The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3278 You Can Do Anything To Me

leave alive?

For Xuanzhang, this is simply impossible, not to mention that the huge boulders piled up in front of him are pressed down, the mysterious arhats outside can kill them a hundred and eighty thousand times.

There is no hope of getting out of here alive.

She now hopes that Xuanyu can live and leave the last incense to the Xuan family.


After she finished speaking, Long Fei's aura seemed to change suddenly.



There were various cracking sounds in the boulder pile, and the boulders were loosening, as if a super-strong force was breaking out from the ground.

Xuanyi looked at Long Fei.

Long Fei blushed and said, "Just wait and sleep with me."

The body slowly stood up.

The shoulders resisted all the strength and slowly lifted up from the bend.




The boulder kept falling.

Xuanyi looked at Long Fei's body with a layer of brown scales growing on his body, a scale he had never seen before, and exclaimed, "Your flesh..."

This is an advanced fleshly body.


"I can see it clearly in Xuancheng, your body is just an ordinary second-level body." Xuanyi became puzzled, and Long Fei's Cultivation Base was still a realm.

Nothing has changed.

Long Fei said slightly, "People can change."


The gluttonous body, the existence of the super body.

Its physical strength is far less than that.

What is a million boulders? Even if the entire Broken Heaven Peak was pressed against him, his physical body would not be hurt in the slightest.

What is a superhero?

This is!

Xuanyi's eyes became dull...


"Xuanyi should be dead."

"She's left now, she can't die anymore."

Xuanling Arhat moved.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

He quickly landed on Xuanyu's side and surrounded her.

Seeing that her aunt was buried by a stone, Xuanyu cried bitterly and rushed towards the stone pile like a madman, but was blocked by Xuanling Arhat.



Xuanyu shouted.

There was no sound from the boulders.

Xuanling Luohan said coldly, "She's already dead, don't be powerless to resist, come back to the Daxuan Palace with us."

Xuanyu is still rushing.

Being caught by Xuanling Arhat, he lifted it up like he was holding a chicken.

"You two stay here."


The Xuanling Arhats all flew to the Daxuan Palace, leaving a few Xuange disciples to guard here.

Xuanyu kept shouting, "Aunt, aunt..."


After Xuanyu was taken away, the few Xuange disciples who stayed behind said, "The women of the Xuan family are really more beautiful than each other, just that Taoist aunt Xuanyu, with that figure, tsk tsk tsk, every time I think of me, I can't sleep all night. , It’s a pity now, it’s a pity to die like this.”

"A Xuanzhuang died, and now a more superb Xuanyu has arrived."

"This woman is not very old, but she is a top-quality thing. If she is taken care of by the two of us in the future, it will really be..."


The two laughed evilly.

Xuanyi's stunning face is also incomparably cold, her eyes are unfeeling, cold as frost, no man dares to approach, but...

She is the object of the fantasies of Xuange disciples.

Just because of her coldness and heartlessness, more people want to conquer her.

Coupled with her appearance, it made countless young boys unable to sleep at night.

The two of them are one of them.

Looking at the pile of boulders, a disciple said slightly, "Why don't we remove the stones, and then..."

That evil expression was like an old slut.

Both eyes twinkled.

The two looked at each other, their Adam's apple rolled over, and said loudly, "Gudong!"

"it is good!"

"I can't even get close when I'm alive, I'm dead..."

"Even if I get smashed into flesh by a boulder, I can always kiss Fang Ze, right?"


Lewd heart rippling.

The two of them had no taboos and were about to move the boulder away.


At this moment, the pile of boulders suddenly swelled, and the gravel kept rolling down.

The two were slightly shocked.

"what happened?"

"Not dead yet?"

"Impossible, it's absolutely impossible to live in that situation."

A disciple said, "It's better to live, and it's also a serious injury to live. With our Cultivation Base, can she handle it?"


"Brother, we made a lot of money."

The two became even more excited as if they had been beaten with chicken blood, and rushed up.


The mountain exploded, the boulders were blasted open by a powerful force, and countless boulders flew out.



The two disciples were directly pressed down by a huge boulder of one million kilograms, and even the feces on their buttocks were pressed out, and they lost their breath in an instant.


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing 'Xuange Disciple', does he gain level?"


"Can you kill someone?"




"The system prompts that the ingestion is successful!"

"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for upgrading, the current level is the third rank!"

The boulder cracked, and Long Fei flew into the sky, like the birth of a stone monkey.

Standing on the edge of the deep pit, Long Fei looked at Xuan Yu who was in the pit, stretched out his hand and said, "What are you still doing lying there? Can't wait to go to bed with me now?"

Xuan Yu's face turned red, and his eyes glared at Long Fei.

Just now, she was really startled by Long Fei.

She had never seen such a powerful physical body.

That kind of physical strength, that kind of powerful physique... It's really fascinating.

The temptation of the strong!

Xuan Yu reacted, his body straightened, and he flew out of the pit in an instant, his face returned to that cold, frosty expression, and he looked around slightly shocked, "Yu'er!"


Xuan Yu looked in the direction of the Daxuan Palace and said, "Is what you just said counted?"

Long Fei said, "Do you want to go back on your words?"

Xuanyi said, "No, my condition is to leave here alive. Now... I need to add another condition. If you do it again, I will do whatever you want after you go to bed."

Long Fei said, "What conditions?"

Xuan Yu said, "Leave with Xuan Yu!"

Long Fei said lightly, "I'm happy to help!"

Xuanyi said, "I'll lead the way, you follow."

Xuan Yu endured the severe pain, flicked his body violently, and flew directly to the Daxuan Palace, "Yu'er, don't have any trouble."

Xuanyu blinded all those pavilion masters, and in their hands, life would definitely be worse than death.

Xuanyi was very worried, and her speed increased to the limit.

It didn't matter whether Long Fei could keep up.

Long Fei can resist so many boulder bombardments, and the speed should be no problem.


She ignored a question, Long Fei's level!

"I rely on!"

"Running so fast, how did Daddy catch up?" Long Fei scorned. His Cultivation Base couldn't support the long flight, so he could only run wildly on the ground.

"your sister!"

Long Fei ran hard on the ground. Running and running... Long Fei got lost!

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