The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3524 Are You Smart?

Ocean City, the main mansion of Ocean City.

In the empty martial arts field, there was a constant crashing sound.




The sound did not come from the martial arts field, but from the other end of the martial arts field, from below a cliff.

A man who appeared to be only about twenty years old, with a string of huge chains wrapped around his arms, his muscles were knotted all over his body, and his veins were like giant earthworms under the surface of his skin.

Every inch of muscle carries great power.

It's like a volcano that erupts at any time.

He was nearly three meters tall and weighed more than five hundred kilograms, standing there like a heavy piece of granite.


His arms were wrapped in chains, and the thick chains extended below the cliff. The chains alone might weigh tens of thousands of pounds, and he kept throwing punches.

With every punch, the chains tightened, and a roar of "Bang!" came from below the cliff.


The fist broke through the air, and there was a roar from the cliff.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The man's eyes are extremely serious, and every time he throws a fist, he releases the strength of his whole body. He throws a hundred times into a group, and after a group of punches, his eyes can't help but look to another place.

Under a big tree on the martial arts field.

A teenager was half leaning, half lying under a tree, with a dog's tail grass in his mouth, his legs crossed, his face covered by a straw hat, and he didn't know if he was sleeping or thinking about something.

Every time the crash stopped, he would faintly say, "Continue."

The big man threw his fist again.

Even though he was soaked all over, he didn't have any complaints, and started to shake his fists constantly.

One punch, one punch.

Hit after hit.

"Dahan, Young Master."


"Come, come... The elder of the ancient Lie Sect is here."

A servant ran into the martial arts arena, watched the big man waving his fists, and said in shock, "Brother Dahan, your strength has increased again?"

Immediately, he ran to the edge of the cliff to take a look, and said in even more amazement, "Brother Dahan, the deep-sea Xuantie has been pulled out of the water by you."

Dahanhan smiled foolishly, and the speed of his punches slowed for a second.

The boy under the tree immediately said, "Did you listen?"

Dahan immediately said, "I'm sorry."

Instead, he waved quickly, daring not to linger in the slightest.

The young man under the tree didn't move, he just leaned there lazily, as if he didn't hear what the servant said.

"Master Young, why aren't you excited?"

"The elder of the ancient Lizong has arrived, and the master asked me to call you to the front yard."

The young man owed his body and said with a light voice, "I'm here, what's the fuss about? Didn't I want to go to the ancient Lie Sect? Let him come here by himself, I'm too lazy to move."

The servant said anxiously, "This is what the master explained, let you hurry up."

The boy said irritably, "If you don't go, what about the ancient Lie Sect, I'm not interested."

Ancient Lie Zong is also a giant Sect within a radius of hundreds of millions of kilometers. It is extremely tyrannical and is a place that Practitioner dreams of, but in his eyes, he does not want to go at all.

Because, no interest!

If you go to the ancient Lie Zong, then you have to cultivate, do tasks, take classes, and do all kinds of things. He doesn't want to live so annoying at all. How good is it in this ocean city?

Eat when you want, sleep when you want.

Nobody cares about him.

Free and easy, very cool.

He has no interest in cultivation.

For him, there is nothing that cannot be solved with the brain. If one brain is not enough, then two, three, four!

Ever since he was a child, he has never encountered anything that cannot be solved.

No one dared to play with him in this Ocean City.

Even experts in Cultivation Base who are much taller than him would not dare to play with him, because... while playing, he suddenly realized that he was about to be killed.


A monster like him can break through with just a little effort, and they can't equal one day of his time in a year.

He is the biggest monster in Sea City.

He is also the youngest son of the city lord, Baili Tianhai!

In the entire Ocean City, Dahan can play with him, of course... It's not that Dahan fights him, but Dahan can always be played by him without getting angry, no matter how he plays, Dahan is the kind of immortal The presence.

Dahan's skin is rough and fleshy, and swords cannot penetrate.

He is also the second largest monster in Sea City.

Baili Tu asked his son to salvage the deep-sea black iron under the cliff. He immediately called Dahan and pulled it out of the water in this way.

That piece of deep-sea black iron weighs one million kilograms.

Now it has been pulled out of the water like this.

"Young Master, the master said, if you don't go, the grandmother's side..."

Baili Tianhai's body jumped up, "What is grandma going to do?"

"Depend on!"

"You said it was grandma's order."

"Would it be over sooner or later?"

Baili Tianhai is not afraid of anyone, except for his grandmother who loves him very much.

He didn't have a mother since he was a child. He was brought up by his grandmother, so he obeyed his grandmother's words and obeyed everything. Once he was disobedient, his grandmother would cry, make trouble, and hang himself.

The key is.

Baili Tianhai couldn't beat his grandma every time.

Just as Baili Tianhai was about to leave, a few people came to the entrance of the martial arts field.

Baili Tianhai's expression stopped, and he leaned against the tree with an uninterested expression, biting the dog's tail grass at the corner of his mouth, and looked to another place.

"Tianhai, why don't you come over to see Elder soon?" Baili Tu said heavily.

Yang Dao looked at Baili Tianhai under the tree with a faint smile and said, "It's okay, I'll go over."



Two more punches.

Everyone looked at the sound.

Long Fei looked at Dahan's eyes tightly, "Damn it!"

The visual impact was really strong.

Dahan felt like a heavy tank to Long Fei, and the muscles on his body were terrifying.

Yang Dao's eyes also flashed a little light, and said, "He should be Dahan, right?"

Baili Tu said, "Yes, yes, he is Dahan."

Yang Dao nodded and said, "That's right, as I expected, I have the talent of the ancients in my body."

Baili Tu also said heavily, "Dahan, come over to see Elder soon."

Dahan didn't move, he kept waving his fists and said, "Young Master won't go, I won't go either."

Bailitu's eyes tightened, he stared at Baili Tianhai under the tree, his head was on fire with anger, and said, "Tianhai, don't you dare to go to the ancient Lie Zong, believe it or not, I will break your leg?"

Baili Tianhai said with a look of disdain, "Dad, can you win the fight? I'm going to say another thing, and you want to break my leg?"

Baili Tu's eyes were furious, "You... brat, I still can't take care of you?"

About to go crazy!

Baili Tianhai immediately said, "I can go to the ancient Lie Zong, but the ancient Li Zong must have a place where I can cultivate, and there must be someone who can teach me. If no one can teach me, then I will go there again. What's the point?"

Yang Dao smiled lightly and said, "Who can teach you?"

Baili Tianhai said, "Of course he is a smarter person than me. If you ask a fool to teach me, then why should I go?"

As he spoke, he glanced at Long Fei beside Yang Dao, and the corner of his mouth twitched, revealing a sneer of disdain, "Ancient Lie Zong also kept the place where idiots were kept."

Baili Tu snorted loudly and said, "Little bunny, are you itchy?"

"You four brains, who can compare your brains?"

"Don't you want to go? Don't you?" Baili Tu was furious.

at this time. Long Fei said lightly, "Are you very smart?"

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