The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3185 Qilin Sword


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for refining successfully!"

As soon as the system prompt sound fell, Long Fei exhaled a long breath!

Huo Qilin also asked, "Is it done?"

Long Fei nodded and said, "It's done!"

Huo Qilin's eyes were shocked, and he said excitedly, "What kind of, what kind, let me see."

With a thought, Long Fei took out the 'sword' that he had just used a good fortune to create. The moment he took it out, Long Fei himself was startled.

Lin pieces covered the whole body.

Fire red.

The lines on the whole body are like scales, and the moment it is taken out, the sky is full of red light.

That kind of Sword intent with divine might is unusually hot.

Huo Qilin looked dumbfounded, "Good sword, good sword, really a good sword."

Long Fei stepped forward and held it, the moment he held the hilt, "Boom!"

His sea of ​​consciousness suddenly exploded.

His eyes sank, staring at the sword in his hand, Long Fei slammed it hard, "I've refined it all, do you still want to backlash to take over the master? You still want to turn the sky upside down!"


The power of good fortune in the sword also exploded suddenly, crushing the divine might Sword intent.

Long Fei waved a few times, "Om, hum, hum..."


"It feels like a Jedi knight in Star Wars wielding a lightsaber, which is pretty cool." Long Fei looked at the attributes of the long sword even more.

The attributes of a super artifact!

Huo Qilin, can you show it to me?

His eyes were shining, and his saliva was about to flow out, and he said, "Show me."

Long Fei handed the sword up.

Huo Qilin couldn't wait to take it, but when the sword was about to reach his hand, Long Fei yanked it back and said slightly, "I won, so..."

Huo Qilin was stunned for a moment, grinned, and said, "I am willing to admit defeat, I will fulfill my promise to be a mount for you, you can show me the sword now."

Long Fei smiled slightly and said, "You think I don't know what you're thinking?"

"Want this sword?"


"Let's sign the contract first, so you can't run away even if you want to."

Fire Qilin is very oily.

From the acting skills just now, it can be found that his words cannot be completely believed.

This Sword intent, which he has guarded for ten thousand years, is now being refined by Long Fei, how could he just admit defeat?

Huo Qilin said solemnly, "You still can't trust me? If it wasn't for me, you could train this sword? If you say you won, you can't win without me."

"I'll touch it, isn't it too much?"

Long Fei said, "If it's all about you, it's naturally not too much."


"What you want to do, you'd better think clearly."

"My character is that I won't give others a second chance. Without you, it may be difficult for me to succeed, but I am confident enough to crush this Sword intent!"


If Huo Qilin wanted to escape with his sword, then Long Fei would be very welcome.

Huo Qilin's eyes twitched secretly, he took the sword in Long Fei's hand, and his heart was beating.

Just like what Long Fei said, he wanted to escape with the sword.

He was sure, confident enough to escape.


When Long Fei said this, he was a little worried.

"How to do?"

"I want to give this sword to Sister Phoenix, and now..." Huo Qilin was very tangled and couldn't make a decision for a while.

Long Fei stood silently on the side without speaking.

It is also a light and calm, half-smile expression.

It was as if everything was under his control.

Huo Qilin thought of the power of good fortune that Long Fei finally released, his pupils relaxed, and said, "Look at it, it's really a good sword, did you name him?"

"Have you given up?" Long Fei smiled secretly, and said, "I have already thought about the name, so it's called Qilin!"


Huo Qilin was shocked and said, "Is it named after me?"

Long Fei said, "Not bad."

Huo Qilin said excitedly, "What a good name, hahaha..."

Long Fei said, "It doesn't matter who named it, well, let's not talk about this sword, let's talk about you first, do you want to mess with me?"

Huo Qilin said, "I am willing to admit defeat, I am willing to be your mount, but there is one thing I want to declare, I will not sign a contract with you, my Qilin family never signs a contract with humans."

The beasts are proud.

For them to sign a contract is to sell themselves into slavery.

This is humiliating them.


For Huo Qilin, it was for the opportunity to escape with the Qilin sword in the future, and he did not forget the purpose of coming out this time.

Without hesitation, Long Fei agreed directly, "Yes!"

As long as Huo Qilin follows him for reasons, he believes it won't be long before he leaves.

Huo Qilin didn't expect Long Fei to agree, so he said happily, "Come on my back and I'll take you out."

Long Fei rolled over and jumped.

Fire Qilin stepped on the fire cloud and soared into the sky. .


Go straight out of the statue.


It was dawn at this time, and it was dark everywhere, except for a blaze of fire.

Huo Qilin asked, "Where are you going?"

Long Fei glanced at the river under Xitianmen and murmured, "It looks like they have gone far."

"Go to the Destiny Sect!"

Huo Qilin said, "Understood!"


disappear directly into the sky.


at this time.

The cruise ship has docked at the foot of the destiny mountain.

Su Su and his party have entered Destiny City, where the gathering places of the major Sects before the elite meeting are all in the city, and Sect disciples can be seen everywhere in the city.


Su Su looked worried, "Will something happen to Long Fei's big brother?"

Lan Mei said calmly, "No, he won't have an accident if something happens, don't worry."

Xuanyuan Li'er also said, "He is not an ordinary person, don't worry."

"Let's find a place to live to rest first, maybe he will come back at dawn."

Just when they were looking for the hotel, a shop assistant stepped forward and said, "The three are Miss Su, Miss Lan, and Miss Xuanyuan?"

Xuanyuan Li'er was stunned and said, "We are."

The shop assistant immediately smiled and said, "Boss Tan has prepared everything, please come with me."

"Boss Tan?"

"Tan Cannon?"

The three looked at each other in disdain.

Tan Dapao was the vanguard, arrived before them, and had already arranged everything.

The second shopkeeper asked strangely, "Boss Tan said there is another handsome and handsome adult, why haven't we seen him?"

Lan Mei said, "He has something to deal with. Let's go to the main office first."

The shop assistant said, "It's fine."

Not much to say along the way.

After half an hour, I came to the residence,

It is a luxurious garden-style hotel, and when you walk in, the three people are shocked. The decoration inside is extremely luxurious, even the great nobles can't afford it.

There are pavilions and towers, small bridges and flowing water.

"So luxurious?"

"It's even more powerful than Xianrenju."

"How can Tan Dabao have so much money?"

Su Su muttered. The shop assistant took them to the entrance of a separate courtyard and said, "Come on, the three of you, go in by yourself."

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