The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3468 Almost Destroyed The Hongmeng World

The shrine shattered, and the Celestial Clan was wiped out by the black-haired phantom.

The dragon flew in mid-air.

The little Taoist priest, the mad king, stood by his side.

Long Fei's clone stood in front of Long Fei.

It feels familiar, yet unfamiliar.

Long Fei couldn't remember where he had seen him, and had no memory of him at all.

Can't think of anything.

Long Fei's clone is the same.


He is not just as simple as a clone, he can be said to be an independent existence, he has his own consciousness.

He has his own Cultivation Base and is not under any control of Long Fei's deity.


The clone knows that he is a part of Long Fei, and he has been developing obscenely according to the deity's instructions over the years.

Long Fei looked at the distraction and said inwardly, "So familiar, who is he?"

"Damn Emperor Xuan."

"Damn memory seal!"

Long Fei snorted fiercely in his heart.

What he killed was only the Xuandi phantom, not the deity, so his memory seal was still there, and he was still bound, and many things could not be remembered.

The clone couldn't help but ask, "Do you know me?"

Long Fei shook his head and said, "I've never seen it before."

Distracted, he smiled bitterly, "It seems that he is not my deity, why do I always feel that he is my deity? Why is this feeling so strong?"

"Maybe it's because I miss the deity too much?"

The avatar itself is not sure.


Long Fei himself denied it, so it must not be the case.

The clone clasped both hands and said, "Then I will leave first, and I will see you again."

Long Fei was a little reluctant, but that was all he could do. He clasped his hands together and said, "Goodbye by fate."

The clone figure moved, turned into a purple light and disappeared on the spot, thinking inwardly, "Where are you? Am I not strong enough now?"

"If the Hongmeng Realm is not there, it must be in the ancient realm."

"Ancient world..."

He looked at the sky.

Tianwaitian has been closed, and it is difficult to enter the ancient world.

"No matter how difficult it is, I will enter the ancient world."

"I must find the deity."

The avatar's eyes are firm.


Long Fei watched the clone leave, as if he had lost something in his heart, there was an inexplicable sense of loss, but he didn't think much about it.

He looked at the sky and said, "Is there a way to open the passage?"

He wants to enter the ancient world.

It has been confirmed that Long Zhanting is his father. Now that his father has been arrested, he wants to enter the ancient world as soon as possible.

Mad King said, "I'm afraid not."

The little Taoist said, "The power of this imprisonment is very strong."


Long Fei exhaled softly, his mind moved, "Dragon body!"


Wangu Long appeared and let out a roar.


Long Fei rushed and landed at the entrance of the original passage instantly. With a burst of strength, his arms pierced into the void heavily.

Long Fei couldn't wait any longer.

His father was arrested, and he must enter the ancient world.

Emperor Xuan is not dead, Long Fei's heart will be unhappy for a day.

He wants to know his own memory.

He wants to know everything that happened to him before.

He didn't want to be a fool anymore.

own woman stood in front of her but didn't recognize her.

"Open it for me!"

"Ah..." Long Fei roared vigorously.


The sky is torn apart.


In the crack is not a passage, nor the ancient world, but a piece of nothingness.

Long Fei was furious and tried again, "Crack it for me!"



The sky exploded, and cracks filled the entire Hongmeng Realm.

"Open to me!!"

Long Fei exerted his strength again.

"Old Emperor Xuan, do you think you can stop me by hiding in the ancient world?"


The power of Wangu's dragon body erupted between Long Fei's hands, the kind of power that shattered the sky with a single bang.

Too strong, too fierce.

Coupled with the burning infinite gloves, it is even more ferocious.


"Open it for me!"

Long Fei went crazy.

Cang Qiongjian told him that the anger in his heart could not be quelled.

He must enter the ancient world.

Be sure to enter.



The sky keeps cracking.

The sky above Hongmeng Realm seemed to be penetrated by a force, and it exploded in all directions with Long Fei's fists at the center.

The rift extends for thousands of kilometers.

The entire Hongmeng world has seen it.

Countless people knelt on the ground and prayed.

"God, have pity on us."

"Who is going to save us?"

"Save the Hongmeng Realm."


They now find themselves aiming too far.

Under the Tianshan Mountains.

Murong Xiong looked at the constantly cracking sky and said, "If this continues, the Hongmeng Realm will collapse, and the entire plane will be destroyed."

Jian Lao also became anxious and said, "You must stop."

"It will be troublesome if you don't stop."

Long Fei's power is so strong that the laws of the sky in the Hongmeng Realm can't bear it, and they keep cracking. If this goes on, the Hongmeng Realm will be destroyed by him.

This is the power of the Wangu Dragon Body.

Long Fei's level is not high.


The power of the Wangu Dragon body can burst out the power to crush the laws of the Hongmeng Realm.


"Long Fei must be stopped."

Mie Lao also frowned.

Murong Xiong said, "Tianwaitian's passage has been closed. Only Emperor Xuan can open it. External forces cannot force it to open it. If it is forcibly destroyed, the Hongmeng Realm will completely collapse, and in the end the entire plane will explode. Then..."

Plane explosion?

What is this concept?

The Blood Moon Queen shouted, "Husband, stop."

Lan Mei also said loudly, "Long Fei, stop now."

The mad king and the little Taoist also realized the collapse of the law. If Long Fei continued like this, he would really destroy the world. Once the plane was destroyed, all the people in this world would die.


The mad king rushed, landed next to Long Fei, and said, "I can't continue any more, look back at this world."

"If it goes on like this, the entire plane will be destroyed."

Long Fei was furious. He didn't think about the Hongmeng Realm now. He just wanted to enter the Ancient Realm and screw off Emperor Xuan's head.

The little Taoist also flew up and said loudly, "Senior brother, we can't continue."

"The world can no longer bear your power."

"Look back."

"There are still your brothers and relatives in this world. If you continue like this, they will all die."

Long Fei suddenly froze in his heart.

Thinking of his own brothers and the Blood Moon Queen, his heart quickly calmed down.

Withdrawing hands that pierced into the void.

Long Fei looked back at the Hongmeng Realm, looking at the dense cracks in the sky, he was afraid for a while, if he destroyed the Hongmeng Realm, then...

"I'm like this?"

"Why can't you control yourself when you get angry?"

"Is it the reason for the Wangu dragon body?"

Long Fei asked himself. His fists were clenched, and he didn't know whether to say it to himself or to Wangu Longshen, "I am me, not someone's reincarnation Samsara, nor anyone's chess piece, I am Long Fei, I am only myself!"

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