The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2846 The Great God Is Going To Betray

Carrying a few small drums on his back, half naked, holding a golden long stick in his hand, with the movement of Long Fei's summoning thoughts, Enilu seemed to rush out of the void.

Character: Ernie Lu

Attribute: Thunderbolt

Loyalty: half star

Damage: Nine and a half stars

Speed: Nine and a half stars

Super power: billions of volts of electricity

Achilles heel: Insulators

Description: Loyalty is too low and there is a danger of uncertainty.

Almost perfect.

The damage to Jiuxing and a half, the speed is the same, in this another world there is no insulator at all, even if there is, it is not absolute, so in Anilu's eyes, everything here can be blasted into slag.

The same is true in Long Fei's eyes.

In One Piece, if it wasn't for Luffy who encountered the rubber fruit, it can be said that Enel would not be so tragic.

He is going to be a man of God!

As Long Fei summoned, he descended.

His eyes swept away contemptuously, the golden long stick in his hand moved slightly, and at this moment, his body suddenly disappeared.


"Bang, bang!"

Two muffled sounds, almost simultaneously.

Even Wu Chao's Qilin's power was blocked, Han Wuya's power was also blocked, and Long Fei was protected under his body, Long Fei's eyelids didn't even blink.

Looking at the astonished eyes of the two of them, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he laughed excitedly, saying, "Kill!"

My heart was overwhelmed.

Because, Anilu was a bit beyond his expectations.

"The speed of the nine-and-a-half star is really unbelievable, it's awesome." Long Fei was extremely excited.

Lian Wuchao's eyes scowled, looking at Anilu's strange appearance and strange clothes, the whole person was a little confused, "Who is this guy? How did he come out?"

Not only him.

The same goes for Han Wuya. Although he was controlled by the power of the Amethyst Heavenly Clan, his eyes were also startled and completely stunned.

"Another new one?"

"I took it off, it's a new trick again, Brother Fei, how many strange things do you have? This is too awesome." Tan Dapao looked envious and excited.

Su Su didn't care so much, she just took a long breath, "Fortunately it's not a woman, otherwise my ranking will be lower again."

The ice Ashe in the distance made her feel stressed.

Every aspect crushes her, and if there are more such women, she feels that she has no place to stand.

The people in Night Valley were also shocked, "What is that?"

"What a strange person."

"His strength is really strong, and he can resist two powerful forces in an instant, which is too powerful."

"Looks like we've underestimated the Night King too much."

"He is stronger than any of us imagined. He can kill Elder Huang. He relies not only on the inheritance of the power of the night king, but also on his own power."

The Yegu people's views on Long Fei have changed.

This time, if it was anyone from the Yegu Clan, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to stop the Lian Family army, but Long Fei did it.

He also killed Lian Kaijiang to avenge the dead Yegu people, which made them grateful, and now they summoned an inexplicably powerful person to make them admire Long Fei even more.

The corners of Anilu's mouth rose, revealing a wicked smile that looked down upon the world, "Crackling..."

Lightning overflowed.

Suddenly, Anilu said slightly, "Million volts of lightning!"

"Crack, click..."

The moment he touched him, a huge electric field formed around him, followed by a series of crazy explosions of thunder and lightning.

"Crack, boom, click!"

Lian Wuchao felt a pain all over his body, "Roar!"

Imaginary Qilin's speed changed, and the whole person quickly turned to the back.

Han Wuya's reaction was even quicker.

At the moment when the lightning burst, his body moved slightly and jumped out a hundred meters away, and his two amethyst pupils were slightly fierce, staring at Anilu.


Anilu snorted coldly.

Change in speed!



The next moment, he fell behind Lian Wuchao, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he smiled softly: "Can you escape?"

The golden long stick moved slightly.

Lightly touching Lian Wuchao's body, Lian Wuchao's eyes suddenly shrank, his whole body trembled rapidly, and he made a series of painful sounds, "Ah..."



The bones will burst.

Anilu said coldly: "Escape? Run away again?"

Han Wuya's expression froze, maintaining a high Realm state, daring not to take it lightly.

No one in this world has ever seen a person like Enilu, who has the fruit of lightning, speed, and damage that is beyond the table. More importantly, he can't figure out his routine.

Long Fei was also excited and direct, "God is god, hahaha..."

"Although Luffy was blown away, you are in my heart..."

Don't wait for Long Fei to finish.

Anilu raised her eyes coldly, and said with a slight voice, "What did you just say?"


Long Fei was stunned, and said, "I didn't say anything."

Aini said: "No, you just said a person, Luffy, Monkey D Luffy? You said this name."

There is something wrong with his eyes.


At this moment, Ai Nilu did not continue to release, but looked at Long Fei coldly.

"Depend on!"

Long Fei screamed inwardly, "I forgot, he was tortured by Luffy, he should hate Luffy very much, and... I forgot."

Long Fei forgot one very important thing.

Anilu is not a card summon.

He is a real person from the world of One Piece.

He is self-aware, not just a puppet.


The seeds of the One Piece world have been planted.

At this time, Anilu's expression suddenly went wrong, and Long Fei felt an ominous premonition, and secretly said: "Damn, which pot can't be opened and lifted."

"That what!"

"God, I didn't say him, you must have heard it wrong." Long Fei quibble, watching Ainilu slowly walk up, Long Fei regretted it.

Originally, even Wu Chao was going to die, but now... he came back from the gate of hell.

Anilu stared at Long Fei indifferently and said, "Tell him, I will definitely get everything back."


The figure disappeared without a trace!

Instantly returned to Long Fei's system space.


"System prompt: Anilu returns to the system space."


"System prompt: Anilu is on the verge of mutiny and cannot be summoned again!"

Half star loyalty is too low.

There are too many unstable factors, just because Long Fei said the word 'Luffy', and then... he went on strike, which is too fucked up.

"God, great god..."

"God Anilu?"

"Damn it, don't do this!"

Long Fei called out several times, but Anilu didn't respond.

He knew that he could no longer be summoned in a short period of time. If he was forcibly summoned, 100% of Anilu would betray, and he would really lose this fierce general in the future.


Long Fei looked at the Flying Sword wrapped in amethyst on the ground, and when his mind moved, he immediately wanted to retract his body...

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