The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2917 Fuck Your Ancestors


The emperor fell from the air.

The bun is scattered.

His clothes were tattered, and his whole body was extremely embarrassed, like a beggar on the street.

"Hit me?"

"Do you know who I am?"

"Dare you fucking hit the daddy?"

"I am a disciple of the Celestial Clan. The blood of the Celestial Clan flows in my body. If you touch me, the Celestial Clan will wipe out the eighteenth generation of your ancestors."

"you will die!"

"Everyone here will die."

The emperor's eyes were bloodshot, and the whole person was extremely ferocious. He stared at Long Fei who was slammed down from the sky. He was not afraid at all, and said, "Kill me, if you have the ability, kill me."

"I am dead, and everyone here has to be buried with me!"

The emperor didn't move at all.


He knew in his heart that no one in the Hongmeng Realm dared to openly kill the disciples of the Celestial Clan, and anyone dared, even the powerhouses of the super overlords, the forces would not dare to openly kill the disciples of the Celestial Clan.

Once killed, this is a war against the Celestial Clan.

The consequence is...

Completely disappeared in the Hongmeng Realm, and anyone who has anything to do with him will be wiped out.

The energy of the Tianzu is too powerful!

Long Fei didn't care so much, "Don't dare to kill you? Don't say it's you, just in front of Daddy, the dog king of your Heavenly Clan, Daddy will kill you too!"

Move the right hand.

"God whip!"


The whip of the gods who had just drawn the lottery fell into his hands, Long Fei clenched his hands tightly, and slammed it down heavily, "In Daddy's world, there is no one who can't be killed!"




Crazy explosion under the whip.

It's like the sound of the void being crushed.

The emperor's eyes sank, and his body trembled involuntarily, "If I die, you all have to die."

"Long Fei!"

"Don't kill him."

"You can't kill him!"

"Boy, stop me!"

"He can't die."


In an instant, many elders and powerhouses of the Eastern Imperial City jumped out and surrounded the emperor, directly protecting the emperor.

Even in the face of the powerful force of Long Fei's whip, they did not retreat.


They knew very well in their hearts that when the Son of Heaven dies, the East Imperial City will be razed to the ground by the Heavenly Clan, and none of them can escape, they all have to die!

Although the methods of the Celestial Clan have not been used in the Eastern Imperial City, there are too many in history.

The same is true for the overlord-level forces that are ten thousand times stronger than the Eastern Imperial City. They were uprooted because they offended the Celestial Clan and disappeared.

Not only that.

Nor will the inheritance be allowed to continue.

The once powerful Immortal Sword Sect.

Being uprooted, the entire immortal sword inheritance never appeared again, and no one dared to cultivate.

The dragon clan that once dominated the ancient world.

He knelt down in front of Emperor Xuan and became the 'watchdog' of the Celestial Clan to guard all directions.

The first clan in the ancient world, the Ming clan, the super overlord of the last realm in the Hongmeng world, who else in the entire Hongmeng world dares to cultivate the underworld?

Such a clan is too strong.

No one dared to contend with it.

Those were just offending the Celestial Clan. If the disciples of the Celestial Clan died, the consequences would be even more unimaginable!

God cannot die.

Absolutely not!

Dean Donghuang also said with difficulty, "Long Fei, you can't kill him."

Jian Lao also sent a voice transmission to Long Fei in the dark, saying, "Boy, you need to think about the consequences. If you kill him in front of so many people, you are declaring war on the Celestial Clan, and the consequences will be hundreds of millions of civilians in Donghuang City. People will be wiped out because of you."

"And you yourself will become the target of the strong men of all races."


"Don't let yourself fall into the abyss because of a little Heavenly Clan disciple, it's not worth it at all!"

So everyone is persuading Long Fei not to do anything.

More and more people are protecting the emperor, even those who have been poisoned by the emperor.

To protect the Son of Heaven is to protect oneself.

"Boy, stop it!"

"You want to die, we don't want to die yet, don't hurt us."

"Please, we don't want to die."

A series of insults and pleadings on the ground made Long Fei's heart feel a little cold, "This world...this this possible?"

"Is this the way people in Hongmeng Realm are?"

"Is Hongmeng Realm just such a world?"

Long Fei's heart froze.

Too disappointed.

If you don't thank them for saving them, that's fine.


Now they turn back and plead for the people who want to kill them, what the hell is going on in this world?

Is the Celestial Clan so terrifying?

My heart is cold.

Just like the snowflakes blowing into the East Imperial City, my heart is cold.

icy cold.

The breath on his body faded slightly, and he smiled bitterly.

The emperor laughed proudly, "Hahaha...kill me? Shit, who do you think you are? Do you think you can kill me? Hahaha..."

"The entire Hongmeng Realm belongs to my Celestial Clan. If you kill me, you are my Celestial Clan's enemy."

"Just you trash who doesn't take a piss and take care of yourself, what are you?"


The Son of Heaven felt the weakening of Long Fei's aura, he laughed arrogantly, he knew it would be like this, even the most powerful people would not dare to kill him.

Just because of his identity!

No one dared to touch him.

"Kill, come, come and kill me."

"Kill one and try."


The emperor laughed wildly and said, "Fight with me? You are not qualified."

"Today daddy is going to kill you."

"Then put all your women on the crotch, these beauties are still young, get it on the bed, and ride on the crotch, it must be beautiful, hahaha..."

Crazy proud smile.

He didn't notice Long Fei's eyes at all.

Chilled, chilled eyes.

"Release the Qi of Hongmeng!"


"The system prompts that the use of Hongmeng Qi is not over yet. Is it sure to release it again? If the power of Hongmeng Qi is released again, it will be weakened by half."

The primordial aura on Long Fei has not disappeared. If he releases it again, he will suffer more pain. Not only that, his strength will weaken again.

Long Fei still did not hesitate and said, "Release!"


"Release complete!"


A light wave of power shot out.

The buzzing sound exploded suddenly.

Everyone was terrified.

The emperor's pupils tightened, trembling with fear, and immediately shouted, "What do you want to do? What do you want to do? You bastard, you dare!!"

The power of the whip in Long Fei's hand was released again.

"To what?"

The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched, and coldly said with a smile, "Daddy wants to fuck your ancestors!"


"Death to me!"

Clenching his hands tightly, the power of Hongmeng poured into it.

"Whoever stops it will die!"

Furious. ,

Originally, Long Fei's heart was cold, but the arrogant and smug look of the emperor made him extremely unhappy.

What about the Celestial Clan?

What about the heavens and the worlds?

How can it be against the whole world?

daddy is upset!

Do the same!


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