The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3282 My Woman

"it's him!"

"It's that kid!"

"Hahaha... I cast myself into the net!"

"Heaven has a way, you don't go, The Underworld has no way and you break in."


Hearing Long Fei's body, many pavilion masters were shocked, and they could immediately tell who it was.

Xuanyi's face changed, and he didn't know why...there was an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

This feeling has been there before.


She has always regarded this kind of touching as the source of her hatred, she hates this kind of touching, but now she can't control herself.

There were tears in the corners of his eyes, and there was an urge to cry.


"Fool!" Xuanyi said heavily in her heart, and suddenly, she rushed out of the Great Hall recklessly and shouted, "Run!"


With a loud bang, the power of the pavilion master directly slammed Xuan Yu to the ground, and said with a gloomy sneer, "Has he run away now?"

Also at this time.

Long Fei saw that Xuan Yu was smashed to the ground, and the anger of the eighth generation of the ancestors was soaring, "Your uncle, the woman who works with the daddy?"

"court death!"

As soon as Long Fei's voice fell, he rushed up quickly.


Minghe Realm's Cultivation Base is really not very cool.

The level is too low, and even when flying, it is lightly tapped to the ground, and then flew a few meters, just like a bird learning to fly.

His movements looked funny.

The pavilion master who walked to the door of the Great Hall sensed Long Fei's breath and all laughed.



"What did he just say?"

"Xuanyi is his woman?"

"Hahaha... boy, don't you look at what you are now?"


Xuan Yu watched Long Fei get closer and closer, with blood hanging from the corner of his mouth, and said solemnly, "Quick, go, go, go."

Long Fei's words "my woman" made a warm current suddenly rise in her heart.

This feeling is called happiness!

No matter what plane he is in, Long Fei can always exude a special charm, he can always impress women's hearts, and even icebergs can be melted by him.

Xuanyi's heart is colder than the iceberg, and she regards men all over the world as enemies, but now... she is worried about Long Fei.

The pavilion master sneered and said, "Boy, hand over the supreme treasure, this is your only choice now, if you don't..."

Don't wait for him to finish.

Long Fei scolded directly, "I'll give you eight generations of ancestors!"

The muscles in the corners of the pavilion's eyes twitched slightly, and he said solemnly, "Xuanling Arhat!"

"Give me one of his hands first!"

A Xuanling Arhat flew out directly and landed in front of Long Fei.

The figure is elegant, like Immortal Venerable.

The breath on his body crushed the dragon to fly 108,000 miles.

The pavilion master said, "Remember, don't kill him!"

Xuanling Arhat said indifferently, "Follow your orders!"

As soon as the voice fell, Xuanling Arhat disappeared.

Long Fei didn't stop, and strode towards the big pavilion master, he was still burning with anger.

He didn't pay any attention to Xuanling Arhat at all.

Seeing the blood hanging from the corner of Xuan Yang's mouth, Long Fei was furious.

"What is he doing?"

"He's not defensive at all?"

"Cultivation Base is a Realm of Pluto, but his reaction... is not as good as even the lowest Practitioner. Facing the attack of the Xuanling Arhat, his whole body is wide open. It's almost courting death."

"Don't worry, he won't die, Xuanling Luohan is very measured, saying that if he destroys one hand, it will not destroy his feet."


To them, Long Fei was like an ant.

In their eyes, Long Fei was about to be destroyed, and they cried and screamed.


At first, the disciple who reported the letter couldn't help trembling, and said, "He,,, he,,, his body is very strange." His voice was trembling.

At this time, no one paid attention to what he said, and a disciple who reported a letter did not attract attention at all.

between lightning.


With a loud bang, Xuanling Arhat's palm turned into a knife, which accurately slashed Long Fei's shoulder.

The powerful energy burst out like a knife.


"As expected, I really don't know defense at all."

"Too rubbish!"

"Hahaha... Trash is trash."


Xuanling Arhat hit with one blow, and everyone laughed.

Only the disciple did not laugh, but showed a horrified expression, "It's like this again, it's like this again, he,, he,, he,..."

I was speechless.

"Boy, now you just lost an arm, you still have a chance..." The pavilion master said proudly.

Don't wait for him to finish.


The Xuanling Arhat, who was originally suspended in mid-air, suddenly fell down and fell directly in front of the waste. Long Fei grinned and sneered, "Waste my arm?"


Stepping on it with one foot, it directly smashed the head of Xuanling Arhat!

The whole place shook.

There was no sound at all in the huge square, and everyone was stunned.

at this time.


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for killing 'Xuanling Arhat', did he gain the level?"


Long Fei did not hesitate.


"Congratulations to player 'Long Fei' for upgrading, the current level is absolutely first rank!"

Xuanling Arhat, all are desperate Realm.

Just now, he was considered the lowest-level existence among the Xuanling Arhats, but he was also very powerful.


Was trampled by Long Fei!

After stepping on the explosion, Long Fei did not stop, his eyes were still fixed on the pavilion master, and he said solemnly, "You daddy's woman, even if your eighth-generation ancestors emerge today, you will die!"

Long Fei continued to walk forward.

They are still in shock.

"Just now, just now, what happened?"

"Why did Xuanling Arhat suddenly fall to the ground?"

"What the hell is going on?"


No one could see clearly.


The pavilion masters and these people are all blind, and they can't even see.

Only the disciple trembled and said, "That's it, that's it, the brothers in Tianwu Pavilion all died like this,'s like they killed themselves."

The muscles in the corners of the pavilion's eyes twitched fiercely, and he said loudly, "Go!"


‘Whoosh! ’


The three Xuanling Arhats flew out and surrounded Long Fei.

The pavilion master gave an order, "Go!"


The three of them moved in unison, and were directly tied to Long Fei's body.


Long Fei didn't realize it, and was not restrained at all.

The gluttonous body, swallows the sky, swallows the earth, swallows everything.

The coercion can be swallowed up!

Any coercion in this world was useless on Long Fei's body, it was all swallowed up by the little black hole in his Dantian.

No coercion!

The eyes of the three Xuanling Arhats tightened, "Weapons!"

Taking out the long sword, the three moved in unison.

The sword flowers all over the sky shrouded Long Fei tightly, and there was no way out at all.


Long Fei didn't retreat, but still strode forward.

The three swordsmen pierced his eyebrows, heart, and abdomen respectively.

The moment when the three swords touched Long Fei.



"Bang!" The three fell to the ground...

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