The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3434 Ninth Stage Is Broken

He was bombarded again, and no one could stop Long Fei.

As long as he is close to him, no one can stand it.

The infinite boxing gloves are all red and hot.

Long Fei was unaware.

The picture of Longzu's tragic death lingered in his mind, and he would never give up if he did not destroy the Celestial Clan.

The power of the first-level, against the Celestial Clan.

It can be said.

This madness is boundless.

Continuous beheading of ancient powerhouses, those remaining ancient powerhouses were overwhelmed by the breath of Long Fei's body, expressing that they were very uncomfortable.

One by one was furious.



The two strong men flew out, and the power of the ancient world erupted.

The little Taoist moved slightly.

The mad king stopped him and said, "The boss won't let you in. He has fallen into a rampage now. His body is full of violence and murderous intent. If he doesn't vent it out, I'm worried that he will suffocate to death."

The little Taoist priest looked at the power of immortality on Long Fei's right hand, and said, "If he consumes it too much, his body will not be able to bear it."


"He is the future Lord of Eternal Life, the Great Emperor of Eternal Life, I can't let him go on like this."

The little Taoist priest was about to fly to Long Fei's side, but was stopped by the mad king, and said, "I don't know this?"

The little Taoist said angrily, "Since you know, if you don't stop it, it will hurt your senior brother."

The mad king's eyes were angry, and he said directly, "How did your master tell you?"

The little Taoist said, "Let me protect my brother's safety."

Mad King said, "So is the boss now in danger?"

little priest...

The mad king continued, "What is the experience of the Lord of Eternal Life? You don't know, I don't know, even your master doesn't fully know."

"The road is chosen by the boss himself. Maybe this is the experience of the Lord of Eternal Life? Do you want to stop it?"

The little Taoist fell silent again.

Mad King said, "This is his path. No matter how he walks, he is walking by himself. We can't choose a path for him. What we can do, our mission is to make him walk more smoothly on his own path."

No further intervention is possible.

Just like the growth of trees, free growth is what he wants most.

will grow into a towering tree.

The little Taoist said, "Then we... just look at it like this?"

Mad King said, "Just watch him perform."

He clasped his hands on his chest and said in a low voice, "I sensed it just now. If the boss continues to kill in this state, no one in this shrine will be able to stop him."

He wants to ensure Long Fei's safety.

Absolutely safe!

The little Taoist was still a little worried, "The master said that the experience of the master of the eternal life will be very bumpy."

The mad king said, "Then did your master say that the more suffering you have, the more you will gain from cultivation?"

The little Taoist murmured, "The master did say so, it's just... The experience of the Lord of Eternal Life is different from other experiences, it is more dangerous than any experience, the senior brother has just stepped into the threshold, and if it consumes too much like this, I'm worried …”

The mad king put one hand on the shoulder of the little Taoist priest and said, "What are you worried about? You are still worried about whether you can cultivate longevity yourself."

"Lord Charm King's Shou Yuan can..."

The little Taoist's eyes narrowed.

Mad King said, "There are some things that you don't know if you don't tell others."

"Okay, don't be so nervous, Mei Wang doesn't know, you are a heartless person in her heart."


The mad king laughed, and he secretly said in his heart, "My mad way... When will it be cultivated?"




"Bang, bang bang bang..."

A series of fist crit sounds exploded over the shrine.

Long Fei came out of the deep pit, raised his eyes, and said heavily, "Next, who else?"

Another two ancient powerhouses were knocked over.

Still being beaten to death by Long Fei's infinite combo.

"Two more!"

"This this,,,"

"Three Elders, do you want me to make arrangements first?"

"I think it's better to go to Xuandi Palace, what if Xuandi doesn't know what happened here?"

"This kid is terrible, he's not human at all."

"The ancient powerhouse was held in his hands for less than three seconds. This... this... has far exceeded our Cultivation Base Realm."

"Go and call Emperor Xuan, hurry!"

"Emperor Xuan Great Hall, hurry up..."

Now they are completely panicked.

Even if Emperor Xuan could sense the disappearance of the ancient inheritance power on the elder, Emperor Xuan must know that something important happened here, but they were still worried.

Several elders ran to Xuandi Great Hall.

Also at this time.



Several more ancient powerhouses were smashed to the ground by Long Fei.

"Ancient world powerhouse?"


"Just you scumbags are qualified to stop me?"

"Give me death!"

Long Fei snorted loudly, and his voice spread out. The killing intent on his body did not weaken because he killed a few ancient world powerhouses, but became even more brutal.

The arrogance on his body burned more and more fiercely.

Not only that, the power of immortality on Long Fei's right arm also seemed to be in a state of rampage. It flickered and swayed from the beginning, became somewhat stable, and swelled even more.

It was as if someone had cultivated him specifically.

It's like being around.

Long Fei was not in the mood to experience this feeling at the moment. He had only one word in his heart, kill!

Kill everything here.

"Next, come on!"

Long Fei growled.

Another place.

The Ninth Stage under the God Slaying Platform.

During the Ninth Stage.

Long Fei's avatar squinted, looked at the last First Stage, and said in a flat voice, "Why is my heart full of killing intent?"

"This Ninth Stage's... Heaven's Law!"

"This is the power of Emperor Xuan's cultivation?"

"it is good!"

The clone moved slightly, and the purple arrogance he got on his body circled slightly, and the strength of the Eighth Stage day was absorbed by him, and he flicked his finger.


Purple flames skyrocketed.

A purple sky is formed in the law of the sky.



The incomparably violent crash sounded as if two layers of heaven were fighting.

Long Fei's avatar clenched his eyes tightly, feeling the power of the law of the sky, and something like a censer in his body was constantly releasing purple flames.

half a minute.

"Break it for me!"


The sky cracked, and the Ninth Stage began to collapse at this time.

The entire Heavenly Clan Shrine was trembling, as if it were about to collapse.

The Ninth Stage was also created by Emperor Xuan, and it is the pillar of the Celestial Clan.

Now it cracks open, and the shrine shakes.

"Elder, the Ninth Stage is broken!"

"How to do?"

"Don't, don't, don't worry,, God Zhantai is still there, and there is a forbidden power that will kill that person."

"Emperor Xuan!"

"Has Emperor Xuan come back?" "Quick,,, quick, everyone, go to the Great Hall of Emperor Xuan, quick,,,,"

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