The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3393 Boss Wakes Up

Never been so humiliated.

Even if he was incarnated to guard the Dragon Sword to suppress it here, he had never been so humiliated.

He has never faced the invasion of thousands of foreign demons before.

Nine strokes in a row, without even hurting the opponent's hair.

That doesn't count.

The key is that Long Fei just stood there and let him attack, it was like chopping wood, and he didn't even chop the bark off nine times in a row. How tragic is this?

"Om, hum, hum..."

There were sword sounds from all directions.

It was like the breathing of the ice sword.

Very harsh.

Long Fei stood quietly and said, "It's the last move, you have to grasp it well. If you can't hurt me with this move, then you will lose."


There was a buzzing sound.

With a flick of the ice sword, it turned into nine.

The surrounding atmosphere was obviously wrong.


The surrounding ice began to melt rapidly.

Long Fei's eyebrows tightened secretly, "Do you want to enlarge the move?"

This move is completely different from the previous nine moves, as if it has changed a kind of power.

At this time.

The dragon sword flew out suddenly and said, "Frost, no!"

Bingjian ignored it, "Go away!"

Long Jian said heavily, "Frost, don't you understand? Only the master's Blood Essence can open the seal, who is he not the master? Not to mention ten moves, even if it is a hundred moves, you can't hurt the master with ten thousand moves. Yes, the master opened the seal to take you out of here."

Bingjian has gone berserk, no matter what Longjian says, the power released by him has not weakened in the slightest, but has become stronger and stronger.

The surrounding ice is also rapidly melting away.

On the ice rock walls on both sides, there are huge corpses.

They lie there quietly, the ice layer is a seal on them, if the ice layer melts, then...

Those demons in the first seal will not die for hundreds of millions of years, creating the armguards of the master.

The coffin of immortality is integrated into Long Fei's body, and it can no longer create the master equipment for Long Fei, but these are not the key.

The key is that these outland demons are still alive.

Long Fei tightened secretly and said, "Come on, the last move!"

Long Jian said, "Boss, no, if this move is released, I am afraid... the entire sealing force will collapse, and then... these demons."

"Frost, do you understand what you are doing now?"

"If you dare to release that kind of power, if you hurt the boss, then you are the eternal sinner of the dragon clan. If you don't hurt the boss, and you release those foreign demons, do you think you are worthy of the dragon clan? You are worthy of the billions. The guardian of the years?"

Very loud sound.


But Bingjian didn't seem to hear it, "No one can humiliate me, no one can humiliate me, no one can hold me ten strokes and not die."


Incarnate into a sword, quietly guarding here for hundreds of millions of years.

People go crazy, and so does the sword.

too long.

His personality will change to some extent, and now he is in a state of rampage. He doesn't care what Long Jian is saying or what the consequences are, he wants to win Long Fei now!


He is desperate.

The power is still growing.

The power on the nine ice swords continued to skyrocket.

The surrounding ice began to melt crazily, and the water flowed like a brook.

As the ice layer melts, the power of the seal is rapidly weakening.

Long Fei glanced around, "There hasn't been a golden light yet, they're all dead? Impossible, there's no death in the first seal, the demon in this seal is stronger, and it's impossible to die, these guys must be bosses. right."

"Is it because you haven't woken up yet?"


Long Fei looked at Bing Jiandao, "This strength is not enough, you have to be stronger."


Ice Sword Fury.

His words angered the ice sword even more, and even more madly, he took the sealing power back into the body, and then burst out madly. The nine swords roared and continued to explode.

Longjian said loudly, "Boss, don't provoke him, if all the sealing power is absorbed by him, then no one can stop these demons."

The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched slightly, and he said in his heart, "These demons won't wake up, what am I doing here?"

Retrieving the Dragon Sword is only one of his goals.

The main reason is.

He wants grades!

The level of the Outland Demons.


When he appeared in the shrine, he would crush everything, even if Xuandi stood in front of him, he would only tremble.

The higher the level of demons here, the stronger the better!



The ice sword is still erupting.

The power is still growing.

three minutes.

The dazzling white frost sword absorbed the sealing power into it, and now the nine swords turned fiery red, like ice burning in flames.

Incredible picture.

Long Fei was also shocked, and said, "The dragon sword is really extraordinary. The power of this sword is so strong."

Long Fei clenched his fists secretly.


On the surface of his skin, the beast scales were faintly visible.

"Nine Swords Slash!"


An ice sword suddenly flew out, and a sword slashed down at the top of Long Fei's head.



Long Fei's body sank heavily, and his heart was horrified, because the ice sword slashed not his body, but his heart, the sea of ​​Divine Sense.

The defense of the gluttonous body is completely useless.

The rotating power of the small black hole accelerated, frantically swallowing the power that entered Long Fei's body.


Long Fei secretly exhaled, "Fortunately there is a guarantee, otherwise..."


It fell again.


Long Fei's body was like a tumbling thunderbolt.


At the same time, as the nine ice swords fell one by one, the ice layers on both sides shattered and collapsed, and the bodies of those foreign demons were slowly revealed.

Like a mummified corpse.


The breath on their bodies is faintly entangled, the dead have no breath, and the breath means they are not dead yet.

"Surely still alive!"

Long Fei was a little excited.




A sword is stronger than a sword, a sword is sharper than a sword, Long Fei can hardly bear it, looking at the last huge flame ice sword.

Bingjian also roared in a deep voice, "Cut!"

The last sword slashed to Long Fei.

Long Fei raised his eyes heavily, his anger was filled, and looking at the last sword cut, he said, "You have been attacking, now it's my turn!"

Flip right.


The sword of the sky fell in his hand.

Anger pours in.


With soaring anger, Long Fei moved his gesture and slashed his sword lightly, "Fall!"


All the anger poured into it, and a sword was shocked out.


The flaming ice sword was instantly knocked into the air, hitting the ice layer, smashing the last ice layer on the rock wall, and the flame slowly extinguished.

The entire ice abyss fell into darkness.

"You lost!" Long Fei said lightly.

Also at this moment.

"Hey..." A sinister sneer sounded. Long Fei's eyes tightened, "Boss is awake!!"

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