The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3567 Coiling Dragon Column

Nantian City is the only way to the Nantian Gate. You cannot fly, you can only pass through it.

There are many ghosts in Nantian City.

In the past, it was all the way to kill.


This time is different.

It can be said that the ghosts on both sides of the street watched Long Fei respectfully.

When the three of Long Fei completely walked out of Nantian City.

These ghosts also slowly flew up.

The souls are back, and it's time for them to go to the underworld to sign up for reincarnation.

They rose up one by one and slowly disappeared.

at last.

The entire Nantian City has really turned into a dead city.

Transmission array.

"finally reached!"

Tianjian Young Master's eyes were a bit gloomy, looking at Nantian City in the distance, his eyes narrowed, and the picture of Liu Luoxi protecting Long Fei appeared in his mind.

His heart was full of anger, and he was extremely unhappy.

"Master Young, are we really going to enter Nantian City? I heard that Nantian City is full of ghosts. It's extremely powerful. I'm worried..." One of the minions became a little scared.

After all, it is the task of the three gods of Outer Sect.

It's not dangerous how can no one finish it in a hundred years?

Tianjian Young Master glared at him fiercely, and said, "Useless things, you are afraid before you go in, how can you do something big?"

This is also the first time he has entered Nantian City.

He was more angry than afraid.

Tianjian Young Master said with a deep voice, "Advanced City!"

"If anyone dares to back down, don't blame daddy for being rude."


Tianjian Young Master snorted loudly and strode into the city.


Another place.

Liu Luoxi pointed to a mountain not far away. There were several coiled dragon pillars on the top of the mountain, and said, "Where is Nantianmen."

Long Fei looked over.

Behind that mountain is nothingness, nothing.

As if that door was the door to the world.

Liu Luoxi looked at Long Fei and said, "You are in a hurry to go back now. Once you step into Nantianmen, it will be difficult to get out."

"I can handle it in Nantian City, inside..."

Long Fei smiled lightly and said, "Are you worried about me?"

Liu Luoxi said coldly, "No, I'm just reminding you that you may die if you go in. While you're still alive, you still have a chance to choose."

"Don't think that your Talent is strong enough to deal with it. Talent is a kind of power, and its consumption is limited. Excessive use will only make your Talent develop poorly, which is not good for you."

Everyone's ancient powers are the same.

Overuse doesn't make Talent stronger, it just backfires.

Let Talent shrink too much.

Talent can only be developed slowly. The same is true for Long Fei's Eternal Dragon Body. From the Hongmeng Realm to the Ancient Realm, his Eternal Dragon Body does not seem to have changed much, but as his Culture Base becomes stronger, his Eternal Dragon Body becomes stronger. In fact, it's gotten a lot stronger.

It's just that Long Fei didn't feel it.

Talent is important.


Realm is the first.

Long Fei's Cultivation Base is too low.

Long Fei said, "Don't worry, I can protect myself after entering Nantianmen."

Phoenix smiled and said, "Sister beautiful, don't worry, my husband will definitely protect us, hee hee..."

Liu Luoxi didn't say more and walked directly to Nantianmen.

Climb to the top of the mountain.

The four coiled dragon pillars are very domineering, with a diameter of two meters alone. A lifelike dragon hovers above, and the dragon head stares at the sky.

As if to fly out.

Every Coiled Dragon Pillar is different.


When he saw the four coiled dragon pillars, Long Fei's heart shuddered, and for some reason, he felt extremely cordial.


There are no impressions in memory.

Long Fei looked at the Coiled Dragon Pillar in a daze.

Phoenix on the side also murmured, "This should be a place where fish jumps over the Dragon's Gate. As long as you can pass through this place, you can enter the God's Space."

"This should be an ancient ruin."

Long Fei looked at Phoenix and said, "You really know a lot."


Long Fei didn't think about this, he was thinking that his eight Vajra were the eight heavenly pillars in the ancient world, a few had awakened, and a few were still heavenly pillars, would they be the same as the Panlong pillars?

Phoenix grinned and said, "Husband, have you forgotten that I have a treasure hunter? These four pillars are all divine objects, but no one can move them."


Long Fei took a serious look, it is true that such a coiled dragon column is very domineering, but... it is so huge, who can use it?

Liu Luoxi said, "The four pillars are divided into three doors. In the first three times, I chose a different door each time, and the world inside was different each time."

Long Fei said, "The world in that door is the hardest?"

Liu Luoxi looked at the door on the left and said, "The door on the left, the world inside it is a world of thorns, it can be said that it is impossible to walk."

"The door in the middle is the world of Demonic Beasts. Monsters all over the world, once you step in, they will immediately rush in."

"The world in the right door is similar. Every step you take may be a cliff, a cliff, and you may be buried in the abyss."

"Three doors are dangerous, but if the door is the most dangerous, I'm afraid it belongs to the middle. Demonic Beasts all over the world, each of which is crazy, can't resist."

"I asked the master, and the master said that there are no shortcuts for these three doors."

Long Fei's mind went flying.

"The ghost old man said that you must choose the most dangerous door."

"But every door is dangerous. Is that the group that is dangerous? In the world of thorns on the left, every step on the road of cultivation is impossible."

"Demonic Beasts, killing, there are murderous intentions everywhere on the road of cultivation."

"The right door should also be called the door of temptation. It is also cultivation, whether you can resist all kinds of temptations."

"Three doors, three different worlds."

"The three doors are all extremely dangerous, and I can't tell which is more dangerous." Long Fei looked at Liu Luoxi and asked, "When did you enter the three doors?"

Liu Luoxi said, "It's almost the same, you will be forced out in three minutes."

Long Fei frowned.

Can't compare.

"The most dangerous way?"

"What is the most dangerous way?"

"Damn, why don't you explain it?" Long Fei's brain is not enough, the ghost old man said that only the most dangerous way can pass through Nantianmen.

The world inside the three gates is dangerous, which one is the most dangerous behind?

Liu Luoxi looked at Long Fei and said, "It's better to go to the middle, there are the most Demonic Beasts in the middle."

Long Fei shook his head and said, "It's not that simple."

"The information of the ghost old man is definitely useful."

"Choose the most dangerous way on the road of cultivation... the most dangerous way..."

Everyone's way is different!


Long Fei's eyes tightened and he said, "I understand!"

"That's what it meant."


Long Fei looked at Phoenix and said, "Phoenix, this time you have to go out!" Phoenix froze, and immediately became excited, "Mmm, um!"

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