The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3247 Eternal Life Gate

Let's talk about Long Fei.

The purple vortex turns.

He fell asleep in a daze.

I don't know how long I slept.

He didn't know what happened while he was sleeping.

The moment he woke up, his consciousness was standing in front of a huge 'gate of heaven', the two gates were tightly closed, and a horizontal plaque was written above the gate.

On the horizontal plaque are written three strong characters of Canglong, "Eternal Life Gate"

"The gate of eternal life?" Long Fei said silently, looking at the huge stone gate, his heart tightened, and he secretly said, "Coffin of eternal life?"


"Eternal coffin, you come out for me."

"This is where?"

"You take daddy back, daddy will not accept your inheritance, and you will never live forever, daddy's life, daddy decides by himself!"

Long Fei said loudly.


Consciousness is empty, there is nothing.

Even if he roared again, the coffin of eternal life did not answer.

At this time, Long Fei desperately wanted to open his eyes and return to the real world, but... no matter how hard he struggled, there was no resistance.

It's like a dream, if you don't wake up, you can't get out.

One day, two days... After half a month, Long Fei's voice became hoarse, but it was still the same, and the coffin of eternal life never appeared again.

The man with the golden mask also did not appear.

The whole world of nothingness is just such a door, with three big characters above the door.

Nothing else.

Looking at the gate, Long Fei felt... that gate was like the coffin lid of the coffin of immortality. As long as it was pushed open, it was as if blood and water rushed out from the sky.

This kind of fear is the same as the fear of the eternal coffin at the beginning.


Long Fei walked to the front door again, and said solemnly, "It's a blessing, not a disaster, it's a disaster, even if the daddy steps on it, I won't believe it!"

Both hands pressed on the two stone gates, and they exerted force.

At the moment when Long Fei exerted force.

Purple Spiritual Qi appeared on Long Fei's arms. Spiritual Qi was entwined, and curved tattoos appeared on his arms, which was very special.

"This power..."

"So unfamiliar?"

"What kind of power is this?"

Long Fei had never experienced this kind of power, never had it before.


Long Fei's heart tightened and he stopped abruptly. The instant he stopped, the purple Spiritual Qi and those lines disappeared instantly.

"My system!"

With a thought, the induction system.

Long Fei's eyes froze, "No, my,, my,, system,,, gone!"

"Eternal life coffin, I'm a fairy, give me back the system!" Long Fei snorted heavily, not only did the system disappear, he was now a naked newcomer.

Not even a piece of cloth armor.



Interspatial Ring, no!

Even the ring is gone, and the divine treasures in the ring are even more gone.

Naked and naked.

Feeling like a newborn baby.

Long Fei fell to the ground, "Your sister's, your sister's... your sister's immortal coffin!"

All of a sudden back to before liberation.

Long Fei stood up again, looked at the gate of eternal life above his head, clenched his teeth, rose into the air, tried his best, and slammed it out with a heavy punch, "Go to your grandma's gate of eternal life!"



Large plaque shattered.

Also at this time.

A force in the big plaque suddenly attracted Long Fei.

Just like the immortal coffin bound him, the whole body was bound, and it was directly sucked in front of the big plaque.

Completely immobile.

Long Fei squinted, "Come on, kill daddy!"

"As long as it doesn't kill me, daddy will kill you!"


Long Fei's body was sucked into the big plaque, his eyes blinked, and he suddenly opened!


Bright light is dazzling.

Long Fei's subconscious eyes narrowed slightly.

Also at this time.

A little Taoist priest in his early ten years walked up, smiled excitedly, and said, "Master, master, senior brother is awake, senior brother, senior brother, you are finally awake."

The little Taoist looks very cute, like a porcelain doll.

Long Fei looked at him and was slightly surprised, "It turns out that people can look so beautiful."

It was the first time I saw such a beautiful child.

Long Fei looked at the little Taoist priest, then looked at a man with his hands behind his back in the distance, and looked at a huge stele.

Numerous inscriptions are engraved on the stele.

Long Fei glanced at it in passing, but couldn't understand a single one.

Long Fei looked at the little Taoist again and said, "Where is this?"

The little Taoist smiled and said, "Senior brother, this is the Hall of Eternal Life. You were rescued by the master, have you forgotten? What did you encounter? How could it hurt you like this?"

The little Taoist looked curious.

He looked at Long Fei and felt very different from his previous senior brother.

"Eternal Life Palace?"

Long Fei had never heard of this place, and said to himself, "Could it be that this is the gate of eternal life?"

Xiao Dao giggled and said, "That's right, Senior Brother, did you finally remember?"

"I want to leave!"


Long Fei was about to get up. The moment he got up, his body jumped abruptly, and he couldn't stand at all. Looking at his own body, it was as good as ever...


His stomach, Dantian, was stirring like a meat grinder, and it was extremely uncomfortable.

Long Fei was in a cold sweat.

Paled face.

The little Taoist hurriedly said, "Senior brother, don't move. The Master said that your Dantian has been shattered, and your Cultivation Base is gone. You should rest now."

"Dantian shattered?"

"Is the Cultivation Base gone?"


"I just..." Long Fei clenched his fists violently and tried hard, but... he couldn't release any power, and it was painful to even clench his fists.

The source of power within the Dantian is as if there were none.

Although he doesn't understand cultivation, he knows how important Dantian is to a Practitioner!

Dantian fragmentation doesn't matter if there is a system.


He has no system now!

Dantian is broken, which means it is waste!

Long Fei looked at the little Taoist priest and said, "Where is this? The realm of Hongmeng Realm?"

The little Taoist looked incomprehensible, and said, "Senior brother, where is the Hongmeng Realm? Why have I never heard of it, is it a new place for you? Tell me, what's new."

A look of curiosity.

Long Fei's heart sank, "It's over!"

His body was paralyzed, his seat was leaning against the wall, Long Fei's eyes were blank, and he cursed the eighteenth generation of the ancestors of the eternal coffin in his heart.

The little Taoist priest looked at Long Fei's face as dead, and immediately said to the man not far away, "Master, master, brother seems to be getting worse."

The man didn't turn his head, but still looked at the cracked stone tablet. After a long time, the man's eyes narrowed and he muttered to himself, "Is this the new master?"

"Is it God's will?"


With his fists clenched, the middle-aged man slowly turned around, staring at Long Fei with complicated eyes.

at this moment! His eyes were filled with endless killing intent...

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