The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2578 Tiangu Pluto, His Life Is Not Long

Yi Liuxian wants to break out of the shackles of the underworld

The only way to jump out is to become the leader of the Ming clan, to become the boss, only in this way can he change some of the rules of the Ming clan.

to save his daughter



The power of Zhenwu Great Emperor Realm is far stronger than he imagined o

Xuanming Taizun's strength is also more terrifying than he imagined.

challenge failed o

But he is not reconciled

As Yi Yourong's father, he couldn't just watch his daughter ruin her life.

and o

The current Ming clan is not even surviving, just like the edge of Death, can it still rise like this?

In Zhenwu Continent, the most marginal plane of the Hongmeng world?

How to rise?

Rise with what?

Just relying on Yi Yourong's body of a phoenix?

Can you rise just by absorbing the Zhao family's royal energy?

With this kind of power, it is impossible, the rise of the Ming family is just a fantasy.

Yi Liuxian knew this very well. In the past, he didn't dare to face the reality because Xuanming Taizun was living in a dream, but now it seems... is this really the case?

Is it really not because she can break through the shackles of the Great Emperor of Zhenwu and ascend to a higher Realm?

Really not selfish?

Xuanming Taizun has lived for more than five hundred years, and the limit of lifespan of the Zhenwu Great Emperor is six hundred years. She is about to face the exhaustion of her lifespan. She has never been one who is willing to wait for death.

so o

Yi Liuxian's words stabbed directly into her sore spot

With a deep voice, "Presumptuous!"


The sky sank, and the boundless power of a True Martial Great Emperor rolled down.


Yi Liuxian spat out a mouthful of blood.

The sword wound on the chest was torn even more severely, and the blood gushed wildly.

Yi Liuxian fought majestically and almost fell to the ground, showing his bloody teeth with a smile: "Am I wrong? Your life is about to expire, so you will bet on You Rong, you want to absorb the Zhao family's royal anger. Come to find a breakthrough, you want to live, isn't that your real reason?"

"court death!!!"


Xuan Ming respects too much and sings o

Thunder rolls like o

Endless power surged towards Yi Liuxian.

Yi Liuxian didn't dodge, but... knelt directly on the ground, tears streaming down her face, and said, "Mother, Yi Yourong is your granddaughter, can you not be so cruel?"

a sudden o


Xuanming Taizun's eyes tightened, his fists clenched tightly, and the breath of the endless Great Emperor Realm disappeared at this time.

No one knows this secret

Even Yi Yourong himself doesn't know o

Xuan Ming exhaled with great respect and said, "Those who achieve great things are not careful!"

"However, you can't use your granddaughter's life as a bargaining chip. You clearly know that the Zhao family already knows about Yourong's sneak attack on Zhao Haitian. Once Yourong is married, do you think she will be happy? Can she be happy? I know him It is the body of the phoenix, the fate of Tiangu Pluto, but she is your granddaughter after all o" Yi Liuxian's tears remained o

A father's tears o

However o

Taizun Xuanming's eyes were cold, and there was no sympathy in his eyes, and he said with pity, "The moment the Mingfeng in her body awakens, this is her life."

"Even if she doesn't marry now, she won't live long o"

"Wuji Fenjian is indeed very poisonous, but there is no poison in this world that I can't solve. Her life is not long, you know the fate of Tiangu Pluto better than anyone else o"

"Instead of letting her die like this, it's better to maximize her value. As long as I get the Dragon Vein Sovereign Qi, I can find the miracle of breakthrough and ascension. When I enter the central plane of Hongmeng, I will definitely try my best to find the solution to Tianguming. Xing's method, I'm not saving her like this!" Xuan Ming Taizun said earnestly.

However o

These words can also deceive a three-year-old child o

Once she enters the central world of Hongmeng, she will not remember these things at all.

Zhenwu Continent will be abandoned in an instant

Just like the father who abandoned Yi Liuxian back then

Xuanming Taizun said: "The power of the underworld has appeared. I believe that there is still a chance for the rise of the underworld. As long as the person who has the inheritance of the underworld is found, he will definitely be able to save Yourong."

Yi Liuxian was heartbroken. Looking at the old woman in front of him, he knew that in her heart there was no son, no granddaughter, but only her Shouyuan.

The higher the Realm, the more afraid of death.

because o

They know what Death is!

Yi Liuxian said in a daze: "I really can't let her go?"

Xuanming Taizun looked into the distance with his hands behind his back, his eyes were cold, and he did not speak.

Yi Liuxian also slowly got up from the ground and said slightly: "You are her grandmother, I am her father, you push her into the fire pit, I will do my best to save her!"

"I will use my own life to save!"

"Because, she is my daughter o"

finish o

Yi Liuxian walked away step by step.

Taizun Xuan Ming narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes were gloomy and cold, and said coldly: "No one can stop me, and no one can destroy this wedding!"



anyone has a desire

When a person is controlled by one's own desires, any family, blood, and master-apprentice relationship will all be thrown out of the sky.

No one is more important than one's own life

Xuanming Taizun's life essence is a little bit left, if it doesn't kill her, if she doesn't absorb the breakthrough of Dragon Vein Sovereign Qi, she will die of old age here.

Absolutely not!

soon o

An old man bowed his body and walked up, said slightly: "Yi Liuxian and Gui Qingshan have converged, and they should be discussing the destruction of the Tianzong Banquet."


Taizun Xuanming coldly hummed, "Just the two of them?"

The old man said: "In addition, Gui Qingshan's daughter and the two disciples have returned, and the aura on her body is a little strange, it seems that the time has become stronger overnight."

Taizun Xuanming even said disdainfully: "No matter how strong you become, you are still a waste in the Gold Core realm. Is it possible that you can become a powerhouse in the True Martial Realm realm?"

In her eyes, Xuanyue Sect is just a bunch of garbage.

Xuan Yuezong has never entered her eyes.

After a moment of contemplation o

Xuanming Taizun said: "I have put the real identity of Gui Qingshan into the Zhao family. I believe that the Zhao family will be happy to quickly clean up this former dynasty remnantso."

The old man nodded and said, "Yes o"

Taizun Xuan Ming asked again: "By the way, how is the adult of the power of Ming looking for? Do you have any features?"

The old man shook his head and said, "No, but there are envoys who sense the aura of the power of the underworld in the gods, but they dare not confirm it."



Taizun Xuan Ming's eyes flashed brightly, and excitedly said: "Did you come to greet me? Hahaha... As long as I get the ancient inheritance power of the Ming clan, I will become the first person of the Ming clan!"


crazy laugh

At the same time o

she is also looking forward to

Looking forward to the coming of the man with the power of the underworld

because o

She felt that the adult was here to welcome her into the Hongmeng Realm!

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