The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3265 Killing

"Ten together!!"

In an instant, the world changed.

The ground trembled, people were unsteady, and the rubble on both sides of the street fell madly.




A burst of super power came from a distance, extremely violent.

Also at this moment.

These forces exploded in an instant.

With Long Fei as the center, a circle is formed, and all the forces lock Long Fei.

The same is true in the sky.

Heaven and earth are in harmony, and the power of each union is condensed.

Half of Xuancheng was shaking.

Long Fei stood on the spot, this time he couldn't move, not immobile, but couldn't move at all. Every capillary and blood vessel in his body seemed to be bound.

Can't move!

The power is too strong!

Not only Long Fei, but the people on both sides of the street are the same, they are also motionless, like puppets.

Long Fei no longer called Nezha.

He stared at one place with his eyes, his palms exerted a little force, his whole body burst into blue veins, and he said solemnly, "Come on!"


Lei Gang roared.

The power of Shihe was violent all the way, and the ground cracked.

"It's really a force of ten!"

"Damn it, is this Lei Gang crazy?"

"What does he want to do?"

"Does he want to destroy this Xuancheng?"

"No, we can't afford the consequences if we don't take action."


Once this power is fully exploded, Xuancheng will at least be destroyed in half.

Countless casualties.

This consequence is not something that two Xuange Elders can afford.

The two Elders looked at each other and jumped out instantly.


They were a little careless and shot slowly.

Lei Gang is a master of Shenzong, and he is also a super strong in physical skills. He has never used the power of ten in public. This is his reliance, the strongest reliance.

It will never be used unless absolutely necessary.


Two consecutive punches were blocked by Long Fei, and he was still at a disadvantage.

He had never met someone with better physical skills than him, and he was still a young boy. The pride in his heart was hit, and the power of Ten Harmony burst out violently.


Lei Gang slammed a punch and detonated the power of ten together.


"The power of ten is too fast."


"It's over, it's over."

The expressions of the two elders darkened. They did not expect that the power of the Ten Harmony would be so strong that it was completely beyond their control.

"Lei Gang, this is Xuancheng, you won't be allowed to mess around!"


"You stop me!"


The two of them simply called Lei Gang who was already red-eyed.

Lei Gang ignored it, looked at Long Fei and said, "Block it again!!"

He punched hard.

The power of heaven and earth is constantly violent in the void.

The faces of the two elders turned pale, "It's over, it's over, Xuancheng is going to be destroyed!"

at this time.

Long Fei was fighting with all his strength, and the force of ten and a half bound him to such an extent that he could not move, but he still gritted his teeth to exert his strength, let out a roar, and moved his palms, "Tathagata..."

Also at this time.

Nezha, who was originally like a deflated ball, moved slightly, stood up abruptly, took out the red ying long spear, stared at Lei Gang and said, "Break!"

Red Ying flashed.

A spear thrust out.

In mid-air, Lei Gang suddenly let out a painful scream.


As soon as the strength of the whole body was withdrawn, the whole person fell from the air, bang!

The right arm joint was completely dismantled.

The Hongying spear pierced directly into his bone marrow, and the moment he landed, it slammed violently!

"Ah..." Lei Gang howled in pain, his whole body trembling.

His face was as pale as tissue paper.

The power of tenhe dissipated.

The dramatic movement of heaven and earth disappeared, the power within a few hundred meters disappeared, and the pedestrians on both sides of the street also regained their freedom, and their expressions changed slightly.

"What just happened?"

"Why do I feel like time has suddenly jumped?"

"What power was it just now?"


The two Xuange Elders fell down instantly and stood in front of Long Fei. They stared at Lei Gang and said, "Lei Gang, do you want to declare war on Xuange?"

Lei Gang had cold sweat on his forehead, looked at the two Xuange Elders and said, "I was reckless. I'm very sorry for my actions."


Long Fei was furious, "Is the apology over?"

Nezha had lost his strength, and lay there softly, Long Fei was very distracted, and he was done with an apology?

Long Fei rushed up, grabbed Lei Gang's collar, and slammed down with a punch, "Bang!"

Lei Gang smashed to the ground, looking at Long Fei a little surprised, and said, "This is not your power."

The moment he was grabbed by Long Fei, he thought he was going to die, but when Long Fei's fist hit him, it didn't hurt at all.

Long Fei also saw clearly.


Not a single hit of blood damage was dealt.

This guy's physical defense exceeds Long Fei's attack damage.

The dragon flew up and punched again.

‘iss! ’

Still the same, no damage at all.

Long Fei was very angry.

Lei Gang said, "Use your true power. I will have no regrets in my life if I die in your hands."

He was calm at heart.

Only he knows how powerful the power of tenhe is. Even a peak powerhouse with a desperate state of mind may be difficult to resist, but... Long Fei not only blocked it, but also broke the power of tenhe that killed him.

Lei Gang was also somewhat grateful to Long Fei in his heart.

If it wasn't for Long Fei's death, he would probably lead Shenzong into the war.

after all.

Xuancheng is the territory of Xuange. If it is destroyed, Xuange will definitely not let it go, and there are still so many lives.

Long Fei stared at Lei Gang angrily, and regardless of whether he hit or not, the damage was just a bang.

The two Xuange elders saw that Lei Gang apologized sincerely and didn't want to be too rude, so they quickly pulled up Long Fei and said, "Forget it, forget it, forget it."

Long Fei kicked a few times.

Looking at Nezha who was lying on his back, Long Fei didn't dare to stop. Looking at a tavern not far away, he rushed in.

No one knew what he was going to do.

The two Xuange Elders stood there dumbfounded, "He, he wouldn't be going to get a kitchen knife, would he?"

"The kitchen knife is useless."

"Ordinary knives can't cut Lei Gang's skin at all."

Lei Gang was also stunned.

Running into the kitchen, Long Fei ignored the shocked expressions of those people and said, "I'll have something to eat right away, I'll have it right away, I'll be fine right away."



Long Fei's hands were lightning fast, and he cut meat frantically.

Chop the meat into puree directly, then put it into the hot boiling water to make a soup, add some salt, and the meatball soup is finished, "Nezha, come and eat, come and eat."

Nezha slumped softly and didn't want to move at all, "Grandma, grandma...I want to eat grandma..."


Long Fei's eyes swept away, and the aunts in the kitchen had no milk at all. He rushed out again, looked at Xuanyu not far away, and said, "Do you want her milk?"

Nezha grandma... grandma...

Just when Long Fei wanted to rush to Xuanyu's side.


A man in a black robe fell down, with a black wild dragon embroidered on the black robe.

The eyes of the two Xuange Elders sank.

"Shenzong Deputy Sect Leader!"

The sea has run out of manuscripts, and it is the end of the year. The writing time cannot be determined, and the update time will also be uncertain. Sorry. The number of updates will not be small, and there will be more updates at the end of the month.

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