The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3501 The Wolf King Died For Me

Everyone has their own ambitions, and Wu Fengtian is no exception.

He is old, and the Cultivation Base achievement in this life is probably at this stage, but he must think about his own son and his own future.

After his son lost his place in the ancient Lie Zong, Wu Fengtian secretly made a plan in his heart.

He will be king in the city of Nishang.

Not just the city lord, but the real overlord, the overlord who speaks for itself.

He wants to let his son enter the ancient Lie Zong, and he is arranging it step by step.

The split between the Lin family and the Gui family was an important step.

Originally, the marriage between the Lin family and the Gui family was a needle in Wu Fengtian's eyes and a thorn in the flesh. Now there is no need to worry.

The Black Wolf Mercenary Group was said to be the Gui family.

In this way, the Lin and Gui families have become enemies, and this time the competition is bound to be a big fight, and what he has to do is to let his son defeat Gui Taibao.

Not just beat.

To kill!

In this way, the place to enter the ancient Lie Zong fell to his son.

Everything is in his plan.


What he didn't expect was that the Black Wolf Mercenary Group was wiped out except for the head!

Uncertainties arise.

However, it didn't hinder his plan too much, everything was still under Wu Fengtian's control.


"How did you get back?"

Long Fei entered Lin's house, and Lin Fenglei arrived immediately.

Looking at the blood and expression on Long Fei's body, Long Fenglei's heart sank and said, "What happened?"

At this moment.

Lin Yuantu also hurried out and said, "Why are you back? Didn't I let you take Shuang'er away?"

Long Fei said, "The news that we left the city was known, and the people from the Black Wolf Mercenary Group chased after us..."

Hearing the expressions of "Black Wolf Mercenary Group" Lin Fenglei and Lin Yuantu suddenly changed, their eyes became anxious, "You mean the Black Wolf Mercenary Group of the First Mercenary Group of Nishang City?"

"The head of the group is the wolf king?"

"Why would they go after you?"

"Could it be..."

Lin Fenglei looked at Dage and said, "Is it Gui Tianyi?"

Lin Yuantu didn't ask more, but said, "You're back, what about Shuang'er?"

Long Fei said, "The Wolf King Frost'er has been caught and should be brought back to the city."


"Why didn't you protect him?"

"I asked you to protect her, you..."

Lin Yuantu's eyes became anxious.

Lin Fenglei said, "Dage, I'll take someone to the Gui family to ask for someone."

"Gui Tianyi is too much."

"You actually spent a lot of money to let the people from the Black Wolf Mercenary Group go after Shuang'er."

"That black wolf mercenary group are all villains, none of them are good things, Shuang'er will fall into their hands, I'm afraid..." Lin Fenglei did not continue.

Long Fei said, "Except for their head, everyone else should be dead."

Lin Yuantu looked at Long Fei tightly, and was secretly shocked, "I didn't expect him to have such an ability to actually destroy the Black Wolf Mercenary Group."

"My words were a little heavier just now." Lin Yuantu apologized, but at the same time calmed down and said, "What are your thoughts now?"

Long Fei is just a Swordsman Cultivation Base.

In the face of the black wolf mercenary group, those masters actually killed only one person, which shows that he tried his best and desperately.


How did the wolf king come back?


Lin Fenglei was also shocked in his heart.

Long Fei said, "I'm not familiar with Nishang City, I need someone to lead the way."

Lin Fenglei said, "Where are you going?"

Lin Yuan said, "Long Fei, don't be reckless."

Long Fei said, "I'm going to the headquarters of the Black Wolf Mercenary Corps. I'm not being reckless, I'm just making those who offended me pay the price."

Lin Yuan said, "Murder is prohibited in Nishang City, and Nishang City has laws. Once murder is committed, the city owner has the right to have it killed."

"Long Fei, if Shuang'er is brought back to Nishang City by the Wolf King, there shouldn't be any danger. The Gui family must use Shuang'er to threaten tomorrow's big competition."

He didn't want Long Fei to take the plunge.


If it is not done well, Long Fei will die.

after all.

It is the Gui family, the first family of Nishang City.

Long Fei was not afraid and said, "You don't have to worry, I just want to know the headquarters of the Black Wolf Mercenary Group."

Lin Fenglei said, "I know, in the largest courtyard in the west of the city, there is a black wolf flag at the entrance of the courtyard."

Long Fei folded his arms and walked out of the Lin house immediately.

He didn't want to put Phoenix in a dangerous place.

He was worried about Phoenix, very worried.

I don't know why, but when Phoenix leaves him, Long Fei is uneasy along the way, and he can't say why.

Lin Yuantu hurriedly stopped Long Fei and said, "Don't be reckless."


Long Fei didn't listen at all.

The word reckless does not exist in his world.

If it weren't for the fact that he didn't know the location of the Black Wolf Mercenary Group, he would have killed him long ago and would never have come to the Lin family.


There is only one word in his world, kill!

After walking out of Lin's house, Long Fei quickly ran to the west of the city.

Lin Yuantu immediately said, "The third child, keep up, don't let him do stupid things, the Wolf King's Cultivation Base is the ninth rank of a great swordsman."

"This kid is no match for the Wolf King at all."

Lin Fenglei said, "Don't worry, Dage, I won't let him have anything to do with this kid's temper towards me no matter what."


Lin Fenglei quickly followed.


Headquarters of the Black Wolf Mercenary Group.



"Take it easy for daddy." The wolf king was sitting on the wolf head chair, a doctor was giving him bone treatment, and he grinned and cursed in pain, his eyes secretly tightened, "I didn't expect this old fox Wu Fengtian to be Jianzong. Realm powerhouse, hidden so deep, fortunately daddy has Lin Shuanger in his hand, otherwise, Xiaoming is really not good.

Save. "

"Damn it."

"Boy, don't let me meet you again, or daddy will blow you to the ground."

The shadow of Long Fei appeared in the wolf king's mind.

Hate teeth itching.

Hundreds of brothers just disappeared.

The wolf king has hatred for Longfei penetrates the bone.

"Captain, take it."

"Now you can take the elixir."

The wolf king immediately took out the elixir Wu Fengtian had given him, hesitated for a while, but then poured out one and swallowed it. The elixir entered his stomach, and his joints cracked slightly.

It is evident that the joints are rapidly healing.

The wolf king became excited, "Elixir is good, and a single elixir actually made me seven or eight layers better."

At this moment.

Another minion walked in and said, "Captain, those two women have been secretly suppressed."

The wolf king waved his hand and said, "I see."

"it's a pity!"

"Then the two women of Shui Ling are gone from me like this." The wolf king clenched his fists secretly, thinking of Wu Fengtian's means, his vest was cold again.

he knows.

In the future, you must not be too arrogant in front of Wu Fengtian, otherwise the end will be miserable.


"Now how can I re-form the Black Wolf Mercenary Group?"

Just when the wolf king was thinking about this.

Outside the yard, there was a roar.

"Wolf King, die for me!"

The wolf king's eyes were savage, "That thing that doesn't know whether to live or die dares to run wild at the gate of my Black Wolf mercenary group?" He glared at him when he heard this voice, "Dog thing, it's not dead yet!!"

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