The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2675 A Big Fatty Fell From The Sky

Dragon scales exploded.

Long Fei's right arm is like a dragon's arm.

The blood mist shrouded his fist.



There was a sudden and direct explosion, and the bombardment went down with a heavy punch!

this moment.

The purple-robed old man suddenly remembered something, his pupils turned fierce, and his eyes became even more excited.

at the same time.

Yellow sand is collected.

Long Fei punched down!

Strangely, the purple-robed old man did not hide, but resisted the punch abruptly.


The power shock wave burst out, covering the entire Zhenwu Continent, and the entire plane trembled.

In violent shaking.

At this moment, the purple-robed old man was bombarded vertically.

smashed to the ground.

The ground sank.

The radius of ten thousand miles sank instantly.

A shock wave of power also rolled up on the surface.

The power is soaring to the sky!

It continued to spread out, and finally connected with the shock wave of power in the sky, and the whole scene was as if the sky and the earth were blended together.

Yi Yourong looked at Long Fei in shock. After just a few days' absence, Long Fei became stronger again.




One after another power spread out, the void burst, and roared.

in the deep pit.

Not the slightest breath.

Because the blow just now was too fast, Long Fei didn't immediately see the damage numbers floating above the purple-robed old man's head, nor did he see the HP value above his head.

But there is one thing Long Fei can confirm.

The purple-robed old man is not dead!


The system does not beep.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him.

Since he hit a punch, he must not be given a chance to get up again.

Long Fei's body fell.

He rushed directly into the deep pit, the breath on his body moved, and the rolling yellow sand was crushed down, and the purple-robed old man lay there in the deep pit.

Clothes torn.

A skeleton-like body was revealed.

Like a mummified corpse.

Bleeding forehead.

It looks very hideous.

Seeing Long Fei rushing down from mid-air, the purple-robed old man's mouth twitched slightly, and he laughed gloomily, "Hahaha..."

"Hahaha... Can't think of it, really can't think of it..."

"I never dreamed that in addition to the inheritance power of the Ming family, you actually have another more advanced inheritance power."

"Scarlet dragon scales."

"It's a power higher than the power of the underworld."

"Then there is only one possibility."

"You are Long Fei!"

After finishing speaking, the eyes of the purple-robed old man flashed a gleam of light, staring at Long Fei who was getting closer and closer, and slowly said: "You are the Long Fei who fought at the God Slaying Platform a hundred years ago!!!"

"Am I right?"


Long Fei didn't know what the God Slaying Platform was.

I don't know what the power under my right arm is.

Listening to what the old man said, Long Fei said, "So what if you know?"

The purple-robed old man smiled lightly and said, "I didn't expect you to be dead, and Emperor Xuan didn't kill you with his own shot. I have to say that your life is really hard!"


"Your life can only stop here!"

Long Fei said solemnly, "I don't know whose fate ends here!"

The power in the right arm exploded even more.

The blood-colored dragon scales, coupled with the dragon roar flashing under the skin of the upper and lower body, at this moment Long Fei released the strongest power.

He heavily bombarded the purple-robed old man in the deep pit.





The space is constantly fragmented.

Layer by layer, Long Fei's right fist burned with red flames, and Long Yin roared and roared in the void.

The purple-robed old man smiled coldly, "Fur!"


"To be precise, you haven't even released the fur power inherited from ancient times. If you can master one percent of its power, I'm afraid I will not be your opponent."


"such a pity!"

"Unfortunately, you don't even know how strong the power you have, and you don't know how to release them, so... you are not qualified to get them at all."

"I'll let you know what ancient inheritance power is."


The purple-robed old man slammed his hands into the void, and at this moment... what his hands reached was darkness, like a necrosis.

The plague spread like crazy.

For a while, there were purple-black void fragments on his left and right sides.


The purple-robed old man straightened his body and threw his hands.

Two purple-black void fragments shot directly at Long Fei.


One punch smashed.


Another punch.

Can't stop it?

Or intentional?

The purple-robed old man gave a grim smile and said, "I said, you don't understand what ancient inheritance power is."

Eyebrows furrowed.

The breath on him exploded.

Immediately after that, the purple void fragments that were smashed by Long Fei exploded in the sky, in an instant!


The sky is decaying.

A large piece of rotten sky roared like a rock and the dragon flew.




Bombarded piece by piece, fell piece by piece.

Long Fei jumped wildly, dodging, but those sky squares were too blocky, and the whole sky was collapsing, so he couldn't dodge even though his speed was fast.

Blink directly.

Those sky squares directly surrounded the dragon flying.

Just like a Rubik's cube, Long Fei was trapped at the center point.

The purple-robed old man smiled softly: "How is my ancient inheritance power?"

"Tell you!"

"The ancient inheritance is the power of this world. The Hongmeng world, including the Hongmeng world, was born from the ancient world. Every ancient inheritance power is a part of this world, and after you fully master it, you can control the world. strength."

"My ancient heritage."


"I can even make the sky rot, how about that?"


"However, starting from today, I will have two more ancient inheritance powers." The purple-robed old man slowly floated up, looked at Long Fei in the center of the block, and smiled grimly: "Your power will be mine soon. ,Hahaha……"

"As long as I get your power, then I can become the overlord of a party and become the first person under Emperor Xuan."


During the frantic laughter, the ten fingers of the purple-robed old man flickered with rotten rays of light.

Yi Yourong said in a hurry, "Long Fei!"

Long Fei immediately said, "Don't come here!"

"Don't come here."

Yi Yourong couldn't save him.


The power of the purple-robed old man is too strong, he is not an opponent at all.

The power of ancient heritage...

Long Fei still doesn't know how to cultivate! ! !

No matter how strong the ancient inheritance power he has now, if he doesn't know how to use it, he doesn't have it.



"Your power is mine!" The purple-robed old man slammed his hands into the Rubik's Cube.

Also at this time.

The sky cracked, and a huge Fatty fell.

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