The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2937 Sword Of God Of War

Can't help but say it.

Long Fei himself didn't know what was going on.

At a glance, it was obvious that there was something wrong with the blade of the 'Suppressing Demon Sword', as if his eyes had some special attribute blessing.

There is not much research on Stegosaurus flying.

It stands to reason that he should not see it.


Ever since He Jian has been experienced with swords, his perception of swords has been very strong, as if every sword is like a person, he can see at a glance whether this person is good or bad.

Long Fei's words also made the people in Xianwu Pavilion suddenly quiet down.

An old man stared at Long Fei.

A shop assistant immediately said, "Boy, don't talk nonsense."

The rude man walked up to Long Fei with the sword and said, "I have already paid the money, the sword is mine now, and it has nothing to do with Xianwu Pavilion. You just said that there is a problem with the sword, where is the problem?"

"Today, if you can't say why, I won't let you go easily."

It is clear.

The rude man was a little unhappy.

He has seen the Demon Suppression Sword more than once, and has carefully studied it. There are no flaws. It can be said to be the pinnacle weapon among the ninth-order immortal soldiers.

There can be no problem.

Su Su's eyes tightened and she became a little worried.

Long Fei was not afraid, took the sword, pulled out the scabbard, gently slid his fingers on the back of the sword, closed his eyes slightly, and suddenly calmed down.

The whole world seems to be left with Long Fei alone.

This feeling is very special.

Long Fei was a little confused, he actually had the ability to perceive swords.


The two fingers swiped, and the sword body shook slightly.

It made a humming sound, which was very pleasant, with the power of suppressing demons.


There was a slight severance in this soft sound.

See you suddenly.

Long Fei stayed with his fingers in one place, opened his eyes, and said slightly, "This sword edge has been broken, and it was repaired again. The repair is not particularly good. If you encounter the same rank immortal soldier, it will break with a single blow. ."

The crowd did not understand, and most of them felt like they were listening to a scripture from heaven.


The old man in the corner flashed a gleam of light in his eyes, and his expression was a little excited.

The words fell.

The rude man frowned, took back the Demon Suppression Sword, looked at the place Long Fei had just pointed at, and looked carefully, but did not find any trace of repair.

The second shopkeeper shouted loudly, "Boy, how could the immortal soldiers from my Xianwu Pavilion have been repaired? Are you here to find fault? Even if you don't look at the place of Xianwu Pavilion, you can let you go wild?"

"Come on!"

"Call him out."


Four men rushed out, each a Venerable pinnacle Realm.

The four thugs are such a high Realm. The force value of this Xianwu City surpasses that of the East Imperial City by many times, and the power of this Xianwu Pavilion is extremely difficult.

Tan Dapao's arm moved slightly, blocking Long Fei's figure and entering a fighting state at any time.

Long Fei said slightly, "I'll know if I'm talking nonsense and try it."

The rude man also snorted and said, "That's right, just try it and you'll know."


Long Fei also wanted to know if he really knew where the sword's Guan Jian was at a glance.

The shop assistant said with contempt, "Just try, boy, let's talk about it first, if you say it wrong, then you have to climb out of this Xianwu Pavilion."

Long Fei said, "What if I'm right?"

The shop boy snorted coldly and said, "It's impossible, every immortal weapon in Xianwu Pavilion is from the hand of the refining event that we serve in Xianwu Pavilion, it is impossible for the situation you said to happen."

The rude man said, "Who has a ninth-order immortal weapon to try?"

Long Fei said again, "No need for ninth-order, eighth-order immortal soldiers are enough."

The language is not amazing.

The Suppressing Demon Swords are all ninth-order peak immortal soldiers, but now... even the eighth-order immortal soldiers can't touch it head-on?

The shopkeeper's eyes were burning with anger, and he took out a weapon directly from the shelf, saying, "This is an eighth-order mad sword, and its weight is similar, but its destructive power is not as good as that of the Demon Suppression Sword."

The mad man took the mad sword and collided with both hands.


The Demon Suppressing Sword shattered.

Cut off a section directly.

The scene quieted down in an instant, and time seemed to stand still. Everyone looked at the broken Suppression Sword, and they were all dumbfounded.

Even the shop assistant himself was stunned.

How could this be?


It's impossible.

The rude man looked at Long Fei, and then at the broken Demon Suppression Sword in his hand, and then said loudly, "Thank you!"


The rude man walked to the counter and threw the broken sword, "I know that Xianwu Pavilion has a strong background, but if you don't give me an explanation for this matter today, I will die here even if I die."

His heart tightened suddenly.

In fact, no one knew that he was going to use this sword to fight to the death.

If it weren't for Long Fei, then... in the most important battle of his life, he would die!

The shop assistant was also panicked, "You said just now that this sword has been bought by you, and now it's broken, it has nothing to do with our Xianwu Pavilion, so..."

"Give him the money back!"


The old man in the corner came out with a faint sound.

The shop assistant immediately lowered his head and said, "Yes, Ye Lao!"

Ye Qingshan looked at Long Fei with a faint smile, and said, "Little brother, your knowledge of swords is truly transcendent. You are right. The Demon Suppressing Sword was indeed repaired just now, but it's just a small gap. It's amazing to find out."

Long Fei said slightly, "I only understand a little."

Ye Qingshan said, "The little brother is humble, the old man still has a sword, I wonder if the little brother can move around and taste it?"

As soon as Ye Qingshan finished speaking, Lan Mei immediately said, "I can't go."

Su Su also said, "I smashed his sword and ruined his business, so you can still have good fruit to eat when you go in?"

Ye Qingshan looked at Long Fei and didn't force it, saying, "Because the sword is too big to move here, if the little brother wants to, please move a little further. After the tasting, no matter whether you can taste anything, our shop Any immortal soldier on the first floor can choose one piece at will."

Everyone around was dumbfounded.

The worst Immortal Soldiers on the first floor cost tens of millions of Hongmeng Crystals.

It's just sending something.

One by one is not envious.

Su Su and Lan Mei shook Long Fei's arms, signaling him not to go.

Long Fei said, "Okay!"

If you want to do something to him, you don't need to hide it.

Ye Qingshan smiled lightly and said, "Thank you in advance, old man."

"Come with me."

Long Fei followed and said to Su Su, "You wait for me here, I'll come when I go."


Xianwu Pavilion is considered to be one of the best spirit tool pavilions in Immortal Fate City, and all the weapons of immortal weapons are from the master craftsmen they serve.

If it is some ordinary immortal soldiers, there is no need for Long Fei to taste it.

Must be something special.

Long Fei wanted to know what was so special about that sword.

Following Ye Qingshan to the backyard, the backyard was very empty and there was no special place. Ye Qingshan took out a black cloth and handed it to Long Fei, saying, "Trouble."

Long Fei covered his eyes.

Ye Qingshan also grabbed Long Fei's hand and said, "Follow me."


Long Fei seemed to fall into a deep pit.


A powerful force was holding him back, and his mind, sea of ​​consciousness, and any sensing ability disappeared at this moment. There must be some treasure controlling this place.

a long time.

Long Fei stood on the flat ground.

Before he took off the black cloth, he heard a few old men complaining, "Ye Qingshan, why did you bring a stranger here?"

"are you crazy?"

Long Fei took off the black cloth and looked at the huge empty place, a super huge giant sword, at this moment... Long Fei's mind was shocked, "Sword of God of War!"

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