The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3276 Gluttonous Body


As soon as the fluorescent light exploded, the divine light burst out directly from Long Fei's Qiqiao.

Also at this moment.

"Gluck cluck..."

"Gluck cluck..."

The joints of the whole body are crackling, as if they are growing rapidly and developing a second time, the bones are strengthened, the water of steel is poured in, and every capillary is changing.

Every single hair is like a needle.


Long Fei let out a roar.



The mountain continued to crack and impact, and the cracks in the cave continued to extend.

Long Fei's whole body was changing.

His broken Dantian slowly rotated, forming a vortex like a Galaxy. The vortex slowly rotated, and the speed of rotation was getting faster and faster under the stimulation of the fluorescent light.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Spinning booming sound.

at last.

The shattered Dantian completely disappeared, forming a small black hole!

Pieces of animal scales appeared on the surface of Long Fei's skin, and there was a pitch black sound.

The surface of the skin appeared in the blood after a trace of metamorphosis.


Another buzzing.

Fluorescence flashed.

The power of gluttonous completely merged into it, circulated from every part of Long Fei's body, and finally entered the small black hole of Dantian.


The fluorescence disappeared, and Long Fei's body returned to its original state.

Both fists clenched lightly, "Creak creak, creak creak..."

One after another beast scales appeared.

Brown scales like blocks of black rock.

this moment.

Long Fei felt the endless defensive power.

Unspeakable power.

"The defense of the super god body..."

"This should be the power of the gluttonous body, the defense of the super-divine body!" Long Fei was extremely excited, looking at the gluttonous corpse on the ground, Long Fei said seriously, "Although you are not handsome, even ugly, but I Long Fei I will do my best to do what I promise.”

"rest in peace."

"Your glory will last forever!"

Long Fei walked to the exit where the old taotie had already smashed, watching the gusts of wind whistling outside, and listening to the continuous cracking of the mountain, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, "It's so high."

"Will it fall to death?"


What Long Fei got was a gluttonous body, and he didn't get a grade.

He is still at the ninth rank of Tongyou, and he is still unable to fly from this height.


Without any hesitation, he jumped straight down, "Daddy is an immortal body now!"


With a flick of his body, he rushed out.

Also at this moment.

"Crash... Crash..."

Broken Sky Peak cracked, and the dangerous peaks that towered into the sky kept breaking, smashing down from the sky, and huge stones fell madly.

Mountains tens of thousands of meters high are constantly breaking and falling.

Everyone in Xuange was shocked.


"Grand Pavilion Master, Broken Heaven Peak has cracked!"

The pavilion master's eyes sank, "That monster..."

He is the master of the pavilion. He knows that a monster has been imprisoned and sealed in Broken Heaven Peak, and that monster has been imprisoned for thousands of years, but it will not die.

His kind of power is extremely strong, even he would not dare to approach.

The ancestral teaching said that you must wait until the monster dies, and only when the monster dies can you get that kind of super power.

But now...

Broken Sky Peak collapsed.

The pavilion master immediately asked, "Are there any monsters rushing out of Broken Heaven Peak?"


"I didn't see anything coming out of Broken Heaven Peak."

The pavilion master said slightly, "Could it be that the monster is already dead?"


"Isn't there another person on Broken Sky Peak? It's the man who came with the Xuan family girl. How is he?"

"Is there still life on the cliff?"

"I'm afraid he's already dead!"

"Where's Xuanyi?"

The disciple immediately said, "Xuanling Arhat has been chased, Xuanyu Elder has been severely injured, Xuanyu is still fleeing, but he can't escape very far."

"It's just that Broken Heaven Peak is cracking, and all kinds of rocks are falling. Xuanling Arhat surrounded Xuanzhuang and didn't make any more moves."

The pavilion master said, "Since we have caught it, we must live. The Xuan family must have some secrets."

"Especially Xuanyu, must live!"



"Cough cough..."

Xuan Yu coughed up blood continuously, his face was pale, and he looked at Xuan Yu, who was surrounded by one side, and thought to himself, "Could it be that God wants to kill my Xuan family?"

"God, what the hell did our Xuan family do to punish our Xuan family like this?"


Xuanyi let out a roar.

Xuanling Arhat drank, "Xuanyu, stop struggling, you can't escape."

"The pavilion master has an order, as long as you stop resisting, spare your life!"

Eight Xuanling Arhats surrounded Xuanzhuang, and now Xuanzhuang couldn't escape even with his wings attached.

Another changed Xuanyu was also trapped.

Xuan Yu's eyes were cold and unfeeling, he slowly stood up from the ground, coldly said with a smile, "The pavilion master just doesn't give up on the supreme treasure."

"Want my Xuan family's supreme treasure?"



The strength of the whole body surged, and with a heavy voice, "Come on!"

The voice fell.

Xuanyi dashed abruptly.

A Xuanling Arhat said coldly, "Looking for death!"

rush out.

A punch was thrown out at a much faster speed than Xuan Yu, directly hitting the abdomen, a mouthful of blood gushed out, and Xuan Yu's body exploded out.

Fly directly to the bottom of Broken Sky Peak.


The boulders on Broken Sky Peak are still rolling down.




Every boulder carries the power of millions, and as long as it is hit, it may become muddy.

Xuan Yu was blasted to the bottom of the cliff, and the sound of the falling boulders was constantly heard in the sky. She raised her head slightly and looked at the sky...

Also at this time.


A figure fell from the sky.

Xuanyi's eyes tightened, and she wanted to jump away, but under the severe injury, her reaction slowed down, her body couldn't support it, and she couldn't escape at all.

The person who fell was naturally Long Fei.

He also saw a person lying on the ground.


Long Fei immediately shouted, "Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way."

Xuan Yu heard Long Fei's voice, his eyes were shocked, "It's you!!"

Hate skywards.

Strong killing intent.

The reason why she and Xuanyu came this far was because of Long Fei.

Just because of a real man.

If this man hadn't killed Ye Shura in Xuancheng, there wouldn't be so many things at all, she attributed it all to Long Fei.

Xuanyi roared, "I'm going to kill you!"

As soon as her voice came out, Long Fei was shocked, "Damn, is it your beautiful Taoist nun?"

"kill me?"

"Want to kill me? Then I..."

Long Fei has no control at all, his body is parallel, his hands are down,


He landed heavily, but he didn't smash on Xuan Yu's body, but put his hands on the ground and directly pressed Xuan Yu under him, with a wicked smile on his face, "What did you just say? You want to kill me?"

The distance between the two is only a few centimeters.

Face to face, face to face.

mouth to mouth,.

Anger erupted in Xuan Yu's eyes and said, "I want to..."

"You want some wool." Long Fei kissed him directly, blocking Xuanyi's mouth all of a sudden...

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