The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2954 One Punch Out Of The Hongmeng World

The Great Demon Lord of the Emperor Realm Powerhouse.

Soul Gang sixth-level Long Fei.

There are dozens of grades.

In the game, it can be said that no matter how coquettish you are, or if you have god-level equipment, you can't fight back, you can only be ravaged and killed in seconds.

The same is true in Hongmeng Realm.

Impossible to beat!

More importantly, this is still a head-to-head.

Palm to fist, just so tough!

There is no more chance of winning.

Unlike the Red Devil Venerable Lord and the Purple Devil Venerable Lord, the two of them were considered to be the two of them.


Still alive?




In the void, endless furious explosions swooped in the scarlet palm prints, trembling within a radius of 100 meters, this power was extremely terrifying.


In order to prevent the Guardian Dragon Sword from attacking, the Great Demon Lord used all his strength with this palm.

He wants to kill Long Fei with one blow!


"Give me death." The Great Demon Lord roared again, and with a move, his palms broke through the air and attacked Long Fei's chest.


high speed!

Full of crushing.

In an instant, he rushed in front of Long Fei and slammed his palms down.

The guarding dragon sword moved in the void, and roared heavily, "Master!!"


No matter how fast he was, it was too late.

At this moment, Long Fei moved his right fist and watched the big devil head down with his palms. The corners of his mouth rose slightly. Faced with the crushing force, he was not afraid, but laughed like a lunatic. .

It all fell into his trap.

All he wants is toughness.

All you need is the front.


The fist shadow burst out suddenly, and a huge fist shadow went up to meet it, and the eighteen ancient trolls sealed in the armguard of the great master were struggling, as if all their struggling power was injected into Long Fei's fist.

The two forces touch.


With a loud bang, a shock wave of power shot straight into the sky, as if two heavens were colliding.

Power bursts.

Crazy thunder erupted in the void.



The Great Demon Lord laughed wildly, "Things that are beyond your own power, even you rubbish Cultivation Base dare to face me? Hahaha... Break me into pieces."

Press your palms again.

He wants to blow Long Fei into powder.


Before the Great Demon Lord could release his power, his body sank suddenly, his eyes burst, and he glared out, as if his eyes were about to pop out.


His body didn't move, and the whole person seemed to be standing in the same place.

half a second.

The Great Demon Lord's Adam's apple moved slightly, his pupils trembled, and he said solemnly, "No,,, no,, impossible, absolutely,,, absolutely..."


Before the words were finished, the Great Demon Lord flew directly into the sky.

Fly higher and higher.



As he flew higher and higher, his body slowly turned into a black spot. At the end, a starlight flashed directly from his entire body, and his entire body completely dissipated into the sky.

And this moment.

Long Fei's body sank slightly and punched upwards.

The posture is very cool and handsome.

"Go, hook, punch!" Long Fei paused every word, every word with killing, raised his eyes slightly, smiled coldly, and said, "You should add a line, I will definitely come back."


"You have no chance!"


Another plane, the small plane next to Hongmeng Realm.

A doll riding on a cow looked at the sky and said, "Brother Hai, Brother Hai, you see someone flying in the sky, you really didn't say it just now, someone can really fly."

The cowboy gets excited.

Another teenager said proudly, "Of course, when did I brag?"


There was some doubt in the boy's eyes, and he looked up to the sky.


The young man was frightened and stunned, and then stood in the same place stupidly, his mouth twitched a few times, "This,,, this, this is not flying, this, I have seen rain, snow and hail in the sky, But why would you go down?"


He was frightened.

Before he could escape, the corpse directly pressed the boy under him.

The Great Demon Lord looked at the sky, his eyes were full of fear, his lips trembled a few times, and he wanted to speak, but he couldn't say a word.

at last.

He tilted his head slightly, and his braids were twisted.


Also at the same time.


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing 'The Great Demon Lord' for gaining 600 million experience points, 1,000,000 True Spirit points, and 1 Hongmeng Point."

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting 'Blood Soul Palm'"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting..."


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for upgrading, the current level is the seventh-level Soul Gang!"


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for upgrading, the current level is eighth-level!"


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for leveling up, mother level soul gang ninth-level!"

Soaring to third-level!


Apart from popping, there is nothing better than an upgrade.


Long Fei looked at the night sky and murmured, "I really want to know where he flew to."

If he knew that the Great Demon Lord was blasted out of the Primordial Realm by his punch, he would probably be a fool himself.


Long Fei also wanted to know if the punch just now was a normal force, or a super-powerful blow from the arm guard of the Lord. He couldn't feel it without the system prompt.

Somewhat uncomfortable.

The guarding dragon sword fell beside Long Fei, he also looked confused, and quickly asked, "Master, are you all right?"


Long Fei clapped his hands. In fact, he did have something wrong just now. After all, the power of the Great Lord's armguards is used for attack, not for defense. He also suffered the damage of the Great Demon Lord, but he broke through.

Upgrading is full of blood resurrection.



Long Fei swept his gaze, looked at the demon disciples in the forest, and said solemnly, "Who else??"




Almost in an instant, the figures of the demon disciples disappeared one by one.

Not to mention revenge, their parents lost two legs.

at the same time.

Long Fei also let out a deep breath, "Huh..."

"Fortunately it's over."

"Otherwise, it's really difficult to do this night." Long Fei muttered, killing the Red Devil Venerable master was by Itachi's Illusion Art, and killing the purple Devil Venerable master was by a blow from the dragon who guarded the dragon sword, killing the great devil. The Lord relies on the power of the Great Lord's Armguards, these are not his own power.


These are unstable forces.

Not every burst is a success.

If those demon disciples were besieged together, Long Fei would not have any confidence that he would survive until tomorrow.

Still level!

The level is absolutely flawed!

"It's still necessary to speed up cultivation. In addition, we must find out what the power of the master's armguards is." Long Fei secretly whispered in his heart.

Immediately, he glanced at the dilapidated valley and said, "The Appreciation Conference... has become the Dead Man Conference."

Long Fei walked back out of the valley with the guarding dragon sword.


in the cracks.

A cloud of black mist floated out silently, then turned into a wisp of black smoke and disappeared into the night...

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