The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3505 Enter The Copy

They looked at each other, unable to bear one look.

Long Fei in the state of Wangu Long is too fierce.


This is still the Wangu dragon body at the primary stage, and Lin Yuantu, who is a seventh-grade swordsman with a single look, can't bear it. If the Wangu dragon body of the peak Realm is used, I am afraid that a look can make Lin Yuantu's soul fly away.

This is the power of the strong.

Lin Yuantu's heart trembled slightly, his face flushed, and he said with difficulty, "Long,,, Long Fei,,, yes, it's me, I'm Shuang'er's father."

Lin Fenglei also rushed over and said, "Long Fei, calm down."

Long Fei's pupils closed.

He let out a deep breath, and at the same time, the strength of Wangulong's body was also withdrawn. Looking at Lin Yuantu's painful expression, he said slightly, "Uncle Lin, I'm sorry, I was a little too manic just now."

Just an apology.

Long Fei didn't say much.


Even if he didn't say it, Lin Yuantu didn't dare to do anything to Long Fei. Instead, he had to respect Long Fei.

Because this is the world of the strong.

Lin Yuantu said repeatedly, "I'm fine, I'm fine, but you, how are you? Do you know how many families you have slaughtered today?"

"That's the entire fourteen major forces, and basically all the families in Nishang City have been slaughtered."

After turning more than half a circle from the West City and returning to the East City, two-thirds of the families in Nishang City were exterminated.

Rivers of blood flowed, corpses scattered everywhere.

Long Fei's eyes didn't show a trace of turbulence. Murder was not a big deal to him, and Long Fei didn't think it was a big deal no matter how many people died for Phoenix.

"Oh!" Long Fei replied softly and asked, "Uncle Lin, did you know that Shuang'er was taken away by that family?"

Hearing Long Fei's flat "Oh", Lin Yuantu looked at Long Fei's calm eyes, and said in surprise, "What kind of person is he?"

"The one who killed so many people was just 'oh', this..."

Lin Fenglei hurriedly said, "We don't know either, but... we will definitely know tomorrow."

While speaking, Lin Fenglei winked at Lin Yuantu.

Lin Yuantu knew very well what Lin Fenglei meant. He wanted Long Fei to replace the Lin family.

Lin Fenglei followed Lin Yuantu for a day today. He knew how terrifying Long Fei was. If Long Fei could fight for the Lin family, then the Lin family would definitely be the first in this year's competition. In this way, the Gui family must be strong no matter how strong they are. Weigh yourself.

Long Fei didn't see Lin Fenglei's eyes, Lin Yuantu frowned, hesitated for a moment, and wanted to speak, but...

Long Fei didn't wait for him to speak, and said, "I will play for the Lin family tomorrow."


Enter the forest house.

Lin Yuantu followed and said, "If you feel embarrassed, you can refuse. After all, you and Shuang'er are not married yet."

Lin Fenglei said, "Anyway, it's a family sooner or later. It's just right for him to participate in the competition as the son-in-law of the Lin family."

Lin Yuantu said, "I know you are very powerful, but you will still meet some masters in the competition. Gui Taibao has been secretly Closed Door Training for the past few days, and there will definitely be a big improvement, and there is that strong man from the Zhao family. …”

Along the way, Long Fei didn't speak.

Lin Yuantu and Lin Fenglei followed Long Fei to the remote courtyard where Long Fei lived.

Long Fei stood at the door of the yard, turned to look at the two of them, and said, "Please come back, you two, I will be there at the competition tomorrow."


Long Fei closed the courtyard door.


The moment the door was closed, Long Fei's body sank.

That feeling is like just entering the ancient world, the whole body is crushed by the powerful gravity, and even walking is extremely difficult.

Now Long Fei is as if his body weighs a million jin, taking a step is like moving a mountain.

"Is the sequelae of Wangu Long's body overloaded?"

"Is my Cultivation Base too low to support the mighty Vangu Dragon?"


Long Fei sat down on the ground, gasping heavily, thinking that he had been slaughtering more than once this day, and his own heart was secretly tight.

Under the body of Wangulong, killing thoughts, anger, and arrogance are completely out of control.

He is him, his name is Long Fei, not Long Batian.

No matter whether he is the reincarnation of Long Batian or not, and no matter whether Wangu Long's body is the power of Long Batian or whose power, but now that he is on his body, that is his own power.

He will not be anyone's substitute, nor will he be anyone's pawn.



Long Fei was soaked wet, panting like a cow, and secretly said, "I haven't encountered any strong person in the future and can't use this kind of power casually."

"I need my own power!"

"I need a breakthrough."

"I need an upgrade!"

"I want……"

Long Fei couldn't hold it anymore, his eyelids were as heavy as ten thousand jins and slowly closed.

He is too tired.

Much need to rest.

The next second he closed his eyes, Long Fei fell into a deep sleep.

in sleep.

A cute and cute girl with big eyes and dark hair stood beside him, looking at him worriedly, "Master Young, Master Young, what's the matter with you? I'm Jojo."

The screen turns.

A Phoenix fell down, transformed into a beautiful big girl, blinked at Long Fei, and said, "Young Master, Young Master, I,,, I,, I have become Phoenix, thank you for giving me Bloodline, hee hee..."



A shrill scream sounded.

A super-strong force rolled down, and Long Fei's eyes tightened. He didn't know how to resist, and at this moment, a huge Phoenix blocked his front and blocked all the power that destroyed the world. Finally, he turned to look at Long Fei, smiled lightly, and said, "Young Master..."

That quiet and lovely smile.

She is the girl who treats Long Fei as everything at all times.

A girl of Phoenix blood.


In his sleep, Emperor Xuan's phantom suddenly appeared, appearing in a posture of being the only one in the world, and he gave a gloomy sneer.

A super-strong force bombarded down again.

Long Fei panicked.

In his sleep he was roaring, screaming desperately.

But... Phoenix girl couldn't hear the same, just looked at him and smiled.

"Do not!"

"Do not!"


Destroyed by Emperor Xuan's powerful force, Phoenix disappeared little by little, watching her body slowly turn into flames and powder, and finally dissipated in mid-air.

Long Fei panicked.

He tried desperately to catch it, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't protect it.

"Don't..." Long Fei opened his eyes and woke up suddenly, his fists clenched, his whole body covered in cold sweat, recalling everything in his dream, Long Fei looked at the night sky with a thought, "Enter the copy!! "

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