The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2665 Can We Stop It?


It was far more serious than what Karin said.

The collapse of the capital city, the earth's core shook.

The entire plane has become unstable, but it has not been a day since a super explosion of Xuanyue Sect made the entire plane even more turbulent.


The cracks in the ground are expanding wildly, and they have been linked to the cracks issued by Shendu City.

Now Zhenwu Continent is like a ball about to crack.

Half of the plane has been cracked open. If you do it again, the entire plane will be divided into two halves. Humans, Demonic Beasts, and all living beings on the entire plane will be turned into powder.

On the Zhenwu Continent, it exploded on the living plane that even powerful people could not resist.


The Celestial Clan powerhouses will be fine because they are from the Hongmeng Realm.


They are strong.

A plane of this level can't help them at all.


"Fuck me!"

"Daddy always thought that I was murderous, but compared to them, I was a pure sheep." Long Fei couldn't help clenching his fists.

Human life is like grass.

Even in the eyes of the Celestial Clan powerhouses, human life is worse than grass.

Long Fei's heart was filled with anger.

No matter how.

Even if you are heaven and you are god, you cannot trample the fate of others like this.

Yi Liuxian said: "In their eyes, there are many planes, many people do not need to exist, Xuanyue Sect... thousands of disciples, there are dozens of small towns around Xuanyue Sect, there are at least millions of humans, and Countless creatures, but... just disappeared."

Gui Qingshan said angrily: "I told them a long time ago, but they didn't listen. It's better now, they're all dead!"


Everyone's faces were heavy.

Tianzu is too cruel.

Really don't take people from lower planes seriously.

Long Fei gritted his teeth and said, "Hui Mozu, I will definitely settle the account with them on this matter."

Long Fei can't wait to immediately kill the powerhouse of the Celestial Clan.

But he can't.

He has brothers by his side, and his women, and he can't let them follow his adventures.

The entrance to Devil World must be opened first.

Those around him must be kept safe.

If he can't even protect the people around him, what can he use to protect the entire plane?

He is not God.

He's not that kind either.

However, Long Fei knew that every life had a reason for him to live, and every life was not dominated by heaven or God!

Since the golden-armored old man likes to dominate people's fate so much, let them also taste the taste of being dominated by others.

Then there is.

Long Fei's current strength!


He received the infusion of Azure Dragon Blood Essence, and his physical body and strength became stronger, but the power of Long Fei in Azure Dragon Blood Essence could not be fully exerted.

Still unable to compete with the Celestial Clan powerhouse.

His power is too unstable.

There are many powers that Long Fei can't really control.

Moreover, Netherfire has no effect on the powerhouses of the Celestial Clan. It needs to be upgraded. The power in his right arm is the same. What kind of power is it?

How can we control it?

He didn't want to get into that kind of stupor, and he didn't want to be controlled by that kind of power.

If he wants to overturn the powerhouse of the Celestial Clan, he must raise his strength again.

He needs time!

Long Fei said solemnly: "Into the wild!"

With a thought, he rose into the sky.




One after another voice followed behind Long Fei and quickly flew towards the sky over the wilderness.

after one day.

More than 20 people from Long Fei came to the Demon Race territory.

To their surprise, it was packed with people.

In addition to the people from the Demon Race, there are more Human Races from other cities.

Infirm and old.

Practitioner, strong.

Countless people sat on the ground with despair in their expressions.

Half of the planes are cracking, and now only the wild and demons are a little safer.

There are people everywhere in the Demon Race territory, and the crowd in the distance is like a tidal wave, and they are still entering the Demon Race Domain.

The Devil Emperor's death has also been communicated back to the Demon Race.

They also know the new Devil Emperor.

is a human.

A human being they are in awe of.

So when the human race flooded into the demon race territory, they did not crowd out, but arranged the venue as much as possible to take care of everyone who needed to be taken care of.

Mozu's actions also moved everyone.


There are no races on the Zhenwu Continent.

Work together.

Together against the Celestial Clan!


They are also waiting!

There was hope in those desperate eyes, the last glimmer of hope.

Long Fei! ! !

On the Demon Mountain, Long Fei fell.

The leaders of the demon races immediately stepped forward, knelt down in unison, and said loudly, "Meet the Lord Devil Emperor!"

Long Fei's eyes narrowed.

Seventeen devils took out the Devil Emperor decree, and they all knelt in front of Long Fei.

The demons all knelt down.

"Meet the Devil Emperor."

Long Fei's mind was tense, but he didn't hesitate at this time. He knew that the people of the Demon Race were waiting for him, and the whole plane of Zhenwu Continent was waiting for him.

The breath on Long Fei's body moved, and all the people in the square were lifted up, "I Long Fei come, I will definitely protect you!"


Long Fei quickly walked into the Demon God Great Hall.

"Tell me about the current situation!"

An old man immediately said: "The south has already cracked, the entire plane is cracking, and the Zhenwu Continent can't support it for ten days!"

"You killed the angel patrol, and everyone regards you as the last hope on the Zhenwu Continent."

"at the same time."

"We have also formed an army composed of various races. These people have a high Cultivation Base, and some people with special skills are waiting for your order."

Everyone looked at Long Fei.

Long Fei didn't show any expression, but his heart was secretly tight, "Ten days... I'm afraid... Heavenly Clan powerhouses won't give us ten days at all!"

Once they break through the secret realm, they'll come right here.

By the time……

Once the Demon Race territory explodes again, I am afraid this plane will be destroyed in advance.

A whole plane, billions, tens of billions of lives.


Long Fei exhaled lightly and said, "Now you try your best to let all kinds of people enter the Demon Race's territory."

"No one will be rejected."

"Any life is life."

The old man nodded and said, "Yes."

Long Fei looked at him again and said, "Besides, I want to know everything about the Demon Mountain, and every legend cannot be missed."

To get through the entrance, Moshen Mountain is the only place.

This is the feeling of Long Fei.

It was also how he felt when he broke through the ten-story magic tower.

The old man immediately said: "I immediately ordered to go down and immediately collect all the information about the Demon Mountain."

Long Fei waved his hand and said, "Go!"

The crowd dispersed.

Yi Yourong walked to Long Fei's side, slowly crouched down on Long Fei's knee, and said softly, "Can we stop it?"

"I don't know!" Long shook his head and looked at the exclamation mark floating above Yi Yourong's head.

What's the difference?

Does it really have to 'deep' into her body to activate? !


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