei didn't know why, but with a thought, he handed 'Sun Slaughter' to the red-haired old man, and said, "This Sun Slaughter will be given to you!"

The red-haired old man's eyes sank

I took it with both hands, and my body trembled uncontrollably.

"This,,, that,,,?"

"Give it to me?"


The words were incoherent, and he was too excited to speak. For him, killing the sun was not only an artifact, but a spiritual warning.


The red-haired old man knelt directly on the ground and said heavily: "Thank you!"

also at the same time

The moment the red-haired old man took over 'Sun Killing', he had a realization in his heart.

This feeling……

The red-haired old man's heart suddenly boiled, "Hahaha... I understand, I understand!"

Looking at Long Fei seriously again, he said, "Thank you!"

also at this time

The red-haired old man flew out of the magic tower with a wild laugh

The system beep sounds o


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