The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2920 Wow, So Handsome


And then it's annihilation.

An entire city wall suddenly collapsed.

That scene... it was like a piece of sky collapsing.

The wall of the Eastern Imperial City is the prison wall. The materials used and its firmness are top-notch, even some super Demonic Beasts can't break through it.

Ten thousand feet of city wall, how domineering it is.



It is like a piece of paper, which can be broken by a force without any effort.


The walls collapsed.

The entire Eastern Imperial City was shaking, the sand and dust were rolling, and the icy cold wind blew in from outside the city wall, and the temperature of the entire city suddenly dropped sharply.

city ​​wall.

Zhu Tian, ​​a group of them, shivered, and their pupils were scattered.

Not because of the cold!

Not because the collapse of the city wall frightened them, but because of the picture in front of them.

densely packed...

All Demonic Beasts!

Blood Devil.

Ghost general.

Even these, they will not be afraid to this extent, after all, everyone born in the East Imperial City has experienced the cold winter, and they have all seen monsters like Demonic Beasts.


The two behemoths in front of them...they had never seen them before.

White hair like snow.

Ten meters high, with the breath of a beast king all over his body, crushing everything.

Not only that.

He also carried a giant spear dozens of meters long. The rune carved with a skull on the giant spear was shining with shadows, as if it had been pulled out of The Underworld.

I'm afraid incomparable.

The other side is even more terrifying.

He was dressed in blue crystal armor, with wings Shrouding the Heavens, and his throat was constantly rolling, and the thick flames were like smashing the dead.

Take it lightly.

This power... is terrifying.

The Practitioners on the city walls turned pale one by one, and they were stunned for a few seconds. Many people began to shout and scream, "Demonic Beasts, Demonic Beasts..."

"Winter is coming!"

"Demonic Beasts... gigantic Demonic Beasts."


"Help me."



There was chaos, and each of them was extremely desperate. If they were just afraid when they faced the emperor just now, then now they know what despair is.


Terrifying beyond measure.

The Eastern Imperial City was also in chaos.

Dean Donghuang's eyes tightened, and he secretly said, "This year's winter is coming too fast."


Dean Donghuang said with a heavy voice, "Everyone is ready to form a line of defense."

Yuan Tianwang also frowned. His Cultivation Base is the highest, and the sensing range is also very far. In the rolling sand and dust, he sensed two super strong breaths.

He also grew up in Donghuangcheng.

He has also experienced many winters, and knows that the demons and ghosts in the Western Regions are extremely powerful, but... he has never sensed such a powerful aura of power.

Unbearably strong!

"President, I'm afraid I can't stop it." Yuan Tianwang said in a low voice.

Dean of the East Emperor said slightly, "Long Fei seems to be right, there really is an ancient giant monster in this winter, hey... I should have listened to him a long time ago. I have always had illusions, but..."

Even if he is prepared, the time is too short to be in time.


Being caught in this way by the Son of Heaven's Spirit Gathering Pill, even if he prepared enough, it would be useless, not to mention the ancient giant monster, any preparation would be useless.

Yuan Tianwang said, "The only way now is to try to escape."

Dean of the East Emperor shook his head and said, "No, those of us martial artists have escaped. What about the people in the city? What about them? Can they escape?"

Yuan Tianwang's heart froze, and said, "I will go to Xianyuanzong to call for help."

Dean Donghuang also shook his head and said, "Don't be in a hurry, not to mention..."

He glanced at Yuan Tianwang and didn't say anything. In fact, he also knew something about Yuan Tianwang in Xianyuanzong these years, and he didn't mix with Ruyi Scepter. The White Horse Tanhua Yuan Tianwang, who has not stepped into the Emperor Realm for so many years, was surpassed by many people who were lower than him in the Xianyuan Sect, and was laughed at.

Even if he went back, he wouldn't be able to call in a few rescue soldiers.

Yuan Tianwang frowned and said solemnly, "Okay, then let's fight."

The Eastern Imperial City treated him well.

If there was no East Imperial City, there would be no Cultivation Base without East Imperial College.

On the occasion of the life and death of the Eastern Imperial City.

To live is to live.

Die or die!

Yuan Tianwang made all preparations.

With a movement of his body, he held the stubs of the two Qinglin spears in his hands, and said, "Brother, accompany me to the last battle."

Step out.

The king is full.

One step, a kilometer, and rushed into the rolling sand in the blink of an eye.

Dean Donghuang's eyes tightened.

Another place.

The emperor laughed proudly, "Fight me? Kill me? Hahaha... Who is killing who now? Who is going to die?"


Huo Hongdao said, "Sir, let's leave early. There are two big guys in the East Imperial City that can't be resisted and will turn into ruins."

"No hurries?"

"How can you miss such a good show as City Destruction?"

"Anyway, we are already on the shuttle, and there won't be any danger." The emperor didn't care, he said fiercely, "Retribution, retribution, hahaha..."

How could he miss such a good show.

He wanted to see with his own eyes the blood of the East Imperial City, turning into ruins.

Indescribably comfortable.


"Kill, kill, kill them all one by one, hahaha..." The emperor looked outside, extremely excited.



Dust billows.


Under a whirlpool of air, a super huge Soaring Dragon rushed out, the blue crystal armor on his body, the domineering all over his body, showing incomparably powerful power in front of everyone in the Eastern Imperial City.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Each one turned pale.


"Is it a dragon?"

"So there will be dragons?"

"It's over, it's over."

"East Imperial City is over."

too huge.

Half of the Eastern Imperial City will be covered.

Also at this time.


Another sound of breaking the air sounded, and then came a super big white wolf with a giant spear on his body, and his appearance was even more terrifying.

Two giants.


The two of them appeared in the Eastern Imperial City and did not kill, but searched with both eyes and kept searching.

at last.

The two behemoths said in unison again, "Boss!!"

"we are coming!"

Jian Lao's yard.

Long Fei looked up at the huge Soaring Dragon in the sky, for some unknown reason... A picture flashed in his mind, a dragon!

A Soaring Dragon.

Although his size is not so big, he is very similar to him.

Not only that.

Long Fei felt extremely cordial.

The other is the huge white wolf king, and several images appear in his mind from time to time, "Boss, I'm holding back my big move."


"Uh... mistake, mistake!"

"Boss, this time I will definitely hold back a big move."

"Don't hit me, don't hit me, I was wrong."

"I won't hold back any more big moves..."


Incredibly kind.

Long Fei murmured, "Do I know them?"

Just then.

The three sisters of Yemei fell down and surrounded Long Fei. They were all very excited.


"Really handsome!"

Long Fei was slightly taken aback, "Battle pet? Mine?"

Ye Mei's big sister shouted, "Here!!"

Soaring Dragon and the White Wolf King directly locked on Long Fei in the distance. At this moment, their thoughts moved slightly, their eyes flashed with excitement, and they said excitedly, "Boss!"

"finally found you!"

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