The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2976 Eighth-Level Magical Beasts Instantly Kill

"Wu Ba, get out of here for daddy!"


The sound was like thunder, raging out.

There was a furious killing intent in his voice.

The boy's long hair was swaying, his eyes were bloodshot, and the dragon sword around him was constantly spinning, and the sound of the sword was harsh.

"Who dares to be presumptuous in the Wu family!"

"court death!"

The two Wu family disciples rushed towards Long Fei instantly.

Long Fei's eyes narrowed slightly, and he spit out two words coldly, "Kill!"

"Shh, shh!"

The dragon sword moved slightly.

"Ah, ah!"

Two screams sounded, and the throat was directly penetrated.


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing 'Wu Family Disciple' to gain 180 experience points, 20 points of true spirit, and 1 point of Hongmeng!"


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing 'Wu Family Disciple' to gain 180 experience points, 20 true spirit points, and 1 Hongmeng point!"

Experience is too low.

This is also because their Cultivation Base is lower than Longfei.

Instant kill!

Long Fei didn't even look at it.

At this time, a large number of Wu family disciples rushed out on various roads. These disciples' cultivation bases are not high, but... the Wu family is a high-level family in Xianyuan City, with strong power, and all the Wu family's disciples are all capital Extremely arrogant.

No one in Xianyuan City dared to break into Wu's house like this, and no one dared to kill people as soon as they entered.

"Boy, you are courting death!"

"Today, even if you have 10,000 lives, you have to die here!"

"Dare to commit murder at the Wu family, you are dead!"

"Kill! Kill!"

For a time, the killing sound shook the sky.

Hundreds of people rushed up, and Long Fei was surrounded in an instant. However, he didn't even look at them at all, he just said in a deep voice, "All have to die!"

"Everyone has to die!"


The breath on the body moved.

The guarding dragon sword also moved in an instant, flying directly into the air, disc Sword intent, and slashed with one sword.

Within a radius of 100 meters.

Hundreds of Wu family disciples were all killed instantly at this moment!

Blood gushed.

Students are like a spring.

"Ding, ding, ding..."

"Ding, ding, ding..."

The system prompt sound is generally violent.

Long Fei stepped on the corpse of the Wu family disciple and walked in. The killing intent in his heart did not diminish, but instead became stronger.

Whoever moves his brother, die!

Whoever moves his woman, die!

What makes Long Fei annoyed is that Wu Ba is a villain who goes back on his word.

One second the well water does not make the river water, and the next second it hurts his people.

Long Fei felt that he was still naive.

It's just that at that time he was thinking about Xianwu Pavilion. After all, this was the hard work of the big pavilion master. He didn't expect that the Wu family would do something to Su Su and the others.

In the Martial Dao world, the strong are respected.

There is no so-called insidious and despicable, there is no reason, some are just strong and weak.

He now understands.

Once you want to kill someone, you must not leave any room for it!

"Boom, boom, boom!"

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Stepping neatly, wearing silver armor, they rushed out quickly. The leader was an elder of the Wu family, wearing silver armor and holding a silver spear.

The spear moved, shocked!


In all directions, Long Fei was directly surrounded.

The old man said solemnly, "Boy, who are you? What kind of hatred does the Wu family have with you?"

Long Fei said coldly, "Call your master Wu Ba to me."


"You can actually call the name of the head of the house?" The old man drank, "I advise you to capture it immediately, otherwise..."

Long Fei's eyes moved, "Otherwise your whole family!"

"Kill me!"

The true spirit surged and poured into the dragon sword again.

Dragon Sword is a fantasy.


Long Yin was shocked, and countless Sword Qi raged out, slashing down one after another, and each slash was like a crack in the sky, directly cutting the ground out of the crack.

Under the sword, there is only Death!

The disciples in the silver armor were like radishes, slicing them into pieces.



There were loud noises, the elite disciples of the Wu family, all of them were astronomical Realm, hundreds of people were wiped out by the dragon sword again, and the system prompt sound was in a frantic explosion.

Half of the Wu family fell into panic.

Wherever Long Fei went, no grass grew.


In addition to killing, he is killing!

The more the anger is killed, the more prosperous it is, and the more it is killed, the more it burns.



"Oh no!"

A disciple panicked and ran into the hall.

Wu Ba frowned, "What happened in the front yard? So panicked?"

An elder said, "Could it be that there are still people who dare to break into our Wu family? It seems that he is tired of living."

The disciple said, "Yes,,, it's's just that he didn't break in, he,,, he,,, he killed him, hundreds of Wu disciples died, he couldn't stop it, he couldn't stop it at all. don't stop..."


Wu Ba stood up suddenly, his eyes staring, like flames spewing out of his eyes, "Who is it? Is it the powerhouse of the Wang family? Or the old monster of the Dong family?"

There are not many people in Xianyuancheng who dare to challenge the Wu family.

There are a few who are like old monsters, but even if they want to kill the Wu family like this, they have to weigh it.

Never dare to act rashly.

The disciple said, "No, no, he is the young man who injured Tianlong Young Master."

Wu Ba's eyes scowled, "That boy from the Eastern Imperial City?"

The disciple said, "It's him. The front yard has been killed by him. If he doesn't stop it, he will kill him in the back yard."

"No reason!"

Elders stood up one by one, infuriated.

"The trash from a wasteland dares to poop and pee on our Wu family's head, killing so many of my clansmen, it's just courting death!"

"It's crazy!"

"This kind of person dares to ride on our head, when there is no one in our Wu family?"

"I'll kill him."

The elders of the Wu family were like their mothers being raped, their wives being slaughtered and wearing countless green hats. They were so angry that they wanted to eat Long Fei.

The front yard is where the Wu family's collateral and some low-level Cultivation Base disciples stay.

The powerhouses of the Wu family are all in the backyard.

Wu Ba's eyes narrowed, and he walked to the yard with a thought, "Mandrill!!"


A demon roared.

Void move.

The mandrill Magical Beasts came out, the fangs flashed a cold light, and the ferocious breath came out.

Wu Ba said solemnly, "It's been a long time since I let you eat people. Go and swallow that kid alive for me, and make him regret coming into this world."

The words fell.


The mandrill roared angrily, and its huge body rushed directly to the front yard.

Eighth-level Magical Beasts.

And they are Magical Beasts with strong aggressiveness.

"Hahaha... The mandrill will fight, that kid will be scared to pee his pants."

"Just a waste boy, the mandrill will swallow it in one bite."

Wu Ba smiled coldly.

Mandrills are extremely cruel and extremely cruel to eat people.

He wanted to let Long Fei die, and the death was extremely cruel.


Before Wu Ba walked back to the hall, a mandrill screamed in agony from the front yard.

A disciple stumbled in and said, "Patriarch, your mount,,, eighth-level Mandrill Magical Beasts was,,,,,,,, was killed by that kid!"

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