The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2503 Day And Night

Long Fei has never been a genius.

No matter cultivation or other things, the only thing he can rely on is hard work, which is several times more than others.

past life.

He has no chance.

In this life, he desperately seized the opportunity.

The tower master on the seventh floor is too strong.

If it wasn't for chance, I'm afraid he'd already be dead.

he knows.

The next three floors are more difficult, and he has no way back, either pass or die.

He doesn't want to die.

He wants to live, he wants to destroy the ten-story magic tower and become the first person in history, he wants to go to the Tianzong Banquet and destroy everything!

He wanted to step over the old witch.

He wants to sleep with Yi Yourong's big breasts, he wants all this!

Therefore, he cannot die.

Mahayana Realm may be a very powerful existence in the outside world, but in the ten-story magic tower, in the next three floors, his power is still like an ant. To break through the three-story magic tower behind, he must obtain more powerful the power of.

The power of the sky and the nether must be merged.

Long Fei is trying frantically.

Also madly injured.

It's completely self-mutilation like a cultivation way.

He didn't stop for a second.

From the first floor to the seventh floor, Long Fei found a problem, that is, the magic tower has no time limit, and he can stay on the first floor for a long time.

This is probably a bug in the magic tower.


Long Fei didn't have to worry about time.



Long Fei's strength forced a move, fused the two forces together, wrapped the incomparably huge real essence, and forcibly squeezed, but...

after a few seconds.


A loud bang.

Failed again.

Long Fei was not discouraged, "I don't believe it, I can't do anything without the system!"

"Come again!"

There is a fusion.


"The seventh-story tower is lit up!"

"Oh my God!"

"Is this kid a human? He has destroyed the seventh floor. How is this possible? No one can do it."

"He's definitely not human!"


From the initial contempt, ridicule, disdain, to the shock now.

The demon powerhouses around the square also changed.


Their belief is power.

Passing through six consecutive levels of magic towers, from puppets to formations, the history of demons, and even the history of human beings in Zhenwu Continent, who can be proficient in the six auxiliary skills among the thousands of planes?


Or god level?

Now even the seventh floor has passed. ,

How strong is this.

The old man in purple was extremely excited, "The master is awesome, the master is mighty, hahaha..."

"My master hangs the sky."


Seeing the light of the magic tower on the seventh floor light up, the hundreds-year-old were as happy as a child.


Qi Mo's eyebrows tightened and said: "The seventh floor is passed, but there is no reaction in the eighth floor, he did not go up!"

The old man in purple said, "What do you mean by Demon?"

Devil Dao, the old beastmaster: "We don't know what the test on the seventh floor will be, will he die..."

Don't wait for him to finish.

The purple-clothed old man immediately said: "I bah, you will die. My Master is invincible and unstoppable, and no one can kill him."

The puppet Devil Venerable said: "After all, his Cultivation Base is still a little short, and he must have paid a heavy price for passing the test of the seventh-floor magic tower. I just don't know if he can hold on."

"The four major tribes of the Demon Race."

"In the legend, the demons from the outer domain."

"It is also the oldest tribe of our Demon Race."

"At best, we are only half demons, people who cultivate Devil Dao, but they...are the real demons."

The five ancestors fell silent.


They are just cultivation magic, Devil Dao people.

The four major tribes are the real demons.

During the teleportation, a demon from another world.

It's the devil who came from the other end of the Devil's Mountain!


a corner.

Deformation Vajra, Kaelina, Princess Sandyue looked up at the magic tower standing in the clouds. The seven-story magic tower was brightly illuminated for 100,000 kilometers, like a lighthouse in the ocean, guiding lost ships.

Very dazzling.


The eighth floor didn't respond for a while.

In the end what happened?

Transforming Vajra and Kaelin were extremely anxious.

I can't wait to rush into the magic tower to see.

But they know... if someone rushes into the magic tower again, the level of the magic tower will be raised again, which will be even more unfavorable to Long Fei.

Shapeshifting Vajra murmured, "Boss, you must resist!"

"It must be!"

The night darkened.

No one left in the square.

All are waiting quietly.

The lights of the seven-story magic tower also illuminate the square like daytime.

All night.

The eighth floor remained motionless, and no one stepped on it.

early morning.

"It's been all night, and there's still no response. Is it really dead inside?"

"Through the seven layers, making history, this human being is very awesome."

"No one from the Demon Race has yet crossed the seventh floor."


"If he can break through the ten-story demon tower, I will really agree with the Devil Emperor to accept him as his disciple. If such a monstrous genius can become a demon clan, who can stop us?"

"That's right."

"Send him to attend the Tianzong banquet in Zhao country, and overthrow all the strong human races one by one. It's cool to think about it, he...hey!"

"Boy, you must resist."


Many people want to hope that Long Fei can stand up.

Many people want to see miracles.

In one night, many people's minds changed.

They want Long Fei to live!

One is that a day passes.

The magic tower was still calm, without any reaction.

Dead silent.

Many demon powerhouses got up and left because... in their opinion, Long Fei was already dead.

Even if you don't die, you can't fight anymore.

In the evening, many people left.

"Probably dead."

"Oh...that's a pity."

"It's definitely not dead, everyone, don't rush to leave, the magic tower has not disappeared, that kid must still be inside, don't leave everyone, he will definitely stand up again."

"It's useless."

"He has already made history, and now I am afraid he is waiting to die on the seventh floor."


People keep leaving.

Even if he didn't die, Long Fei was almost there.

Death is just a matter of time.

The old man in purple clothes was the most anxious and said, "I want to go in!"

The tool demon grabbed him and said: "Don't be crazy, if you go in and the level of the magic tower is raised, then he will be even more hopeless."

The old man in purple said, "But... what's the situation now?"

Devil Dao: "No one knows, the only thing we can do is to believe in him and believe that he can create miracles!"

believe him?

The old man in purple muttered to himself.


The magic tower made a slight roar.

Immediately after.

A red light flashed from the magic tower on the eighth floor.

The whole place shook.

"That kid...that kid...stepped into the eighth floor!!"

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