The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2582 Mind Battle

No other words, just do it directly

Luo Yong's chest still hurts

If he takes another kick at this time, he estimates that he will not be able to bear it. He needs a little time to recover, his eyes moved, and he said, "I don't know your name yet."

he needs to procrastinate

For so many years, I have been constantly challenging, challenging thousands of geniuses, and I have not failed.

At the same time o

His combat experience is also cultivated in this way.

When he is seriously injured, he will find a way to delay it, because of his bloodline, his bloodline can allow him to recover quickly, so that even if he loses, he will consume the opponent to death.

It seems that Luo Yong is a super big man, but his mind is extremely meticulous.

Long Fei said: "No need for o"


"It's useless for you to recover, because the next move you will fly out of the ring." Long Fei said lightly, he knew exactly what Luo Yong was going to do.

It doesn't matter how much time you give him

Realm is Realmo

No matter how powerful Mahayana Realm is, it can't be the opponent of Zhenwu Ninth Grade.

Luo Yong's face sank after being seen through.

"Luo Yong, kill him!"

"Don't give me Face, kill him hard o"

"Look down on our Di Zongyan, let him know what strength is."

"His grandma's, daddy's life was almost kicked out. It hurts to death. I'll get him down, I'm going to kick him a hundred times and come back, oh..."

Seeing Luo Yong play, many people got excited, resisted the pain and got up from the ground, putting all their hopes on Luo Yong.

After all, Luo Yong has a god-level bloodline.

and o

He is also recognized as the strongest player in this Di Zong Banquet.

Luo Yong looked at Long Fei and said lightly, "You are causing public outrage."

Long Fei said with a bit of annoyance, "I'll give you ten minutes to recover, is ten minutes okay?"

Luo Yong looked a little embarrassed. He felt that everything was being watched by Long Fei. Now that he was known, there was no need to continue like this.


Luo Yong's fists sank, and he said with a heavy voice, "No need, I have already recovered!"

Long Fei was startled, felt a little sense, and said, "God-level blood is awesome. I didn't expect you to recover in such a short period of time."



"For me, it's still not high enough!" Long Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, "Zhenwu first rank power!"

power surge o

Luo Yong rushed up

No defense at all this time o

Sprinting with full force, golden light flashing on both fists, one deep footprint one step at a time, this pace is as steady as a mountain, and the strength is as deep as the sea, this kind of strength is very powerful.

and o

He is also a simple violent person o


In front of Long Fei, his level difference is too far o

Lift the right foot


The wind was like a knife, and with a turn of his right foot, he directly blocked Luo Yong, who was rushing in front of him.



The power was violent, Luo Yong's eyeballs shrank suddenly, the strength of the whole body was instantly crushed, and instantly became invisible, and... if this kick came up, his head might fly out.

Howling wind o

Luo Yong's robes crackling loudly

long hair flying

The breath on the body is also taken away

Seeing this, Long Fei closed his right foot.

Luo Yong took two steps back, then bowed and said, "I lost, thank you for not killing me."

Lost convincing oral o

Everyone around is dumbfounded

"how so?"

"You haven't fought yet, so why did you lose?"

"Luo Yong, what are you doing?"

"Shadow, shady, absolutely shady, is that kid the illegitimate son of the boss behind the banquet?"

"It's impossible to win without even moving your hand!"

Everyone screamed, but Long Fei ignored it. Only the weak would find reasons. He looked at the host and said, "I won, here's the invitation post!"

At the same time o

He was also looking at the system, and he wondered to himself, "The challenge is over, why isn't there a sound for the mission completion?"

"What's the situation?"

"System, are you disconnected?"

At this time o

The elder came out with a faint smile and said, "Young Xia, you won the challenge, but you can't get the invitation card yet."

Long Fei's eyes sank and he said, "Are you kidding me?"

Eyes on the killing machine

The elder immediately said: "Don't dare, you have to fight another game. If you win this game again, then the invitation will be yours."

Long Fei said: "Who are you fighting? Is there anyone here who dares to fight? Is it possible to fight with you?"

The elder said, "I'm not your opponent. As for who to fight, look behind you."

Long Fei's eyes tightened.

Invisibly, there is a breath falling silently behind it, like a ghost.

Long Fei turned around slowly

Standing in front of him was a man in his twenties, holding a knife in both hands, with long hair covering his face, he couldn't see what he looked like.

No one in the room knew him except the elder.

He is also the killer of Zongyan

One of the super geniuses at the top of Lingtian Pavilion, Luo Xiu

For so many years, Gui Qingshan has devoted all the cultivation resources to cultivate the enchanting genius.

He is thinking of taking revenge at the Tianzong Banquet this year.


I didn't expect that someone would actually turn over his entire Di Zong Banquet.

I had to resort to this killer

The elder said: "As long as you can beat him, the invitation post for the Tianzong Banquet is yours."

Long Fei looked at Luo Xiu and said slightly, "True Martial Realm!"

Luo Xiu's eyes lifted, and a thought rushed out invisibly, turning into a mad knife and slashing down at Long Fei.

The knife is the tyrant

This knife is domineering

Incomparably arrogant, with the feeling of a domineering Lingtian o

The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched slightly, and his thoughts moved. One sword turned the sky into the sky. No matter how powerful your tyrannical sword was, it couldn't break the sky. When the sky moved, Sword Qi rolled down like rain.

Luo Xiu's eyes tightened.

The real martial energy in the body exploded again.


There was an explosion in the void, and Ba Dao turned into a ferocious mad dragon, turning clouds and rain on the sky, disturbing the whole sky.

Then swallow it to Long Fei with the huge dragon mouth that devours everything

turbulent o

Long Fei was not afraid, the power of his mind suddenly burned, and the tyrannical sword mad dragon burned up the moment it touched Long Fei's mind, and kept roaring and screaming.

Long Fei didn't stop there.

As soon as the mind took control, the mad dragon that burned to death suddenly threw up, turning into a fire dragon and rushing towards Luo Xiu.

majestic o

If his tyrannical dragon just now was a western lizard dragon, then this fire dragon is now a Chinese dragon, swallowing the sky and destroying the earth.


crushed hard

Luo Xiu's steps sank, he couldn't bear it, his body staggered, he took a step back, blood spilled from the corners of his mouth, his eyes were unwilling, but he had to admit, "I lost!"

war of ideas

The ratio is also the power o

The idea is not low, and the strength is definitely not equal to o

When Long Fei looked at the elder...

suddenly o

A door of the ground Sect was smashed open, and the golden armored guards rushed in, "Capture them all, whoever dares to resist will be killed!"

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