The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3329 Immortal

The evil fire of the altar swept Long Fei into it, and the flames sent Long Fei to the package.

at the same time.

The defenses of Long Fei's gluttonous body were all released, and the scales of the gluttonous gluttons turned blood red, and Long Fei's whole body was like a blood gluttonous gluttonous head.

Not only that.

When the flames devoured Long Fei, the small black hole in his Dantian was also engulfed in a frantic rotation.

The flames are swallowing Longfei.

Long Fei is also swallowing the flames, forming a cycle.

Long Fei's whole body was roasted.

The whole body is unbearable, but!


The sound of the system sounded Long Fei in shock.

"Fiery eyes?"

"Isn't this Taishang Laojun's pill refining furnace?"

"Have my eyes been made into golden eyes?" Long Fei was stunned, and he never thought that the flames would make golden eyes.

"System girl, what kind of fire is this flame?"

Long Fei couldn't help but ask.

The flame in the altar is certainly not ordinary fire.

The weapons refined by this spirit family all possess spirits, and this flame must be very powerful.

The system did not respond.

Long Fei said again, "I forgot that you were resting."

The system girl didn't respond. Long Fei once again sounded that she was resting and didn't bother anymore. Long Fei murmured, "I have golden eyes, what's so special about these eyes?"

Eyes move.

Activate the power of flaming eyes.

Long Fei's pupils turned into flames, his eyes swept away, looking at the ever-changing flames, and said, "What a strong flame."

At a glance.

The level of flames appeared in Long Fei's mind.

All are super god-level, and the level is 9999!

Fortunately, Long Fei has the gluttonous power of gluttony and the power of flame to form a cycle, otherwise, he will be burned to ashes the moment he is swallowed.



A bright light flickered in the flame.

Black flame!

Long Fei's eyes moved, and he immediately felt that the trace of black flame was different from other flames, "What a strong evil power."


"Get out of here!"

Hei Yan suddenly let out a roar.


In an instant, Hei Yan turned into a man in a black robe.

The man's expression was full of disdain and contempt.

Long Fei said, "You should be the tool soul clan that wants to extinguish the flames I devoured?"


"Artifact Soul Clan? They are just a clan that wastes time and things. It's too wasteful to use this kind of divine fire to refine divine treasures." The black-robed man said even more disdainfully.

"Sure enough, it's divine fire!" Long Fei was secretly surprised, "It's no wonder that I came in and burned a pair of fiery eyes."

Because of this power, Hei Yan thought of taking the divine fire as his own.

The black-robed man said, "Boy, do you hear me? Get out!"

The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched and excitedly said, "If this divine fire is used to upgrade the ghost fire, then it will definitely be able to upgrade the ghost fire to the highest level."

Different planes have different levels of divine treasures.


One thing Long Fei can confirm is that the divine fire in the altar is absolutely stronger than any fire element in the Hongmeng world.

The fact that it can make Horcruxes alone is enough to explain everything.

"Did you hear?"

"Let you get out!" The black-robed man said heavily again.

Long Fei said, "What?"

The man in black robe said, "I'll let you get out, or I'll be rude to you."

Long Fei smiled and said, "You're welcome to me? If you could deal with me, then you'd be welcome a long time ago, right?"

The black-robed man glared at him, "Do you think I can't do anything about you?"

Long Fei said, "Isn't it?"

The black-robed man smiled deeply and said, "Then let you see my power."

The voice fell.

The black-robed man turned into black flames again, the black flames erupted violently, the flames turned black, swallowed directly to Long Fei from all directions, and said, "Burning the sky!"




The roar exploded.

The altars were shaking.

The whole tribe was shaking.

Many clansmen were slightly shocked, looking at the altar, all their faces darkened, and they were all extremely nervous.

"what happened?"

"What is his kid doing?"

"How can there be such a violent vibration?"

"Elder, is he really okay?"


Many were also questioning what Elder said.

Elder's eyebrows are also secretly wrinkled, and he can't guarantee it, but according to ancestral rumors, the power of devouring is the only power that can evolve divine fire.

It depends on whether Long Fei's Devouring level is strong enough!



"It's fierce!"

Long Fei made a slight noise, but...he is not a vegetarian either.

Watching the endless black flames rush towards him.

Long Fei's inner strength moved, "The power of eternal life!"


Immortal inscriptions appear on both arms.

The black flame is wrapped, the inscription of eternal life is constantly wrapping Long Fei, and the small black hole in the depths of his Dantian is madly absorbing.


Long Fei let out a roar.

Black flame frantically roasted Long Fei.

If it were an ordinary person, it would have been turned to ashes long ago.

But Long Fei was completely fine.

The power of eternal power!

Although Long Fei has just stepped into the gate of immortality and just touched the threshold of the power of immortality, it is enough to deal with this black flame attack.

"Not dead?"

Hei Yan was startled and said, "Impossible, no one can withstand my burning."

"You,,, the inscription on your body?"

"What is it?"

The inscription of immortality is also black, and it is particularly conspicuous under the black flame. Even if the black flame is blind, I may feel it.

Long Fei said, "It's a baby."

Black Yan fell silent.

His flames continue to devour!

Stopped for half a moment.

Hei Yan suddenly said, "The power of eternal life!"

"Eternal Life Inscription!"


"Are you from the Eternal World?"

"No, it's impossible!" Hei Yan was extremely frightened, the flames were also flickering, shrinking constantly, looking at Long Fei, looking at Long Fei's arms covering the inscription, he didn't believe it, but he had to believe it .

"The world of eternal life has disappeared."

"The whereabouts of the eternal coffin are also unknown."

"There is no immortal family."

"You,,, who are you?"

Long Fei muttered, "What immortal world, immortal family?"

Just then.


Long Fei's Dantian burned, and the small black hole turned into flames. Long Fei's mouth twitched, "Rage is full!"

"Blast me!"

The absorption is full, and the rage value explodes.

A powerful burst of power.

Long Fei grabbed his arms, and the immortal inscription moved, grabbing Hei Yan with one palm.

The contraction of the black flame in the mission.


Long Fei pressed Hei Yan to the ground.

He raised his left hand and said solemnly, "Death!"

Hei Yan said, "No, no, don't kill me, don't kill me, don't kill me, I'd like to be your slave, and I can tell you how to absorb the divine fire."

"As long as you don't kill me, I'm willing to let you drive me."

Black Flame trembled.

Long Fei's palm fell heavily.

Hei Yan's eyes were about to burst out, and he let out a sound, "Ah..."

If this palm falls, Hei Yan will surely die.

However. This palm did not fall!

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