The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2560 Dark Dragon Flame

Everyone is upset when they go back

very depressed

When they knew that Yi Yourong was kneeling in the Hall of Supreme Harmony for a few hours, the Seventeen Devils felt even more aggrieved.

They are here to protect Long Fei o


The woman of their younger brother is going to marry someone else tomorrow. This is slapping the face of the demons.

I can't swallow this breath.

Seventeen people flew out instantly

Three minutes after they left the palace o

palace o

"They left the palace immediately and went to find Long Fei, as if they were going to do something."

Xianwu Great Hallo

Zao Wou-Ki's aura was slightly withdrawn, and he said lightly, "Don't worry about those people."

"They can't afford any waves. After a while... I will uproot the demons and see how arrogant they are."

Most of Zao Wou-Ki's injuries have healed.


"What happened to Zhou Yaozong?"

A guard immediately said: "The general has not given an answer yet. I guess our price is not enough."


"How dare a mere Zhou Yaozong do this? Does he think he can control everything with an army of millions? It's ridiculous, in the eyes of the Zhenwu Great Emperor, the army of millions is just a bunch of ants." Zhao Wuji was very disdainful.

The Zhou family has the most troops in Zhao State.


The army is strong in the eyes of mortals o

But in the True Martial Realm world, in the eyes of the True Martial Great Emperor... the army is nothing more than a few more ants, and it does not pose the slightest threat.

Just like the Wei family back then

What about the army of millions?

Destroyed by a powerful Celestial Clan

There is a hanger!

The guard said, "Your Majesty, Yi Yourong is still kneeling."

Zao Wou-Ki sneered: "Let her continue to kneel, what she did today made Haier humiliated, what if you let her go so easily?"

The guard nodded and said, "Yes o"

Zao Wou-Ki said again, "Where's Hai'er?"

The guard said: "I was called into the secret room of the imperial vein by Taizu. It should be preparing for tomorrow's Tianzong feast."


Zao Wou-Ki exhaled softly, "I was called in at this time. That father's Cultivation Base... should be the limit of breaking through the true martial arts Great Emperor, right?"


"This way, Hai'er will be stable!"

This time, the Tianzong banquet is no small matter.

The person chosen by the angel inspectors is the first place in the Tianzong Banquet. This place must be Zhao Haitian, and it must also be Zhao Haitian's o

Although there is only one night left

but o

At this juncture, he entered the secret room of the imperial vein, and Zao Wou-Ki had already guessed that tomorrow's Tianzong feast, Shanghai'er, would definitely be a sensation in the world.


Imperial vein secret room o

Zhao Haitian is naked

the same o

A white-haired old man is also naked...

in the secret room

The dark power blew out from the huge dragon, and it wrapped around the two like a black cloud.

Zhao Haitian absorbs black gas all over his body

A streak of great force moved under his skin o

On a huge dragon pole

The dragon seemed to be alive, moving on the dragon column, Lotus Position, with a sharp dragon mang flashing in his eyes, the whole aura was like a real dragon.


The black breath that comes out is a bit out of tune with the real dragon.

A man stood at the entrance of the secret room. The man had a faint smile on his face and said, "Dark Dragon Flame, this is the power of the Dragon family. You are Gao Xiang who has been burning for eight lifetimes to get this cultivation resource."


He gave a gloomy laugh, and then the voice disappeared.

Zhao Haitian frowned, roaring in his heart, roaring...

fall into madness

At the same time o

The shadow of Long Fei flashed in his mind, "Boy, come tomorrow if you have a seed, and see how I make you kneel in front of me and beg for mercy."



another place o

The towering city walls o

Long Fei stood on top of the city wall, looking at the endless dark cracks o

He can't find a way!

The secret realm in the secret realm scroll cannot enter o

The invitation volume for another world has not been activated, and even if it is activated, he has no time to go.

There is no monster killing anywhere in the entire imperial city.

If you don't kill monsters, you have no experience, and you can't level up without experience. This is the biggest weakness of the game system, and it is also the most troublesome thing for Long Fei now.



"What should I do?" Long Fei asked himself over and over again, he only had one night and more than 4 billion experience, Ken had no way...


Another serpent-like lightning flashed from the dark cracks o

unusually strong

And... the energy surging in the dark cracks is extremely violent.

It rained heavily, and Long Fei was soaked all over.

Can't think of a way

The system searched over and over again, but... there was no way to find o

Suddenly not in the True Martial Realm world, he is nothing!

Yi Yourong will still marry Zhao Haitian if he doesn't turn over the Zhao family.

He can't protect Yi Yourong even if he doesn't turn over the old witch

"If I can't even protect the woman I like, what's the point of messing around?" Long Fei roared, "Ah? What's the point of messing around?"



Lightning flashes one by one

torrential rain

Above Long Fei's head, a pair of huge wings are shielding him from the heavy rain.

There were tears in Kailin's eyes. She didn't know how to comfort Long Fei, so she could only accompany him like this.


Another more ferocious lightning flashed out of the dark crack, Long Fei was also extremely annoyed, the lightning bolts seemed to be mocking him, annoyance surged up, "It's cool to see Daddy down, isn't it?"

suddenly o


The power is fully open, and the Juque Broken Sword is summoned with one hand.

Heaven fire!


crazy burning o

Flame Sword Qi is more dazzling in front of the dark crack o

Rush to the sky!

Crazy rush!

I don't know how long it took, Long Fei's figure turned into a tiny flame, and then he slashed down the dark crack.

True Qi value surges o

Rage down!

The flame Sword Qi is like a spirit whip, 10,000 meters long, slashing through it fiercely.

blast o in the dark crack

Long Fei slashed down again with a furious sword.



The whole person seems to be crazy, venting madly o

"Watch the daddy joke?"

"Are you cool?"

"What about lightning?"

"You've been hacked, are you still qualified to laugh at me?" Long Fei roared.

Let out the anger in your heart




The void is also constantly bursting o

It's just... Compared with the dark crack, Long Fei seems too small.

Long Fei slashed down again with one sword

Skyfire Sword Qi climbed 10,000 meters and fell heavily

suddenly o

A flash of lightning flashed from the dark crack, just touching the Skyfire Sword Qi, and the huge power surged out even more unscrupulously.

Feel the powerful collision o

and o

Make Long Fei think that the lightning in the dark crack is the power released by people or Demonic Beasts o

"Depend on!"

"Could it be that there is another world outside this dark crack?"

Also at this moment

The system suddenly beeps a beep for no reason



The fifth chapter is delivered, thank you brothers and sisters for your support!

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