The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2967 Civil Turmoil In Xianwu Pavilion

The people of the Wu family will check whether the master of the Xianwu Pavilion is alive or dead.


Xianwu Pavilion is also investigating.

"How about it?"

"Have you found it?"

In the backyard hall of Xianwu Pavilion, an elder walked in, and Ye Qingshan immediately got up and asked anxiously.

The elder's brows were tight.

When everyone saw his expression, their hearts were half cold.

Xianwu Pavilion's high-level fairy weapons are all refined by the master of Xianwu Pavilion. Without these high-level fairy weapons, Xianwu Pavilion may not be able to support it.

After all, a weapon pavilion must produce ordinary weapons, but also high-end weapons, so as to ensure its status.


There are unwritten rules for all kinds of goods in Xianyuancheng, challenge!

Places that sell elixir will try pill refining.

The place that sells weapons is to challenge the refiner.

The loser has to give up territory, or sign an unequal treaty, or merge.

No one dared to challenge the pavilion master of Xianwu.

Not only because of his Cultivation Base and weapon refining strength, but also because of... his mysterious relationship with Xianyuanzong.

But now...

The life and death of the master of Xianwu Pavilion is uncertain, which makes the outside forces who want to annex Xianwu Pavilion eager to move, especially the Wu family.

Once the immortal soldiers cannot be handed over on time, the facade of the Immortal Martial Pavilion will come to an end.

Ye Qingshan exhaled heavily and said, "What do you want to say?"

The elder said slightly, "I haven't found out the life and death of the pavilion master, but I know what the pavilion owner is going to do this time."

Many elders looked at him.

"The master of the pavilion is going to participate in the appreciation of the Divine Armament conference. This is the assessment task of the Tianji Pavilion. If you can appreciate the attributes of the Divine Armament, you will be eligible to enter the Tianji Pavilion."

Everyone was shocked.

For these refiners, Tianji Pavilion is the temple.

It is their highest goal in life.

Hot eyes.

Tianji Pavilion is too high and unattainable, far away.

"What's the result?" Ye Qingshan's eyes also sparkled. Like other refiners, his goal in life is to enter the Heavenly Secret Pavilion.


They are not even qualified to be invited to participate in the assessment.

Even the grand pavilion master of Xianwu Pavilion was barely qualified because of the relationship of Xianyuanzong.

The Elder shook his head and said, "I don't know either, but the pavilion master of Hailian Pavilion has not returned, the pavilion owner of Leigang Pavilion, and more than a dozen Great Masters in the Western Regions, each of whom have been in the past 100 years. Refining genius, none of them came back."


"what happened?"

"None of them came back?"

In the hall, the faces of those Elders became heavy, and their faces were full of astonishment.

Hai Lian Pavilion and Lei Gang Pavilion are both extremely famous craft refining families in the Western Regions, with extremely high status.

A dozen Grand Great Masters disappeared together?



It can be said that it will have a great impact on the refining world of the entire Western Regions.

Ye Qingshan said, "I heard that Tianji Pavilion will only recruit nine disciples a year at most, one in each of the Nine Realms of Hongmeng, and they will only be invited if they meet their requirements. How can so many master refiners be all in one night? Disappeared? Tianji Pavilion will not accept so many people."

An elder said, "The only possibility is... something happened."

Everyone froze.

The elder said, "I don't know the specifics, but I heard that Hailian Pavilion will elect a successor internally."

"It seems that the rumors from the outside world are good."

"Our big pavilion master is afraid..."

Everyone's heart sank, sitting in the chairs one by one speechless.

at the same time.

Their minds also thought about another question.

The grand pavilion master of Xianwu Pavilion is gone, so this is a seat...


Immortal Martial Pavilion is going into the gold battle every day, and a piece of Immortal Armament is sold for several million, tens of millions of Hongmeng Crystal, which is a huge temptation for anyone.

After half a moment.

A white-haired old man stood up and said, "Xianwu Pavilion can't be without an owner for a day, we should also prepare."

Ye Qingshan immediately said, "The life and death of the master of the pavilion is uncertain. I am afraid it is not suitable to do so at this time."

"What's wrong with that?"

"The pavilion master can come back, and he is still the pavilion master of Xianwu Pavilion. If he doesn't come back... Our headquarters can wait for a lifetime. Now the orders of Xianwu Pavilion are piled up in the last few days. We have to find a way to solve it, right?"

"I agree with Elder Yan's proposal to elect a new pavilion master."

The words fell.

Several elders said, "I agree too!"


"Xianwu Pavilion can't be without a principal."

"Elder Yan here has the highest qualifications, and the refiner has also entered the ninth-grade realm of the immortal level. He is also one of the best refiners among us. He is finally qualified to be the master of the pavilion."

"If you say this, I don't agree. Elder Yan is really good, but Elder Guo is not bad. He needs qualifications and qualifications. More importantly, his refining tool Realm is a little bit higher than Elder Yan."


An elder patted the table and stood up, "Yu Elder, what do you mean?"

The other elder did not dare to show weakness, so he shouted, "Elder Zhou, what do you mean?"

For a moment.

There was chaos in the hall.

Roll up your sleeves like you want to fight.

At this moment.

A guy walked outside the hall, "Elder, Tan Cannon is here again."

The voice was slightly quiet.

An elder shouted angrily, "Let me get out of that trash in the Eastern Imperial City, and keep asking me every day, what kind of thing is he?"


Ignore it again, and the hall is noisy again.

Ye Qingshan shook his head and sighed bitterly, then walked out.

"Old Ye, what's the situation?" Tan Dapao asked anxiously.

Ye Qingshan looked at Tan Dapao and said, "Dapao, let me tell you the truth, Brother Long Fei is probably the most fortunate, so don't go to Xianyuanzong to participate in the selection, the Wu family will not let you be selected. , and the Wu family will not let you go easily, you go back and clean up, I will find a way to arrange for you to leave."


Tan Dapao's eyes tightened and he said, "My boss has never experienced anything, it is impossible for him to have an accident."

Ye Qingshan said, "This is not a small place like the Eastern Imperial City."

He didn't look down on Donghuangcheng, he just didn't say that even if the pavilion master of Xianwu Pavilion could not return, could Long Fei come back?

Absolutely impossible thing.


If Long Fei hadn't helped them appreciate the sword of God of War, and Ye Qingshan was grateful, he wouldn't have helped Tan Dapao, and it would not be easy to arrange for them to leave.

"All right!"

"That's it, you go back and prepare, and wait for my notice." Ye Qingshan strode out, took a few steps and whispered, "Hey...I don't know if I can escape."

He wasn't sure.

However, he will try his best.

Tan Dapao froze in place, his eyes straightened, and he muttered, "The boss will definitely not have an accident, definitely not, absolutely not..."

"Don't say that the boss is so awesome, not to mention Xianyuancheng. Even if he is in the shrine of the Celestial Clan, I am sure that he will not have an accident. How can a mere Xianyuancheng stop him?"

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