The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 2979 Destroy The Door

The head of the Wu family, the first-level emperor.

One of the powerhouses in Xianyuan City was beaten to death by random fists like this?

There are no rules and regulations, it is just such a constant bombardment and bombardment.


was killed!

Being killed by Celestial Realm makes my scalp tingle.

more importantly.

Not only did he kill Wu Ba, but he also crushed the entire Wu family, not by coercion, but by the slaughter momentum in his eyes.

Fierce aura.


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing 'Wu Ba' to gain 110,000,000 experience points, 100,000 True Spirit points, and 1 Hongmeng point!"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting the 'Dragon Suppression Mound!'"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for obtaining the 'Power of Wujin Gang', is it cultivation?"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting..."

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting..."

The system beep sounded wildly.

Long Fei didn't take a look. After standing up, he looked directly at Su Su and Lan Mei, and said softly, "Go, let's go home."

Wu Ba turned it over, and Long Fei's anger was almost vented.

He just wants to leave with Su Su and Lan Mei now. As for Wu Tianlong... His level doesn't even have 100 experience points, he belongs to the kind that doesn't bother to kill.


Without Wu Ba, his life would not be easy.

Just then.

Wu Tianlong roared heavily, "Wait!"

"What kind of place do you think the Wu family is? Come here if you want, and leave if you want? Can you still leave if you kill my father?"

With his roar, many masters of the Wu family also reacted.

Looking at Wu Ba, who was bloody and bloody on the ground, one by one was extremely angry.

"Don't try to get out of here alive!"

"Boy, you can't leave today."


One by one, their eyes glared angrily, and the killing intent on their bodies became extremely strong. They were like wild beasts, eager to rush up and swallow Long Fei.

Long Fei stood in the courtyard and said coldly, "Come here if you want to die!"


Long Fei stared at Wu Tianlong again and said, "No one can stop me, not even the daddy of the king. I gave you a chance, and you provoke me again and again, this is the end."

Wu Tianlong roared, "Are you all fucking dead? Kill him for me!"

"Avenge my father!"

Wu Tianlong roared heavily.

He only used this method to drive away the fear in his heart.

The elder of the Wu family froze.


Dozens of powerhouses rushed over, all of them were royal powerhouses, Venerable powerhouses, and the Cultivation Base level was much higher than that of Long Fei, who stood motionless.

The corners of his mouth twitched coldly, and with a slight smile, he said, "I left you a way to live, but you still want to die, right? The daddy will take it all."


A sword cry raged out.

The dragon sword moved.

It fell directly beside Long Fei, and turned Sword Ray into a disc.

Long Fei's powerful True Spirit poured in.

When the guarding dragon sword moved, Long Fei said coldly, "Kill them all!"


The guarding dragon sword unleashes a heavy slash with a super powerful Sword intent.

Dragon Sword, cut!




Three hundred and sixty degrees have no dead ends, and all those who rushed up were cut in half, and the blood was madly splashing on Long Fei.

Long Fei did not go to hide.

He likes this feeling.

He likes the feeling of dominating other people's lives, he likes blood, and he likes killing.

It was also at this time that his heart, his blood boiled inexplicably.

He is bloodthirsty and bloodthirsty!

He has always been like this in his bones.

The game system, killing upgrades, is to make him like this, but he has been suppressing it, trying to keep himself from being controlled by the system and not becoming a murderous demon dominated by the system.


He unleashes the nature of the system.

The guarding dragon sword slashed away, but... Long Fei didn't stop there.

The guarding dragon sword flew into the void.


In the Wu family, they slaughtered wildly.

He was really angry today.

One sword, one beep, one sword and one beep, the experience value soared, as if in a city of evil.





The Wu family was bleeding into a river.

The killing continued for a full half hour.

Long Fei looked at Wu Tianlong, whose eyes were frightened like a dead man, and said coldly, "Do you know the consequences of provoking me now?"

Wu Tianlong's lips were purple and he dared not speak.

The minion who supported him by his side also died.

The minions who caught Su Su and Lan Mei also died.

Now Wu Tianlong is the only one left in the entire Wu family.

Wu Tianlong's body was shaking, his lips were trembling, his throat was rolling, and he said, "You,,, you, will die,,, Uncle of Xianyuanzong will not let you go, and Xianyuanzong will not let you go. , you,,, you,, you are a murderous madman, Xianyuanzong will not..."

"It's so noisy!" Long Fei said lightly.

With the movement of the guarding dragon sword, it penetrated directly from Wu Tianlong's mouth.

The whole person is directly nailed to the wall.


The huge Wu family became extremely silent, only the sound of blood flowing.

Su Su and Lan Mei were also frightened by this scene.

Long Fei said lightly, "You go out first."

Su Su and Lan Mei didn't ask any further questions and walked out.

Long Fei's eyes swept away slightly, and the guarding dragon sword moved.

Long Fei followed.


The guarding dragon sword flew to a house, the treasure pavilion of the Wu family.

The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched, and he stepped in.

Be a human being.

Do things absolutely.

He wants to let people know that this is what got him off the hook, scrape all the weapons and treasures in the Treasure Pavilion, and then recycle them all.


"The system prompts 89322331 experience points!"


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for upgrading, the current astronomical level is second-level!"


After rising to the first-level, Long Fei walked out of the Wu family.

The moment he walked out of the Wu family, the Wu family was destroyed.

The gate of Wu's house was crowded with people.

Seeing Long Fei come out, all the people were shocked. They didn't dare to show any disrespect, nor did they dare to show the slightest ridicule and contempt. They were more respectful and fearful in their eyes.

this is the truth.

This is the world where the Practitioner is respected and the strong is king.

With one sword and one person, the Wu family, a high-level family in Xianyuan City, was wiped out.

How strong is this?

It can be said that any strong man in Xianyuan City can't do it.

Long Fei did it, what he got was not contempt, but respect!

Respect for the strong.


Qin Shuang's eyebrows sank slightly.

He knew that Long Fei was from Donghuangcheng, and he also knew that he came to Xianyuancheng to enter Xianyuanzong, but... the Wu family had a certain power in Xianyuanzong, and more importantly, such a huge slaughter would make Long Fei's assessment is very unfavorable. If Long Fei is determined to be a demon in the city, it will be difficult to handle.

He couldn't help looking at Long Fei, not knowing what to say.


At this moment, he also admired Long Fei even more.

Because he has nothing to dare to do.

The feeling to Qin Shuang is that even if he is an enemy of the whole world, he is not afraid!

This is Long Fei!

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