The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3488 Still Poor First-Level

"Uncle Third?"

Lin Shuang'er was startled and quickly walked to Long Fei's side, showing a weak and frightened look.

Lin Fenglei looked at Lin Shuang'er and said, "Your father told you to go back."

Lin Shuang'er shook her head and said, "I'm not going back."

She knew she wouldn't be able to come out after she went back.


Her father also wouldn't agree with her cultivation of snakeskin steps with a stranger. I'm afraid that even if she can win Gui Taibao, she won't let her win.

In Lin Yuantu's world, there is only the Lin family, and there is no existence of her daughter at all.

Lin Shuang'er was deeply troubled by her mother's death.

For this father, Lin Shuang'er has a trace of resentment in her heart, so she wants to get rid of her father's control, and she wants to master her own destiny.

As long as she can win Gui Taibao, she doesn't need to get married, she is free.

It was her father's promise.

Lin Fenglei could also see that Lin Shuanger was afraid of being locked up, and said, "Third Uncle promises you, this time, you will never be locked up."

"Not only will you not be locked up, but your father also agrees with you to bring your friends back to the Lin Mansion."

Lin Shuang'er's eyes lit up, "Really?"

Lin Fenglei said, "Can the third uncle lie to you?"

He looked at Long Fei and said, "We lost yesterday, please don't take offense, sir."

Long Fei smiled.

Phoenix voiced "He's lying."

Long Fei naturally saw it.

Unless something happened in a day, it would not be possible to change so quickly. Either there was a crisis in the Lin family, or the Lin family wanted to deal with him.


No matter which one it was, Long Fei had no choice.

The man in black must be looking for Phoenix everywhere. Phoenix's outfit is too eye-catching and must be changed.

Lin House is the best choice at the moment.

Long Fei looked at Lin Shuang'er and said, "Since the third uncle is so sincere, let's go."

Lin Shuang'er said, "You agreed?"

Long Fei smiled and said, "You are already pregnant with my child, can I not agree?"

When Lin Fenglei heard this, he stared at Long Fei and said, "What did you just say?"

Lin Shuang'er's cheeks flushed, and she immediately grabbed Lin Fenglei and said, "It's nothing, nothing, he's joking, Third Uncle, does my father really agree?"

Lin Fenglei said, "Well, but, I want you to go to Gui Mansion with him."

Lin Shuang'er gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, I'll go with him."

As long as Long Fei can enter the Lin Mansion, as long as she can learn the steps of snakeskin, she will endure it first.

Lin Fenglei's heart froze slightly. He did not expect that Lin Shuang'er would agree to go to Gui's Mansion. He glanced at Long Fei and said in his heart, "It seems that this kid has a high status in Shuang'er's heart."


A group of four went to the Lin Mansion.

Not through the front door.

It was through the back door. Although it was rude to Long Fei, this was also what Long Fei wanted.

It doesn't matter if he is, the key is Phoenix, don't let anyone see him.

Enter the forest house.

Lin Fenglei first took Long Fei and Phoenix to a remote courtyard.

Lin Shuang'er said, "You guys rest here first, I'll be back soon."


He followed Lin Fenglei to the yard where his father lived.

Immediately after they left, several Lin family disciples stood guard at the gate of the courtyard. Obviously, Long Fei was under house arrest.

The reason why Lin Fenglei brought Long Fei back to the Lin Mansion was two-handed preparation.

If Long Fei really has real materials and is a hidden master, he will definitely be able to help become the Lin Mansion.

Then there is.

If the Gui residence needs Long Fei to admit to Gui Taibao himself, then the Lin residence will not be in a hurry to find anyone.

Lin Fenglei thought about things thoroughly.

"Father, I'm back." Lin Shuang'er walked into the yard with a happy face.

Lin Yuantu's eyes sank, glared at Lin Shuang'er, and said with a drink, "You still know how to come back?"

Lin Shuang'er's happy expression disappeared instantly, and she said angrily, "If you don't want me to come back, then I won't come back."

Go out of the yard immediately.

Lin Yuantu said heavily, "If you dare to walk out of this yard half step, then you will never come back."

He was also furious.

The backlog of ore in the mine was too much, and the Lin family invested a lot of financial resources for this.

Lin Shuang'er was also hard-tempered and said, "If I don't come back, I won't come back. I'm not too uncommon to come back."

Said to go out of the yard.

Immediately, Lin Fenglei held him back and said, "Shuang'er, Shuang'er, your father is so angry now, don't do this."

"Dage, you too, it's not easy for me to get Shuang'er back, are you still taking her to Gui Mansion?" Lin Fenglei kept winking.

Lin Yuantu suppressed his anger and said solemnly, "You agree to go to Gui's mansion with me?"

He didn't know what Lin Fenglei promised Shuang'er.

He was a little surprised by this.

Lin Shuang'er said, "As long as my father agrees to stay with the man yesterday, I will agree to go to Gui Mansion with you."

"Who is that man?" Lin Yuantu asked, suddenly thinking... his eyes glared again.

Lin Fenglei hurriedly shook his head, walked to Lin Yuantu's side, and said in a low voice, "Dage, his stay in the Lin Mansion is very useful to us."

"Whether it's going in or going back, it's all useful."

"You take Shuang'er to Gui Mansion first to explore the truth of Gui Mansion, and then we are trying to find a way to deal with it."

Lin Yuantu nodded, walked in front of Lin Shuang'er, and said, "Go and prepare, I asked them to buy you new clothes and dress up nicely."

Lin Shuang'er said, "Oh."

She didn't resist, she just wanted to hurry back from Gui Mansion and follow Long Fei's pace of cultivation snakeskin.

After half an hour.

Lin Shuang'er had a new look, dressed like a little fairy.

Lin Yuantu was a little satisfied, but...he felt very guilty and unhappy in his heart.

The crisis of the Lin family requires him to use his daughter to solve it, and his heart is very sad.

He is a father, how could he be willing to trade with his daughter?


For this family, he has no choice.

"Hey..." Lin Yuantu sighed in his heart.


In a remote courtyard.

Long Fei pulled out a set of relatively simple clothes and said, "Phoenix, you are so eye-catching, you are the focus of attention when you go there, and you will be discovered at a moment's notice. We have to make a change so that we can escape the pursuit."

Phoenix thinks of Elder Xuan all of a sudden, tears dripping down, "Grandpa Xuan."

"It's my fault."

"Blame me."

"Grandpa Xuan, I, I miss you so much."

Long Fei clenched his fists secretly.

If he's strong, Phoenix doesn't need that at all.



Still strength!

Not strong enough!

Looking at Long Fei's gloomy expression, Phoenix took the clothes and said, "I'll change."

Holding the clothes while weeping, he walked into the room and saw Long Fei feel distressed, "I've wronged you first."

When Phoenix walked into the room to change clothes, Long Fei turned around and walked into the yard, with a thought, "Wan Lian Space, open!"

Now he must seize all the time to cultivate.

"It's still a can break through the big Realm." "You can enter the copy of the system settings!"

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