The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3526 Treasure Searching Instrument

Dahan's words made Baili Tianhai stop for a while.

Yang Dao couldn't help looking at Long Fei.

The four-brained evildoer has been solved by Long Fei, so what about this brute force Dahan?

Yang Dao heart still has some expectations.


Long Fei exceeded his expectations time and time again.

On the fighting stage in Nishang City, and when facing Baili Tianhai, who would have thought that he would give such a short answer, but it was a question that people could not answer?

Not to mention Baili Tianhai, even he himself was stunned by Long Fei.

The problem is simple, but it is another "lore", this is the real smart person.


This time, I am facing Dahan who has a super strong body and is naturally strong. How to deal with this?

Long Fei looked at Dahan.

His muscles are knotted, like a piece of granite that is extremely hard, and Dahan's expression can tell that he is a tendon. This kind of person is the most difficult to deal with.


Baili Tianhai slapped Dahan on the head, "I lost, you still want to win? What? Do you want to win him to prove that you are better than me?"

"Save it."

Sudden transformation.

Baili Tianhai turned his head towards the exit of the martial arts field, and said slightly, "Go and pack your things."

Dahan lowered his head and said, "Oh!"

No complaints, no complaints whatsoever.

Like an old cow.

Bailitu breathed a sigh of relief in his heart and said, "This kid!"

Entering the ancient Lie Zong is a major event, which has a strong influence on Ocean City. He was really afraid that his son would not go, and now it's better.

A problem solved.

Bailitu looked at Long Fei and said, "Little brother, thank you very much, if it weren't for you, I really couldn't do anything about that kid."

He also did not expect Long Fei to have such a strange problem.

Long Fei said, "No need to thank you, in fact, he has already made a choice."

I can tell.

Baili Tianhai has been waiting.

Long Fei could see from his eyes that he had been waiting for Yang Dao's arrival.

Just like him, there are too few things I have seen in Nishang City, and the same is true of Ocean City. No one in the entire Ocean City has played him.

The city has no meaning to him.

In his heart, he wanted to leave, to go to a wider place, and to meet a stronger opponent.

Baili Tu was slightly stunned.

Yang Dao smiled slightly.

At this moment.

Long Fei walked towards the chain left by Dahan, looked at the thick chain on the ground, frowned secretly, and walked along the chain to the edge of the cliff.

Under the chain is a piece of black iron covered with rust.

More than a million pounds.

Baili Tu said, "This deep-sea black iron was salvaged from a long distance. Because it has never been able to get it up, it can only be stranded here. However, I didn't expect this Dahan to have pulled this black iron down here. His strength It's terrifying."

Beneath the cliff is a tug that is several meters deep.

One can imagine his power.

Long Fei froze in his heart, "This power..."

Yang Dao smiled lightly, and said, "His Talent should be the first among you to awaken first, and the one with the best cultivation."

Dahan has a single mind.

In his world, there is no shortcut in his cultivation, that is, practice, practice hard, practice to the death, and with the guidance of Baili Tianhai, he will work even harder.

When he saw Dahan for the first time, Long Fei thought of Li Yuanba.

Like Dahan, Li Yuanba is also born with divine power.


That time, it didn't appear after Li Yuanba and the demons from the outer domain killed in another dimension in Tianji Pavilion.

At that time, three of the eight Vajra appeared, that is to say, in the ancient world, there were still five Vajra that had not awakened.

"Elder, the sea breeze is too strong here, let's go to the mansion and sit for a while." Baili Tu smiled slightly.

Yang Dao nodded and said, "Yeah."

at this time.

Baili Tu looked at Long Fei.

Phoenix suddenly transmitted a voice to Long Fei and said, "There is something in this deep-sea black iron."


Long Fei was secretly startled, and said to Baili Tu, "Sir, I don't know what your deep sea Xuantie is going to do?"

Baili Tu gave a wry smile and said, "This piece of deep-sea black iron was originally intended to be disassembled, then sold, and used to build a mysterious soldier alive."

"However... I didn't expect this piece of black iron to be rusted up when it was salvaged. It wouldn't even meet the requirements for refining, let alone selling it."

"I asked Tianhai to salvage Xuan Tie because he had nothing to do every day."

I am very distressed about this piece of deep-sea black iron Baili Tu.

Such a huge piece of black iron has no place to put it now.

And it took a lot of effort to salvage it, and I never wanted to salvage a piece of scrap iron.

Long Fei said, "I want to try a cultivation trainer recently. Can I get some black iron as a material?"

Baili Tu immediately said, "You need materials for forging tools. I have high-quality deep-sea black iron in my house. You can take as much as you want."

Long Fei is someone who wants to enter the ancient Lie Sect, and he is not in a hurry to curry favor with such a person.


Long Fei won his son and solved a big problem for him, and he is grateful.

Long Fei would not be stingy if he wanted something.

Long Fei didn't know what Phoenix was talking about in the black iron, but something that could make Phoenix's eye was definitely not bad. He said, "I can't forge high-grade black iron, and I don't want to waste it too much. I'm not suitable for refining. I don't know, I just wanted to try it."

Yang Dao said, "Let him do it alone, City Lord Baili, let's go have tea."

Bailitu said no more, "Okay, little brother, just say whatever help you need."

Long Fei folded his arms and said, "Thank you sir."

There are only Long Fei and Phoenix in the martial arts field.

Long Fei immediately asked, "What's in this black iron?"

Phoenix murmured a little, pondered for a moment and said, "I don't know, but it should be a good thing. My treasure hunter just detected it."

"Sobaoyi?" Long Fei was taken aback.

Phoenix took out a disc-like thing, with a faint glow on it, and a pointer, and the place where the pointer pointed was the rusted black iron.

Phoenix smiled and said, "I stole it from my aunt. I used it to find something to play with. I sensed that it was flashing before I remembered that I had a treasure hunter on my body."

Long Fei looked at the disc treasure finder, and the system checked it.

Looking at the data detected by the system, Long Fei clicked his tongue secretly, "My darling!"

"Ancient artifact!"

"The ancestor of treasure hunters."

"With this thing, there is simply no treasure that cannot be found."

Item treasurer

Grade artifact

range of one kilometer

Description The treasure hunter is made of ancient celestial stones. It has super powerful treasure sensing power. As long as it reaches the level within the range, it will be sensed, on people, on demons, in caves, and in rocks. Feel it! "You can sense it when you reach the level, so what is in this black iron?" Long Fei couldn't wait, and immediately said, "Let's go down and have a look."

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