The teaching process is a long process.

at the same time.

Long Fei closed his eyes, imprinting every sentence Elder said in his mind.

His hands are in the pool water, and the forged souls in the pool are still frantically snatching, just like fishes swimming in his hands.



The pool water rolled.

form a vortex.

Long Fei put his hands in the center of the whirlpool.

Elder was frightened by the vortex in the pool. If the water in the pool was turbid for a moment, it was shocking, and this picture made him even more shocked by Deva.


"Absolutely impossible!"

The Elder muttered to himself, "Our tool soul clan is the strongest forge clan. No forge genius of any clan can compare to us, but he..."

Elder looked at Long Fei sideways.

Can't see anything special.

No matter talent or potential, nothing can be seen.

"Is it beyond my sensing range?" Elder was even more shocked, "How can such a monster exist in this world?"

"Is this the luck of the Soul Clan, or is it our disaster?"

Talent transcends the Soul Clan, which makes Elder's heart very complicated, whether it is joy or sorrow.


Elder then taught the formula.

The promise of the Soul Clan is worth more than ten thousand gold, and the promised things will definitely be done.

In the teaching of mantras.




The pool water was spinning more and more violently.

All have to be transferred out of the Soul Refinement Pool.

"It's for the forging tool!" Elder gave a long voice and finished the formula of forging. At this time, his eyes opened secretly and said, "Remember."

Also at this moment.

Long Fei opened his eyes.


The swirling pool water suddenly calmed down.

In an instant, the turbid pool water turned into clear water, exactly the same as when it came in, without any change.

Elder was taken aback, "Uh? No choice?"

The Elder looked at Long Fei suspiciously, and said, "That soul forging chose you?"

Long Fei said, "I don't know either."

really do not know.

Because in the moment just now, he felt hundreds, thousands of fish swimming into his body strength, he really didn't know it was the kind of soul training.


Long Fei didn't know if this was an option.

Elder looked at the pool water and wondered, "Could it be that something went wrong?"

"Did you remember the formula?"

Long Fei said, "I remember."

Elder said, "Then you forge a weapon and see, so that you will know which forged soul chose you."

That's how they judge the forging soul.

The Elder flew the dragon out of the room.

The door of the room was full of people from the Soul Tool Clan, all of them stared at Long Fei with wide eyes, "That kind of soul forging?"

"What is it?"

"Is there a soul forging to choose him?"

"Impossible, forging souls is enshrined in the era of our tool soul family, it is impossible to choose an outsider."

"Is that so?"

"That kid definitely didn't choose to forge his soul."


Elder came out and said, "Up the refining device!"

The man in the title pushed over the refining table, and there were various materials and a forging hammer on the refining table.

Elder said, "You test it first."

Long Fei didn't hesitate to go forward. He picked up the materials and began to forge. In the process, he felt the power of the soul-forging technique, which was completely different from the ancient artifact refining technique he cultivated.

It's a whole other way.

Very traditional.

But there is another technology in the tradition.

Bit by bit, Long Fei followed the formula of the forging technique step by step, and at the same time, Long Fei felt that there was a power surging in his hand during the process of forging! "boom!"



Ten minutes later.

The fire goes out and the forge ends.

Long Fei looked at everyone and said, "It's over."

A very ordinary one-time refining, there is nothing outstanding, there is nothing exciting, and you can't even feel any aura fluctuations.

Elder stepped forward and secretly said, "This,,, is it really an error in the Soul Refinement Pool?"

Looking at the weapon made by Long Fei, he held it in his hand and thought.

In an instant.

His eyes sank, he locked his eyes tightly, turned to stare at Long Fei, and said, "Star Soul?"

With the word 'star soul', everyone was in an uproar.

"It can't be a star soul!"

"The star soul is one of the top ten forging souls."

"How could he fuse the star soul?"


When the Elder's thoughts moved, a powerful soul-forging power poured in, which was then refined by Long Fei, and stars began to flash on it, and stars appeared one after another.

Seven Stars appear on the sword.

"It's really a star soul!"

"This this……"

"It's incredible."

The Elder looked at Long Fei in astonishment, and said, "No wonder the Soul Refinement Pool became cloudy in an instant, and the star souls moved, no wonder."

Long Fei asked, "Is the star soul strong?"

Elder said, "One of the top ten forging souls, not only is it strong, it is so strong that it explodes."

"So lucky?" Long Fei smiled slightly, thinking inwardly, "The power in your hand just now was the star soul, so what are the powers behind the star soul?"

"I also want to forge weapons like the gravity system."


Long Fei thought to himself, listening to Elder's tone that the star soul should be much stronger than the heavier soul, Long Fei didn't ask any more questions, and he could test it slowly in the future.

He also went to Tianji Pavilion.

Find the celestial craftsman and recast the sword of the sky!


Long Fei asked, "Have you found my friend?"

"found it!"

"Your friend is in the Northern Territory and is still in the turbulent space."


"The good news is that they are all alive." A man hurried back.

Long Fei felt relieved, and said, "Elder, I won't stay any longer!"

Elder said, "Okay, if you need any help, feel free to come to me. My Soul Clan will do my best."

Long Fei flew out.

People from the Soul Clan gathered around and said, "Elder, is it really Star Soul?"

Elder didn't answer, but walked to the soul-forging pool, walked to the edge of the pool, stretched his hands in, the water in the pool didn't change in any way, and he was stunned, "What's going on?"


Try again, still the same, there is nothing in the Soul Forging Pool.

"what happened?"

Elder was puzzled, and shouted out of the room, "Cracking the sky, come in!"

A young disciple entered the room.

Elder said, "Put your hand into the Soul Refinement Pool."

Sky Splitting said, "Elder, I haven't completed basic training, and I'm not qualified enough."

Elder didn't say much, "Do as I say."

Crack Kong is also the leader of the younger generation of the Soul Clan. He has been cultivating and forging the foundation of equipment, which is also to better welcome Soul Cultivation in the future.

Crack Kong let out a light breath and stretched his hands into the Soul Refinement Pond.

Without any ripples.

Elder asked, "Do you feel anything?"

Kai Kong was a little frustrated and said, "Elder, I,,, I,, I don't feel anything, I,, I,,,"

As he spoke, he wanted to cry.

Because there is no option to forge the soul, this is like a bolt from the blue and a big blow to the people of the Soul Clan.

Elder's pupils tightened, staring at the Soul Refinement Pool.

Soul Forging Pool is empty!

Nothing at all!

Elder's face was horrified, and his body could not help trembling secretly, "Could it be that he absorbed all the forging souls in the soul-forging pool?" "My God."

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