This kind of living dragon flying is very handy to attract monsters.

Control the hatred, keep a good distance, be careful with the boss, as long as you don't kill it in one hit, it will be fine.

In the game, attracting monsters and dragons is professional.


Games are games, here is reality.

What he has to face is not a boss that is two levels higher than the first-level, but an emperor-level boss of dozens of levels. More importantly, it is impossible to determine whether you are leading a boss or a group of bosses.

It can be said.

Wanting to draw out the Heavenly Evil City Lord is basically a life-and-death experience.


Long Fei still agreed.

One, the Lord of the Evil City is a boss!

Second, the Lord of the Evil City is a boss!

Third, the Lord of the Evil City is still a boss!


All the reasons are one point.

That is... the boss!

Just this is enough.

Long Fei's power alone would be dangerous and difficult, but with Qin Shuang's free "thugs", maybe it would be much easier.


The experience of hundreds of strong people in the city of evil...

Now is the key time for him to hit the Celestial Realm. Whether he can break through the Celestial Realm before participating in the selection of the Xianyuanzong newcomer depends on tonight.


Qin Shuang was excited and couldn't stop laughing, "If you don't die this time, my surname is yours!"

Chu Qing was a little worried.

Zheng Yuanhang said slightly, "I will pinpoint the exact location of the Lord of Heavenly Evil for you."

Long Fei said, "Thank you."


A group of six people quietly sneaked into the Heavenly Evil City.


The Lord of Heavenly Evil did not expect Qin Shuang and the others to commit crimes again.

He thought that Qin Shuang and the others were so frightened that they would never dare to come again.


The defense in the Evil City is not strict, it can be said that it is very lax.

"The City Lord's Mansion is in front, and it is also the place to live in the City of Evil." Zheng Yuanhang whispered softly.

Qin Shuang patted Long Fei's shoulder with his hand and said, "Brother, it's up to you now, we will activate the divine treasure here, you must lead him here."

Chu Qing said, "Be careful."

Long Fei smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, I'll come back and cook for you."

talking room.

Long Fei sneaked into the City Lord's Mansion.

Guarding the Dragon Sword turned on the navigation mode again, "Master, the Heavenly Evil City Lord Emperor Realm Cultivation Base, I can kill him."

Long Fei said lightly, "No hurry!"

"They treat me as a fool, and I also want to play them like monkeys, isn't it just for fun? Let's see who has played who?" Long Fei smiled coldly.

Even if the guarding dragon sword can kill the city lord of Tian evil with a single sword, Long Fei will not let him do so.

Want him to die?


Going around a few gardens, Long Fei came to a Great Hall.

In the Great Hall, the lights are bright.

There were merry moans and screams.

"Come on, be happy."

"Lord City Lord, come and catch me."

"Giggle... Lord City Lord, I am here."

"Catch me, I'll be yours tonight, cluck..."

All kinds of laughter.

Long Fei shook his head and murmured, "I can't believe that the city owner is still a man of temperament."

"Cough cough!"

After clearing his throat, Long Fei snorted, "Grandson, grandpa is here, come out quickly and die."

no response.

Long Fei's voice could not get through at all.

Because... there are at least 20 women in it.

In the wine pond and meat forest, can you hear other voices?


Long Fei murmured and said loudly again, "Grandson, grandpa is here, come out and die!"

Still no response.

"I lost it!"

"This trick doesn't work?"

"There's no reason." Long Fei scratched his head, moved his mind, and turned his right hand.


The guarding dragon sword flew out.

Long Fei said lightly, "Go, let him come out."


A sound of breaking through the air sounded, and the guarding dragon sword shot directly into the Great Hall, followed by a series of screams.




The entire Great Hall was a mess in an instant.

Hearing the screams, the city lord's mansion was instantly lit up, and elite guards rushed out from every road, all rushing towards the Great Hall.

"There are assassins!"

"There are assassins!"

"It's in the Lord City Lord's room."

"Hurry up!"


In an instant, in less than half a minute, Long Fei was surrounded by people, all guards in black armor, all staring at Long Fei with killing eyes.

"Boy, who are you?"

"Who sent you here?"

"Where is your accomplice?"

"not talking?"

"If you don't speak, then kill me!"

Long Fei stood on the spot and licked his ears, as if he hadn't heard.

Just then.

The gate of Great Hall opened, and the shirtless city lord walked out slowly, cautiously, and said loudly, "Stop daddy."

There was a sword around his neck.

There was a bloodstain on his neck.

The Heavenly Evil City Lord was so frightened that the two lumps of fat on his chest were trembling.

"Big brother, say whatever you want, as long as I have what I have in the City of Evil, you can take it as you like." The Lord of Evil City said with his Adam's apple rolling and his face slightly pale.

A mere sword.

Even if it is a Divine Sword, he is not afraid.


He had never seen a sword like the Guardian Dragon Sword.

Only two words can describe it.


Long Fei smiled lightly, and said, "What precious treasures, metals, and metals are there in Heaven and Evil City, give me all of them."

The City Lord of Heavenly Evil immediately said, "Okay, okay, okay."

"Come on, bring me all the treasures in my collection."

"Quick, don't waste your time."

ten minutes later.

Long Fei piled up slowly in front of him, hundreds of things.


Without a single artifact, Long Fei swept all his sleeves into the Interspatial Ring, and with a thought, "Recycle!"


'The system prompts that the experience value is 8037421 points. ’

Long Fei smiled slightly, "This experience value is cool."

The Lord of Heavenly Evil City said, "Brother, everything is given to you, can you let me go now?"

Long Fei said, "Not yet, there is one more thing you need to do."

The Lord of Heavenly Evil City said, "You said, as long as you can let me die, I will do anything for you."

Long Fei smiled slightly and said, "Come out with me."


"Senior Brother Qin, it's been 20 minutes. The City Lord's Mansion has just started to be noisy and now it's quiet. Do you think that kid can succeed?"

"Success?" Qin Shuang sneered and said, "Just a waste country bumpkin like him can lead out the Evil City Lord of the Emperor Realm Cultivation Base?"

The man said, "Then why did you let him lead the evil city master?"

Qin Shuang smiled coldly and said, "borrow a knife to kill."



"Senior Brother Qin is worthy of being Senior Brother Qin, he is indeed tall."

Qin Shuang also smiled coldly, "Fight me? Humph, don't even look at how much he weighs, just his trashy hillbilly..."

Don't wait for him to finish.

Zheng Yuanhang suddenly ran over and said, "Senior Brother Qin, the Lord of the Heavenly Evil City has come out!"


Qin Shuang is an idiot!

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