The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3224 Zhou Yuan, Explode!

There is no absolute immortality in this world.

Whether it is a god or an immortal, both will die.

Can't kill?

It depends on the way you use it.

On the dock of Xitianmen, Emperor Ming turned Zhou Yuan into ashes. In less than two days, Zhou Yuan's body was recast, becoming stronger and standing in front of Long Fei.

The method is wrong!

This time, Long Fei used the horns of the undead tauren as a murder tool.

Use immortality versus immortality.

The sharp horns flashed a little cold light, and it exuded a special power.

Others can't sense it, but Zhou Yuan's mind sank, like a awn on his back, that kind of power... He is too familiar with it, and he is also immortal!

An undead force stronger than him.

His pupils began to tremble, "No,, no,, no,,"

screamed in horror.

Long Fei snorted loudly, "Tremble for me!"


Immediately stabbed and pinned Zhou Yuan's head on the ring, blood gushed wildly, his eyes burst out, his pupils were still full of bloodshots, his mouth grew, and his expression was terrifying.

Also at this time.


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing 'Zhou Yuan' to get 1000000000 experience points, 20000000 True Spirit points and 1 Hongmeng point!"


Long Fei laughed excitedly when he saw that "Hongmeng is worth 1 point", "Not dead?"

"Don't die again!"

"If you don't die, you have to die for me, hahaha..."

At the Xitianmen Wharf, Zhou Yuan turned into ashes, but there was no Hongmeng value. Once the Hongmeng value exploded, it would mean that this person was really dead.


Long Fei looked at Zhou Yuan, who was lying in a pool of blood, "Do you think you can stay alive if you find a more powerful master? You escaped last time, can you escape this time?"

Pull out the undead horns, at this moment.


The undead horns slowly turned into powder and scattered directly on the ground.


Long Fei was stunned for a moment, "Could this be its particularity?"

"Can only be used to kill undead creatures? Kill one, and all the power will disappear?"

"Depend on!"

"I wasted a horn last night..." Long Fei regretted it again and again, even if he had this guy to deal with the powerhouse behind Zhou Yuan.


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for obtaining the 'Power of the Three Paths'. Is it fusion?"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting the 'Aura of Death'"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting the 'Yin Halberd Sword'"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for getting..."

Zhou Yuan is the head boss, and he has revealed a lot of things.


Long Fei is not interested, his strength is just like that, crushed by the arm guard of the master, no matter how strong his strength is, what is there to integrate?

Long Fei didn't recycle it either, and put it in the Interspatial Ring first.

The entire venue was in shock.

The favored Wan Haizong, Zhou Yuan, who was a strong man at the peak of the overlord, was actually killed by Long Fei like this. Is this... a bit too fierce?

Looking at Long Fei's expression now, his expression has changed.

At first I thought that the infighting of the Xianyuan Sect was already very weak, and Long Fei was the sixth-level of the Heavenly Sage, so it wasn't too strong, but now it seems that Long Fei is too strong.

They are all wrong.

The people in the top ten Sects were also shocked.

Hu Tianhe frowned, staring at Long Fei on the ring, his fists clenched secretly, anger surging in his heart, very unhappy, extremely unhappy.

Shen Batu was the same.

The upper and lower Shenhaizong all stared at Long Fei with strong killing intent.

Devil Monarch of the Western Regions laughed the happiest.

The demon clansmen were also extremely excited.

"Bet right!"

"Hahaha... No wonder he would say such a pretentious thing. I really underestimated him. Zhou Yuan was crushed with one punch. It seems that he is the one chosen by the Celestial Clan this year." Devil Monarch of the Western Regions The voice was intentionally amplified, looked at Hu Tianhe, and said with a smile, "Hu Sect Leader, do you think I'm right?"

"Wan Haizong, who no one dared to move, Zhou Yuan, who was the strongest at the peak of the overlord, was brutally killed by him. Who else in the top ten Sects can stop him?"


The Devil Monarch of the Western Regions laughed proudly, showing off his might.

He was laughed at by the top ten Sect people at first, and he is naturally laughing back now!

"Devil Monarch, you are crazy!" An Elder of the Destiny Sect shouted loudly.

Devil Monarch of the Western Regions smiled and said, "What kind of thing are you, you have the qualifications to talk to me? I'm still crazy, what can you do?"

"Don't be because I don't know that your Destiny Sect is controlling the game, but... some games are beyond your control. Vajra Sect is, and now Xian Fate Sect is too!"

The Elder looked angry and said, "You are talking nonsense!"

Devil Monarch of the Western Regions said, "As I said, you are not qualified to speak to me. If you are talking nonsense, ask your Sect Leader to find out."

Hu Tianhe said in a deep voice, "Enough!"

"If you win a game, the villain will be successful. You really haven't won the first place yet. What are you crazy about?" Hu Tianhe also said coldly.


Hu Tianhe looked at destiny.

Destiny is staring at Long Fei in the ring.

Not just him.

In another place, Li Yuanba was also staring at Long Fei.

I didn't feel anything wrong before, but now it always feels a little familiar, very familiar.

Hu Tianhe thought that destiny was thinking, and asked softly, "If you meet him, are you sure?"

Destiny didn't answer immediately, but said calmly, "That's right for him!"

Hu Tianhe was taken aback.

The meaning of destiny is obvious.

The next game is the competition between Vajra and Destiny. Only if they win can they enter the final and compete with Long Fei on the same stage.

Hu Tianhe tightened his heart, gritted his teeth lightly, and said slightly, "Don't worry, I will do my best to pave the way for you. You will be the last to appear, and by that time he will be almost consumed even if he is not injured."


"You must win. I put everything on you. If you lose, the Destiny Sect will definitely not be able to keep your coffin..."

Hu Tianhe did not continue.

Destiny said lightly, "I will try my best."

I secretly said in my heart, "Brother Yuanba, if we meet again in this life, I will also show my strength to see where the gap between us is!"

He will do his best.

for myself.

Also for Li Yuanba.


He knew that Li Yuanba couldn't recognize him.

He has to prove himself.

The head of the eight Vajra, the divine Vajra.

If Li Yuanba's identity is revealed, the Heavenly Clan's powerhouse will immediately understand that then... Tsing Yi will definitely kill him desperately.

Destiny knew very well that he could not reveal Li Yuanba's identity.

Long Fei returned to his position, and the scenery was infinite.

No one dared to say anything that would destroy Xianyuanzong.

Devil Monarch in the Western Regions excitedly said, "You're doing well, boy!"

Long Fei smiled.

At this time, the referee snorted loudly.

"In the next game, the Destiny Sect will face the Vajra Sect, please come out!" Li Yuanba, still looking at Long Fei, slowly got up and walked towards the ring, muttering in his heart, "His personality is very similar to that of the boss!"

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