The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2945 Guarding The Dragon Sword

Not a sword, but a dragon!

It was extremely ferocious, and it was covered in bronze-colored ancient dragons.

The dragon's whiskers swayed, the dragon scales glowed with bronze fluorescence, and the two dragon eyes stared at Long Fei motionless. It was strange that Long Fei was not afraid, and there was no fear in his heart.

Gu Long stared at Long Fei and said, "Aren't you afraid of me?"

Long Fei said lightly, "I'm not afraid, and..."

He didn't say it, because he still felt a trace of intimacy.

As if they had known each other before.

Gu Long looked at the young man in front of him, his eyes narrowed slightly, trying to see through Long Fei, but he couldn't see through anything, just muttered lightly, "It's strange, I'm guarding the dragon sword, guarding the underground evil, no one Able to handle, unless..."


The pupils of the two huge glazed eyes shrank sharply, and Longwei overbearingly crushed them.


Infused on the top of Long Fei's head.


It didn't have the slightest effect.


Gu Long's expression became excited, "You are,,, you are,,,"


Guarding the Dragon Sword can also be said to be the Sealing Dragon Sword.

There are nine in total, guarding all circles of Hongmeng.

at first.

When the ancient world was chaotic, the first world to be conceived was the Hongmeng Realm. However, the influx of powerhouses who destroyed the world and destroyed the earth made the Hongmeng Realm overwhelmed and almost bursting.

that time.

One person entered Hongmeng with nine swords on his back.

Suppressing the powerhouses in the outer domain and sealing them in the special Realm of Hongmeng.

This bronze long sword is one.


Time flies, I don't know how many years have passed, he thought that the whole world had forgotten him, but... he felt that kind of incomparable feeling again.

Long Fei was a little confused, "Master?"

"Black and white, what's going on?"

Long Fei's first thought was black and white.

According to black and white, he was his own past life, the number one person in the ancient world, and the number one powerhouse in the past. He was domineering and unscrupulous.

It's just that I don't know what was suppressed later.

The black and white eyes opened slightly, and he let out a long breath, "Guard the dragon sword."

Long Fei was startled secretly, "Damn, so it's really you. What does this sword have to do with you? Why is he a dragon?"

Black and White said, "In the beginning, the Hongmeng Realm had just been conceived, the laws were chaotic, the time and space were turbulent, and there were constantly strong foreigners, alien beasts, and Devil invasions, which affected the reproduction of the ancient world. At that time, I was also very angry. Created as a guarding dragon sword, using the power of ancient times to guard the nine dragon swords in the nine realms of Hongmeng, blocking the entrance to the chaos space, and sealing all the Devils who entered the Hongmeng world at that time in the special Realm of the Hongmeng world."


Speaking of this, Black and White suddenly choked up.

This surprised Long Fei.

Black and white gives him the feeling that he is arrogant and arrogant, that God blocks and kills God, and Buddha blocks and kills the Lord of Buddha.

But now he's choked up, which is really surprising.

"Hey..." Black and white let out a long sigh, "I suppressed the Outland Devil, but I forgot the nine of them. If it hadn't been for you, I'd probably not have thought of it."

"They suffered."

Black and white faintly.

Long Fei was shocked, his mind flew, and then he said to Gu Long, "You have suffered. At first, you were made into nine guarding dragon swords to suppress the Nine Realms of Hongmeng, suppress the Devil in the outer realm, and let you live in this dragon sword for all your life. , I have been guarded in the deep mountains and bad waters all my life."

"It's really painful for you."

The voice fell.

The guarding dragon sword was trembling all over, trembling with excitement, looking at the young man in front of him, he couldn't believe it, but he had to believe it.


This is his master!

The guardian dragon sword slammed and said, "Master, you,,, you are finally here, what did you say, I didn't suffer at all, but you..."

In his heart, the master is the supreme existence.

Even if their bodies were refined into nine dragon swords and guarded the nine regions, they would not regret it.

Countless years of waiting, waiting, to see the master again, for him, another 10,000 years of waiting is enough.


"Is that kid dead?"

"Don't move, didn't Pavilion Master Hailian just die like this?"

"Even if you don't die, it's probably not far from death."

"How long does it take?"

"No response at all?"

"Hey, boy, are you okay?"


Several refining masters discussed heavily.

The vicissitudes of life of the old man in Tianji Pavilion was a little excited, and said, "Don't talk, just be quiet for me."

He looked at Long Fei, and his eyes flashed brightly.

Long Fei's performance shocked him.

What is this sword?

In fact, Tianji Pavilion has records, but it has not been confirmed.

This is an assessment question of the Tianji Pavilion, and it is also the intention of a certain adult in the Tianji Pavilion. I want to confirm, is this ancient bronze sword the same as the record?

An ancient sword refined by a dragon?

Long Fei couldn't hear the sound from the outside world. He was in the world guarding Longjian. He was surprised and never thought it would happen.

"Master, why did you become like this?"

"Isn't the ancient Ashura abyss still repaired?"

"Those Outland Devils entered the ancient world?"

"I don't understand those foreign crumbs. There are so many big worlds outside the ancient world to enter, why did you choose the ancient world?"

"At that time, the ancient world was only just born, and there was nothing to hide. Why is this happening? Is it really as you said that the ancient world has a hidden treasure?" Guarding Longjian said, all his memories are stuck in trillions Years ago, that time can be said to be chaotic.

Listening to what he said, Long Fei sighed inwardly, "Ashura Abyss?"

"Black and white, what is that place?"

Black and white did not speak.

"What did you experience in the first place?"

"You said that there was some kind of divine treasure hidden in the ancient world? What is it?" Long Fei asked curiously, but Black and White didn't answer at all, and he couldn't help but feel a little upset and said, "It's really boring."

"Aren't you suppressed by the town boundary stone?"

"Is there another secret behind your death?"


"Black and white, your words will kill you."


Long Fei was just curious about the events of that era, nothing more.

Black and white is black and white, he is him.

He is completely different from black and white.

a long time.

Black and white just said a word slightly, and said, "You will know later."

"Your uncle's!"

Long Fei sneered, turned to look at the guard Long Jian, and said, "What are you doing now? Are you going with me, or stay here?"

Guarding Longjian immediately became excited and said, "Master,,,,me,,,,me, can I go with you?"

Long Fei said, "It depends on what you mean. If you want to stay here, I will not force you. If you want, you can come with me."

Guarding Longjian immediately said, "I'll go with you!"

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