The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3560 Ghost General

"There is Nantian City in front. If you want to pass through Nantian Gate, this is the first stop."

"You two can't stay within two meters of me, understand?"

Liu Luoxi looked serious.

He glanced at Long Fei with some hesitation in his eyes, and finally said softly, "Follow me."

Phoenix nodded seriously and said, "Yeah!"

Long Fei followed.

Nantian City, a city that looks dilapidated.

There were no pedestrians on the road, and everything around seemed a little gloomy, giving people the feeling that they were in the ghost town of Fengdu.

"This city..." Long Fei had some doubts in his heart.

Sect task, can also be called a copy!

This is the most difficult task of Outer Sect, the most advanced copy.

If you want to pass, you must pay attention to all the details.

Liu Luoxi is such a strong Cultivation Base and a genius at Sword Spirit Mountain. She has failed three times. It can be seen that this task cannot be passed by simple force.

There must be other reasons!

What is Long Fei?

Game experts, copy experts.

The dungeon of the wild beast and the dungeon of the violent sword were so difficult that he passed it. What other dungeon can survive him?

Liu Luoxi said lightly, "This city is very unusual, the people in it are all ghosts, the lowest ghosts are all in the Sword Sect Realm, the most powerful ghosts are stronger than me, and they can't kill them all, so wait. You must follow me when you enter the city."

Liu Luoxi warned again solemnly.

"Ghost?" Long Fei secretly made a note in his heart, "Is there anything special?"

Liu Luoxi said, "What's special?"

"The special thing is that you can't kill it, you can't kill it. Once you attract too many ghosts, then you don't want to go any further. The only way is to withdraw from Nantian City."

"It's the only way to survive."

"If you are surrounded and I can't save you, you will be safe if you exit directly, and those ghosts will not leave the city."

Long Fei remembered every sentence.

This might be useful information.

"Can't kill?"

"Extremely large?"

"Can't go out of the city? And don't chase people who retreat?"

"This information..." Long Fei looked up at the high city wall, and secretly said in his heart, "There should be some kind of binding force in this city, or there should be some kind of formation and enchantment in this city, and those ghosts cannot come out."


The three came to the gate of the city.

The city gate was half-open, and there was a constant overcast wind blowing out, which made people shudder.

Liu Luoxi warned for the third time, "It's very dangerous inside, if you are afraid, just wait here."

Phoenix immediately said, "Beautiful sister, we are not afraid."

Long Fei said, "Since you are here, you must go in and take a look."

Liu Luoxi said, "Okay, remember what I said, don't leave me within two meters."


Liu Luoxi stepped on the Southern Sky City in one step.

Long Fei pulled Phoenix and followed him.

After his body completely entered Nantian City, Long Fei felt that he had entered another world, where the streets and buildings were extremely gloomy.

There was not a single person, nor did he see the ghost that Liu Luoxi was talking about.

The whole world is extremely quiet.

There was no sound at all.

"It's weird here," Phoenix said.

Liu Luoxi immediately made a mute gesture and whispered, "Don't talk!"


A whimper sounded.

Liu Luoxi's eyes suddenly changed, and her figure moved, "Shu!"

With a wave of the long sword, it swept away!

I saw a ghost suddenly appear, and it was cut in half by Liu Luoxi the moment it appeared.

Ghosts, like phantom ghosts. After being cut in half by Liu Luoxi's sword, the phantom-like body fell to the ground, and then slowly disappeared.

Phoenix excitedly said, "Sister is amazing."


The speed of that reaction... At least Long Fei couldn't reach that kind of Realm, and it was a bit astonishingly fast.


The moment the ghost just appeared, cut it, kill it!

That speed, that Sword Technique, that damage...a bit of an explosion!


Long Fei was a little puzzled.

"The ghost just now didn't have a blood tank?"

"Or did it just happen so fast that I didn't notice?"

No blood tank!

This is a little strange.

For Long Fei, everything is systematically gamified, that is to say, any person, monster, monster, who appears alive in front of him will have a blood trough above his head.

What's wrong with no blood tank?

It was the first time that Long Fei met.

"Maybe it's too fast, I didn't see it clearly." Long Fei whispered.

Liu Luoxi looked calm and said, "Stop talking and follow me."

Liu Luoxi took every step carefully.

The breath on her body was slightly released, sensing everything around her.

Phoenix had a fearless look on his face, followed behind Liu Luoxi with a playful smile on his face.

Long Fei observes everything around him.

Except for the dim color, the rest of the place is the same as in an ordinary city, except that every shop, courtyard, mansion, and all the doors here are open.

In many shops, there are various commodities that have long been rotten and dry.

Clean, tidy and without any clutter.

"It looks like everyone in this city has evaporated in an instant."

Long Fei thought.

Just then.

Liu Luoxi stopped suddenly and looked straight ahead.

Phoenix bumped into Liu Luoxi's body and said, "Sister, why don't you leave?"

Liu Luoxi didn't speak, his eyes were fixed on the intersection of the cross street.

Long Fei looked at the situation, "Huh?"

"this is……"

"Little boss?"

A short man in a stubborn armor with a samurai sword stuck in his waist.

Can't see the face.

Black flames were burning on his body.

The point is.

His body exudes golden light, the characteristics of a boss!

Liu Luoxi whispered, "Ghost general."

"This is the fourth time I have come here, and the first time I have encountered a ghost general."

Phoenix asked, "What is a ghost general?"

Liu Luoxi said, "Simply put, it's the monster from The Underworld Ghost Mansion. This monster has the power of The Underworld, do you see the black flame burning on him? Only The Underworld creatures have this kind of The Underworld black flame. ."

"You two stand here, don't move!"

Liu Luoxi's long sword moved slightly and took a step.

The ghost general raised his eyes, and his two black pupils were burning with black flames. Seeing Daliu Luoxi take a step, he clenched the samurai sword in both hands and slowly drew it out.



The figure was phantom and disappeared in place.

"So fast!" Long Fei secretly said, through the system, "This is not an ordinary ghost general, endure the ghost general, Hanzo!"

Just now, he suddenly disappeared not because of the speed, but because of a special kind of ninjutsu.

Split shadow!

It was also the first time that Liu Luoxi met a ghost general. Facing the sudden disappearance, she was not afraid, her eyes moved slightly.


Eight shadows suddenly rushed out.

A samurai sword. Long Fei was startled, "All of them are entities?"

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