The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2943 Will Really Kill People

The vicissitudes of life slowly took a few steps back.


Four young men wearing Tianji Pavilion clothes came out and stood in four directions.

Azure Dragon, Vermillion Bird, White Tiger, Black Tortoise.

The four stood still, and Azure Dragon moved first.

The True Spiritual Qi in his body kept condensing and slowly gathered above the center of the open space, followed by Vermillion Bird, injecting the True Spiritual Qi.

White Tiger.

Black Tortoise followed suit.

The four forces condensed together to form a true vortex.

The four of them murmured words.


The four of them worked hard together, and with a heavy pressure in their hands, they slashed directly on the ground, forming a grid on the ground, and the lines of strength not only bounced out.


The void hummed.

An ancient rune appeared on the empty ground, like a huge seal formation, the dust on the ground slowly disappeared, and the entire seal appeared.

The crowd kept retreating, showing expressions of astonishment.

No one thought that there was actually a seal formation under their feet, and what was even more unexpected was that the Divine Armament they wanted to appreciate was under their feet.

I thought it was the Divine Armament from Tianji Pavilion.

Long Fei's heart tightened even more, "This rune..."

"Why do I feel a little familiar?"

"Have you seen it there?"

Very familiar, Long Fei's mind kept searching, "Where did you see it? Could it be in my sealed memory?"



Long Fei's pupils shrank sharply, his mind moved, and he directly entered the Interspatial Ring of the Celestial Clan, "That huge coffin... The rune on the coffin is somewhat similar to the rune on the ground."

Azure Dragon pulls the coffin.

The coffin dragged by the Azure Dragon saint. That coffin was extremely important to him. After Black and White killed him, the coffin also fell into Long Fei's hands.


Until now, he didn't know what was in the coffin.

He dared not open it.

The smell inside was horrible.

Even the current Long Fei did not dare to open it easily, as if the end of the world would come if he opened it.

"Although it's different, it's about 80 percent. The rune on the coffin is a bit more complicated, but it's not hard to see that it's definitely from a seal faction." Long Fei murmured inwardly, "The rune seal on the ground is huge, and the coffin has a huge seal. The rune seal on the top is very low, but it is all over the coffin."


Before Long Fei could think deeply, there was a huge roar in the ground.

The ground began to tremble.

Immediately after.

The center of the seal began to bulge, and slowly... the seal cracked.


Jianmang burst out, and a huge incomparable force swept out directly.



Extremely powerful.

The people around were shaken back a few steps, like Long Fei's whole body was almost knocked out, if he hadn't hugged a big tree tightly, he would have been swept away.

Seeing Long Fei's embarrassed appearance, many people around sneered.

"You're the only one who appreciates Divine Armament?"

"Divine Armament will be swept away before it comes out. You still appreciate a hammer."

"that is!"

"Let's get out sooner, you still want to enter the Tianji Pavilion? Do you have that qualification?"


Long Fei didn't speak, and cursed in his heart, "Yes, you are all Emperor Realm, Emperor Realm, or even stronger, daddy only has Soul Gang Realm."

This is still his best effort, if it is an ordinary Soul Astral Practitioner, I am afraid it will directly fly out of 100 meters.

The sword shines in all directions.

The ground cracked.

In the end... in an instant, a sharp weapon broke out of the ground and hung directly in the air.




Swords rang out, and the entire valley trembled.

It seems that the whole world is caught in the sound of this sword cry.

The long sword in the air was also spinning constantly, trying to break free from the restraint of power, the four disciples of Tianji Pavilion were sweating finely on their foreheads and dared not relax.

If their strength slackens, the sword can fly out in an instant.

One-handed print.


As soon as the four of them drank, the four powers were released at the same time.

The sword also slowly became quiet.

Jianmang, Jianming slowly fell silent, and everyone exhaled slightly.

The vicissitudes of life said, "You only have one hour. Once the time is over, it will return to the seal. Otherwise, if you can't control it, many people will suffer."

"Who came first?"

"Only one of you can enter the Heavenly Secret Pavilion."

The words fell.


An old man stepped forward and said, "I'm coming!"

"Hai Lian Pavilion!"

"Pavilion Master Hailian, the refining tool is only one step away from entering the God-level Realm."

"He is the most powerful person in Hailian Pavilion in the past thousand years."

"Genius refiner."


Not everyone here is easy.

If you want to appreciate Divine Armament, the most important thing is to understand the refining tools. Only a refining master can better understand Divine Armament and appreciate Divine Armament.


The first one to go up has a huge advantage, because once he succeeds, he can enter the Heavenly Secret Pavilion.

The Appreciation Conference ended early.

Pavilion Master Hailian stepped forward, calmly, and walked to the bronze long sword.


Pavilion Master Hai Lian exhaled lightly and closed his eyes slightly.

"here we go!"

"Spirit of Sea Refinement!"

"Hai Lian Pavilion's unique power of induction, no Divine Armament can escape his induction."

"I heard that the master of the Hailian Pavilion has used it for a hundred years, and has never stopped refining the equipment to forge a trace of the spirit of Hailian. There is no one who can't appreciate this spirit of Hailian."

"Looks like we're getting cold."

The words are not over yet.

Pavilion Master Hailian's eyes suddenly opened angrily, his pupils were huge, his body trembled slightly, and then the whole person stood there motionless.

"what's the situation?"

"what happened?"

"Pavilion Master Hailian?"

at this time.

Long Fei said coldly, "Dead!"

Everyone looked at Long Fei with a look of contempt.

"You know the shit?"

"It's only a few seconds, Pavilion Master Hailian hasn't released his gong yet."

"Pavilion Master Xianwu, you'd better go and cool down."

Ridiculous ridicule.

The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched, his arms crossed his chest and he sneered, turning a deaf ear to those mocking voices,

Just then.

The vicissitudes of life said slightly, "Pavilion Master Hailian, failure!"

"Take the man down."

Everyone's faces suddenly turned to one side, and Long Fei's eyes also sank, "Really dead?"

He didn't confirm it just now.

It's just a mental feeling, I didn't expect...

It's only a few seconds?

Go up and die?

How did you die?

The bronze long sword didn't move at all, and it died instantly, and everyone around was dumbfounded.

The vicissitudes of life said lightly, "If someone wants to quit, it's okay now, don't wait until you quit before you quit, it will be too late."

"Exit what?"

"The old man will never quit."

"What is Hailian Pavilion?"

"I think he didn't appreciate death, but scared himself to death."


A domineering man stepped forward.

Thunder Gang Refining Pavilion.

Pavilion Master Lei Gang.

With a strong breath on his body, he strode forward, staring at the bronze long sword that was suspended in the air, and said furiously, "I want to see what kind of sword you are."

I didn't use my mind to sense it, but grabbed it with one hand.

Also at this moment.


Half of his arm was directly shattered by the shock, blood surged, and his huge body exploded directly...

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