"No way!"

"Elder Ye, I really can't stop it."

"More people came today."

"Can you inform the pavilion master and let him come forward to solve it, otherwise I'm worried that something will happen."

An Elder hurried into the backyard.

Ye Qingshan frowned and said, "The pavilion master is in Closed Door Training, so I can't go in and disturb it."

Elder Hong said, "How can this be done?"

Cold sweat oozes out of his forehead, as anxious as ants on a hot pan.

Elder Hong said, "Everything that can be sold is sold now, and if I can't take anything out, I'm really worried that the Xianwu Pavilion will be demolished."

Ye Qingshan asked, "Is it that serious?"

Elder Hong said, "You didn't see it, there are so many people, I heard that even the Xianyuan Sect has disciples who come to our Xianwu Pavilion to buy immortal weapons."

"Is there anyone coming from the Immortal Fate Sect?" Ye Qingshan was slightly shocked, he has been staying here for the past few days, not leaving an inch.

He also knows that the business of Xianwu Pavilion these days can only be described in one word, explosion!

Good enough to explode.

This is all because of a black short sword that Long Fei refined last time, a god-level immortal soldier.

There are no god-level immortal soldiers circulating on the market at all. It can be said that it is hard to find a million gold, but the Xianwu Pavilion is openly sold.

It's on the shelf for sale.

This is the first time in the history of Xianyuan City, and the selection meeting of the Immortal Fate Sect will start soon. Having a Divine Armament in hand can be said to be more secure.

One more chance.

For three consecutive days, the Xianwu Pavilion was crowded.

If you can't buy Divine Armament, even ordinary fairy soldiers are bought.

These elders of Celestial Immortals martial arts can be said to be sleepless, but it takes a long time for them to refine one immortal weapon, at most one in a day, and this speed cannot meet the demand at all.

This also caused the Xianwu Pavilion to be overcrowded, but not a single item could be sold.

"Are you still in business?"

"I want a god-level immortal soldier!"

"I want a god-level immortal soldier!"

"Call your pavilion master to me."

"I am willing to pay 50 million Hongmeng Crystal to buy a god-level immortal weapon..."

"Damn, if you don't move out the god-level immortal soldiers, daddy will smash the store."


More and more people.

Most are young disciples.

Most of these people came for the selection meeting of Xianyuanzong.

Just then.

There was a screeching sound from Xianwu Pavilion.

"Get out of the way!"

"Get out of the way for me."

"If you hear me, give daddy a side."

The gate of Xianwu Pavilion was already so crowded that no one could get in, but two minions in gorgeous clothes rushed in, their auras a bit fierce.

"Don't have long eyes?"

"Can't you see who this is?"

"Want to die?"


The two minions forced their way out.

A person wearing silver soft armor, the whole body of the armor is flashing with fluorescence, it is not ordinary at first glance, at least it is fairy-level armor, and it is extremely difficult to wear Immortal-level armor.


Many people can see at a glance what a young man is.

"Prince of the Eagle Empire!"

"See the eagle on his chest, the yellow eagle, the royal symbol."

"This prince's status in the Eagle Empire is not low."


The young man had a smug smile on his face listening to the discussions around him.

At the same time proud, he is disdainful of the people around him.

Because of his noble status, the people around him are rough people, and in his eyes they are inferior.

Not even qualified to be in the same room with him.

If it is in the Eagle Empire, these people will be driven out before he comes in, but this is Xianyuan City, and it is within the sphere of influence of his Eagle Empire.

The prince walked to the counter and said with a cold voice, "I heard that there are god-level immortal soldiers for sale in Xianwu Pavilion?" "I'm here to take a look."

"I want to know what the so-called god-level fairy soldiers are in your eyes."

His eyes were still disdainful.

The guy replied, "I'm really sorry, our pavilion master only refined one god-level immortal weapon, and it has been sold. There is no god-level immortal weapon yet, how about you choose a few ordinary immortal weapons?"


Before the guy could finish speaking, a minion next to the prince slapped his face, very loudly, and shouted, "Are you fucking looking for death?"

"How dare ordinary immortal soldiers take them out and show them to our prince?"

"If you were in Tianying City, you would be dead now."

The five-finger marks on the man's face were clearly visible, but his tone was neither humble nor arrogant. His heart was full of anger, but he didn't burst out. He said, "It's a small thing, but there really is no Immortal Divine Armament right now."

The words did not fall.


Another slap in the face.

"There is no god-level immortal soldier, so what else are you talking about?"

"Call your pavilion master to me!"

This time, blood came directly from the corner of the guy's mouth.

The guy himself doesn't have any Cultivation Base, so he was seriously injured after two slaps, he was dizzy, and he couldn't move at all for a while.

The minion glared at him and was about to make another move.

Just then.

There was a cold voice, "You move him again, and I want your head to fall to the ground."

His voice was cold and murderous.

Everyone turned their eyes and looked at the backyard door.

Long Fei stood at the door, and Ye Qingshan and Elder Hong stood next to each other.

Long Fei walked up slowly.

The minion gave Long Fei a lot of eyes, the corner of his mouth twitched, his eyes were very contemptuous, "What are you? You want my head to fall?"

"Just you bastard?"


"The daddy just hit it."

talking room.

The minion slapped and flashed again.

Long Fei's eyes were fierce, and his killing intent surged.

Also at this time.


There was a sound of bullets going up, and then "Bang!"

A special bullet.

He drilled directly into the temple of the minion, but did not shoot out, but suddenly like a cutter, he slashed directly at his neck!

Totally unstoppable!

Totally have no idea what's going on.


Heads fall.

The blood-splattered prince was all over his face, and the other minion was startled and immediately turned to look at one place.

Many people in the hall looked at one place.

Tan Dapao blew the gunfire lightly and smiled coldly, "Not wanting face, what do you think you are?"

"The boss told you not to do it, but you still do it."

"Isn't this courting death?"

The minion Cultivation Base was also a Venerable Realm just now, but... he was killed instantly, or was killed by a gunner. You know, gunners are the most despised.

Tan Dapao jumped on the stairs, walked into the crowd, and then walked to Long Fei's side, hehe smiled, and said, "Boss!"

Suddenly everyone looked at Long Fei.

The prince looked angry, stared directly at Long Fei, and said gloomily, "Do you know who I am? You dare to kill my people?"

Long Fei shrugged and said, "Do I need to know who you are? Who are you to have anything to do with me?"


"You need to know who I am."

"Because, if you don't get out of here, I'll let you lie down."

Ye Qingshan drank heavily and said, "Didn't you hear? Our pavilion master told you to get out."

Tan Dabao's gun was almost pointed at the face of the prince.

The prince sank his eyes, stared at Long Fei and said coldly, "Boy, I remember you, I will make you kneel in front of me next time we meet."

Long Fei said, "Don't next time, if you have the ability, let me kneel in front of you now."

The prince's face became ugly, his sleeves swept away, and he hummed heavily, "Let's wait and see!"

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