The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2950 The Sarcophagus Opens

All beasts wailed, all things slumped.

It feels like the end of the world.

in the valley.

Those Demon Sect disciples also looked nervous, and fear rose in their hearts.

"Dage, there's something going on underground."

"Could it be..." Lord Purple Devil Venerable sank his eyes, looked at the ground, and naturally thought of the ancient troll sealed under the ground.

The big devil's eyes sank, and he said slightly, "If it is true, it means that the guarding dragon sword has left this sealed valley."

"Did that kid really escape?"

"Impossible, unless he has cultivated the Cultivation Technique of space movement, or this kind of divine treasure, but... it's impossible for a mere Xianwu Pavilion to have this kind of heaven-defying divine treasure." Purple Devil Venerable frowned. , He didn't think about it any more, anyway, he has found Xianwu Pavilion, and sooner or later he will have to take revenge, "Dage, what should I do now?"

The big devil shook his head and said, "I don't know!"

"Our mission is just to take away the guarding dragon sword. Now that the dragon sword has left, our mission has also been completed."


The big devil pondered for a moment, glanced at the valley, and said, "Let people withdraw from the valley first, keep a safe distance, and see if the ancient troll really broke through the seal."


The disciples of the Demon Sect quickly withdrew.



deep underground.

The door of The Underworld opened, and there was no monstrous blood rushing out, and no Devil rushing out, and everything returned to calm at that moment.

The vibration disappears.

The Demonic Beasts on the ground also recovered, and the flock of frightened birds slowly descended.

As if nothing had happened.

Guarding Longjian flew back to Long Fei and said, "I didn't notice any special aura in Shimen, those Devils should all be dead of old age."

"After all, everything has its lifespan limit. Unlike me, it becomes a weapon to guard the seal."

There is some loneliness in the words.

He was originally a Saint Ancestor Dragon.

It was refined into a guardian dragon sword, and it lasted for trillions of years. During these long years, he missed himself who once had a huge body.


He has no regrets.

Long Fei said, "Is there a way to make you recover?"

The guardian dragon sword was startled, and said, "Yes, but it's too difficult, and it's good for us to become the guardian dragon sword now, at least back to the master's side."

Long Fei didn't speak, and secretly said, "Let's find a chance to restore them in the future."

He stepped into the door of The Underworld, and a cold wind hit.



Long Fei took a heavy breath and stepped in. The stone gate was like a huge cave, with strange patterns on both sides of the cave.

Can't understand one.

The guardian dragon sword couldn't understand it either, and murmured, "What exactly are these patterns?"

All kinds of stars, all kinds of dense clouds, all kinds of unknown patterns, Realm, Long Fei looked carefully, each picture slowly combined, Long Fei murmured, "This seems to be a nebula picture."

Like the entire universe.

Each star represents a big world,

That kind of weird dense cloud place should be the unknown Realm.

"Could it be that those Devils are all astronomers?" Long Fei wondered. The reason why he guessed it was a nebula map was because of the ancient times of science fiction movies in previous lives.

In this world, it can be said that any person, even if he is Emperor Xuan, may not be able to understand.

Guarding Long Jiandao "Master, you see there is a thread passing through these pictures, what is this thread?"

Long Fei shook his head and said, "I don't know."


Guarding Longjian saw a slightly familiar place and said, "Master, this,,, this,, this seems to be an ancient world!"

Dragon Sword is also from the ancient world.

I still know something about the ancient world.

Although he can't confirm it, he feels that the picture is very similar.

Not only that.

The straight line that appeared from the beginning suddenly disappeared into this world, and it did not traverse.

Long Fei also froze slightly, "Ancient world?"

Guarding Long Jiandao "It's very similar, I can't confirm it."

Long Fei stopped to look at the pattern carefully, pondered for a moment, and said to himself, "If this is really the ancient world, then the line that just crossed the universe and ended here is because they were sealed?"

"Black and white!"

"You come out!"

"You stopped them from destroying, isn't that so? But why do you say you failed again? Didn't you succeed?" Long Fei asked.

Black and White did not respond.

Long Fei sneered, "Damn, I won't give you a face."

What Black and White didn't want to say, even if Long Fei knelt down, he wouldn't be able to ask, let alone Long Fei wouldn't kneel for him at all.

Keep going.

The pattern is not so clear, or even blurred.

Pieces are unknown Realm.


The last picture is very clear, it is a huge sun.

The whole picture is a sun.

There is nothing around, no planes of stars, no unknown Realm clouds, just a huge sun.

In the center of the sun is written an ancient incomparable word, "Fate"

Fate word!

A very strange word.

Could this sun be the biggest big world in the universe?

Fate world?

Never heard of it.

Or is it simply that these Devils have been scribbling all over the place for hundreds of millions of years, and the word "life" on this sun is also randomly written?

Long Fei couldn't understand.

Long Fei is usually too lazy to think about things that he doesn't understand.

After walking past the last picture, Long Fei also came to the deepest part.

It is also the emptiest place.

Like a Great Hall, there is a seat at the top.

Other than that, there is nothing, and there is no Devil.

Guarding Longjian let out a long breath and said, "It seems that all of them are really old and turned to ashes."

Long Fei glanced at the audience, his thoughts moved, but he couldn't sense the existence of anything, and his heart was slightly relieved, and he muttered, "It should be like this."

"Otherwise, there will be no bones and scum."

There is only one explanation.

"Hey... I didn't catch anything."

"It's a pity."

Long Fei murmured in his heart, thinking that there is a treasure left by the ancient Devil at the gate of The Underworld, but there is no skin.

Just when Long Fei relaxed his vigilance.


A beep.

Not from this cave, but from Long Fei's Interspatial Ring.

An Interspatial Ring flew directly from Long Fei's body.


It fell directly, and the ring exploded violently.

Long Fei's pupils suddenly entered, "That coffin..."

The coffin pulled by the Azure Dragon Saint Ancestor directly burst the Celestial Clan Interspatial Ring, and in an instant... he landed on the high chair.


"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa..."

That mysterious coffin is slowly opening automatically...

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