The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3230 Go Save Your Woman

Everyone looked at Long Fei, including Li Yuanba in the ring.

And destiny pretending to wake up.

They all looked at Long Fei seriously.

All of a sudden, Long Fei attracted everyone's attention.

Tsing Yi was stunned for a moment, but... After a half-second pause, her eyes turned from fiery to cold, and she said, "Just you?"

Li Yuanba looked at Long Fei.

His eyes were also a little hot.

He had thought that Long Fei's appearance had changed when he entered the Hongmeng Realm, and he couldn't recognize it, but...his appearance had not changed. It stands to reason that as long as Long Fei saw him at first sight, he would be able to recognize him.

What if he really...

destiny is also watching Long Fei.

He thought the same as Li Yuanba thought.

At this time, the whole world seemed to be silent.

Long Fei laughed and said, "What's wrong with me?"

"Do you look down on me?" "I can't be his boss, even if I'm not now, I will be soon, because if I win against him, he will become my little brother." Long Fei looked at Li Yuanba in the ring and said, "In the You promised in the underground passage that as long as I win you, you will become my little brother, so that I will not

Is that your boss? "

Such 'I am his boss' method?

Li Yuanba's heart sank, he let out a light breath, smiled bitterly, did not speak, and turned his eyes to another place.

Destiny also sighed deeply, "Hey, where are you, boss?"

In Li Yuanba's view, Long Fei was just telling a joke.

A very funny joke.

He doesn't know what Long Fei's name is, and he doesn't want to know, and he can't be someone else's younger brother. In this life, he will not call anyone else's boss except Long Fei.

Tsing Yi felt tricked, and said angrily, "It's not that I look down on you, it's that you don't deserve it at all!"

Long Fei said, "Whether it's worthy or not, you'll know after playing it."

"I'll just ask you, do you want to be my little brother's woman?"

"If you want to, then don't beep, otherwise, I will accept him as a younger brother, and I will oppose you being together, hehe..." Long Fei said with a smile.

Tsing Yi stared, "You dare!"

Long Fei said, "Do you think I dare?"

Li Yuanba was a little impatient. Looking at the Sect Leader of the Destiny Sect, he asked, "Is there anyone from the Destiny Sect to challenge? If not, then move on to the next game."

Hu Tianhe was speechless.

There was no one around him.

And Li Yuanba was not injured at all.

Destiny, Tsing Yi is not an opponent, if he goes down, he will only find abuse.

Hu Tianhe clenched his fists tightly. This result was completely unexpected to him, so he just admitted defeat?

He was not reconciled.


How can he not be reconciled?

Hu Tianhe said solemnly in his heart, "Leave the green hills without worrying about no firewood, I will endure it!"

Just when Hu Tianhe was about to give up.



With a loud bang, the void above the venue shattered, and a huge coercion was crushed down, the entire venue collapsed instantly, and countless people were crushed by the seven orifices bleeding.

Practitioners below the Emperor Realm were all killed in an instant.

Just because of a trampling force.

Tsing Yi's eyes tightened, "Ancient Heavenly Devil elephant!"


With a sharp roar of a giant elephant, the huge ancient Heavenly Devil elephant stood up, and at this moment, its forelimbs were crushed heavily.



The void continued to shatter, and the venue completely collapsed.

This time...

Emperor Realm's Practitioner also died instantly, Qiqiao spurted blood, his mind was broken, his sea of ​​consciousness collapsed, and his primordial spirit was crushed by coercion.

one move.

Thousands of strong Death!

Tsing Yi got angry and said with a deep voice, "Heavenly Devil elephant, what do you want to do?"

The sudden crushing shocked everyone.

After two moves, a huge golem stood in the sky.

Devil Monarch of the Western Regions said solemnly, "It's the Heavenly Devil elephant."

"The disciple of the Demon Sect listened to the order and put me into a state of preparation. The ancestor of our Demon Race was able to rush him to the dark world, and this time we must not let him show his power."

Many demon disciples quickly entered a state of battle.

at this time.

Tsing Yi has already rushed into the sky, and said heavily, "Without my order, who told you to come here?"

As soon as the purple spirit whip moved, it slashed towards the Heavenly Devil elephant.


At this moment, the ancient Heavenly Devil elephant stood up again, and the two incomparably long ivory tusks slammed.


Two lightning-like attacks hit Tsing Yi directly, and Heavenly Devil said with a deep voice, "You are no longer qualified to order me."

"You have moved your heart, and your ancient power of inheritance has disappeared. With your current state, what qualifications do you have to order me."


The spirit whip fell.

Tsing Yi took a step back, and the breath on his body surged, directly blocking the attack of the ancient Heavenly Devil elephant, turning around, and his body moved slightly.


disappeared in place.

In addition to his gentle eyes towards Li Yuanba, Tsing Yi has cold eyes towards everyone.

Looking at the ancient Heavenly Devil elephant with cold eyes, he said solemnly, "Even if I don't need the power of ancient inheritance, I can still crush you!"

"Fall for me!"

Tsing Yi is like a fantasy.

Above the head of the Heavenly Devil elephant, one after another power surged from all directions.

One after another, the figures stand in the air.

Tsing Yi's thoughts moved.

Every figure is like a consciousness, rushing directly into the sea of ​​consciousness of the ancient Heavenly Devil elephant. Once she enters the sea of ​​consciousness, the ancient Heavenly Devil elephant will have no resistance at all.

This is the horror of Tsing Yi.


Just when Tsing Yi's thoughts were about to enter the sea of ​​consciousness of the ancient Heavenly Devil elephant, a man was standing on the elephant's back.

A man with wings on his back.

Tsing Yi's pupils sank, "God Wing!"

Shenyi smiled lightly, and the wings behind him slammed, "Crash!"

Ancient power unleashed.

Tsing Yi's power was directly shaken out.

Also at this moment.

God's wings moved.

Tsing Yi's eyes tightened and he appeared directly in front of him, "I said a long time ago that women can only do bad things!"

"Have the unfeeling power of the thirty-seventh strong, but you have moved your heart."

"Whenever the heart is moved, the strength disappears."

"Tsing Yi, you are no longer from the Celestial Clan, not from the Celestial Clan, like an ant!"


As soon as the word 'kill' fell, the power on Shenyi's body was like a sea of ​​anger, condensing one after another, and the First Stage was superimposed, and it slammed down with one palm.




This palm is to move with all strength, without leaving the slightest leeway.

For him, Tsing Yi has no need to live anymore.

She has shamed the Celestial Clan and must die.

Facing the palm of Shenyi's ancient power, Tsing Yi glanced at Li Yuanba in the distance, closed her eyes slightly, she was not an opponent.

Without the power of ancient times, she couldn't stop it at all!

She knew she was going to die soon.


She has no regrets.

She finally realized what it's like to fall in love with someone. This feeling is so wonderful, so beautiful. Long Fei looked at Li Yuanba who was stunned, and said loudly, "Yuanba, what are you still doing? Go and save your woman!"

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