The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2524 The Devil Was Crushed Out Of Shit

Not waiting for Long Fei to reply.

In the dark space, a phantom slowly walked out of the darkness.

Step by step.

Go very slowly.


Long Fei's pupils tightened, and his heart felt like it was crushed to burst open. That kind of coercion... that kind of violent impact was something he had never felt in his life.

Extraordinarily strong.


This is not coercion at all, this is a person's aura.

The aura of the superior.

The breath emanating from the invisible is enough to crush the breath of the mind.

The Devil Emperor's expression was also stunned, his expression moved, his pupils kept flickering, and finally...


Kneeling directly on the ground, he said heavily: "Disciple Wu Hai pays respects to Lord Demon God!"

His heart couldn't take it either.


The Devil Emperor was more excited, and... at the moment when he knelt down, he was nothing, just like a disciple seeing his grandfather.

The Devil Emperor was extremely pious.

like a believer!

How noble is his identity?

Demon Emperor.

In Shrouding the Heavens, the strongest of the demons, the Realm of the Great Emperor of Zhenwu, but facing a phantom that slowly walked out, he was just as excited as a brainless fan who saw an idol.

Long Fei did not kneel.

His knees are not for anyone but his parents.

Heaven and earth are the same.

How about the devil?

It's just... Long Fei was startled secretly, "The devil? Could it be that there is a devil living in the magic tower, and all the power of the magic tower comes from the devil?"

Devil Emperor whispered: "Boy, kneel down quickly."

Long Fei was unmoved and said, "I never kneel down!"


The phantom stopped, and he couldn't see his appearance in the dark, but there was one thing that Long Fei could feel, because his words "I never kneel down" just now made him angry.

The breath moved slightly.


The power of thunder crushed heavily.


Long Fei's sea of ​​consciousness exploded frantically, his body was trembling, and powerful forces rolled down from his heavenly cover, like a hundred thousand mountains pressing on the top of his head, his body was bent, and his knees had to be supported. not live.

"Gluck cluck..."

"Gluck cluck..."

Long Fei gritted his teeth, and his eyes became hideous, "Daddy doesn't kneel on the ground, doesn't worship the sky, don't say you are a god, even if you are a daddy in the sky, you still don't kneel!"

There is no habit of kneeling.

It doesn't matter who you are!


At this moment, another memory fragment flashed in Long Fei's mind.

"The descendants of the Long family don't kneel to anyone."

"How is the sky?"

"What about the ground?"

In the picture, it is extremely sturdy.

talking room.



The crushing force on Long Fei's head was still increasing, and the 100,000 mountains became a million mountains, and the bones of Long Fei's whole body seemed to be cracked.

Can't stand it!

Really can't stand it anymore.


Sweat dripped from the tips of his hair, and his body kept shaking in the face of such a huge force, but... even if he was crushed to the ground, even if he died!

Long Fei will not kneel anyone!

The phantom moved slightly.

Devil Emperor pleaded again and again: "Master Demon God, he is just a child, young and vigorous, please don't get angry, I will kowtow on his behalf."


Just bang bang bang a few times.


The ghost didn't even look at him.

The strength on Long Fei's body is still increasing, Long Fei has been overwhelmed by the pressure, and... his body is bent, and sweat drips down frantically like rain.

"Want daddy to kneel?"

"Kneeling to the eighteenth generation of the ancestors!"

Long Fei growled gloomily.

The phantom moves.


A force visible to the naked eye slammed down heavily, directly hitting the top of Long Fei's head. On this plane, although he is only a phantom, but... he is a god!

God who rules over life and death.

Who would dare not kneel in the face of whom?

He didn't expect Long Fei to be so tough, but the more Long Fei was like this, the more he wanted Long Fei to kneel.

A force bombarded the top of Long Fei's head.

Long Fei's eyes bulged heavily.

at this moment.



Long Fei's left and right arms made a violent roar, and at this moment, the imprint of the underworld on the left arm appeared, and a force of underworld was released.


In an instant, the power released by the phantom was crushed, and the force on the top of Long Fei's head was crushed.

No power at all.

Also in an instant.

The mark on the right arm is faintly visible.

not fully revealed.


A dragon tossed in the mark, extremely angry.

Also at the same time.

A force in the dragon-shaped imprint on the right arm rose to the sky, and instantly crushed it on the phantom. The phantom body sank, and it was too late to make any response.


With a heavy cry, he knelt directly in front of Long Fei! ! !


Devil Emperor is stupid.

The full picture of the phantom was also revealed, a middle-aged man with a golden complexion, his body glowed with endless power, and he was extremely turbulent and sharp.


His body was crushed by a force.

He couldn't even move.

If he is not a ghost, it is estimated that he has been crushed into shit by now.

He knelt heavily in front of Long Fei.

Can't speak.

Long Fei's whole body relaxed, and he was also puzzled.

The ghost was speechless.

Long Fei shouted angrily, "Damn it, isn't it cool to make people kneel?"

The ghost still couldn't speak.


The strength that crushed him, crushed him to such an extent that he couldn't move, and he couldn't even speak.

Long Fei roared, "Crushing the daddy? The devil is amazing?"

Long Fei doesn't care that much.

Make him unhappy, and he will make your whole family unhappy.


Long Fei roared, "Kow to me!"

"Bang, bang, bang..." The phantom was completely out of control, and kowtowed to Long Fei frantically, unable to stop at all.

The Devil Emperor on the side looked like an idiot.

Is this the devil?

Is this the ancestor of the Demon Race?

This f*ck... it's too much of a loss, isn't it?

There's absolutely no guesswork at all.

The Devil Emperor even wondered if this guy was a devil?

The Devil Emperor also looked at Long Fei, he was becoming more and more incomprehensible now, the pain of being crushed by the devil just now was unbearable, and now the devil suddenly knelt down to him.

Although he didn't know what Long Fei did.

But he was sure that the Demon God's kneeling must have been crushed to the ground by a super-strong force on Long Fei's body, so strong that he couldn't even sense it.


This power... Long Fei himself didn't know what was going on.

Seeing the demon god's phantom kneeling down, Long Fei's face was stunned, and he said, "It turned out to be really cool!"


Seeing the demon god phantom kowtow like this, Long Fei had a bold idea!


Kill him, what will happen?

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