The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3577 Senior Brother Sword Spirit Mountain

Sword Spirit Mountain is one of the seven peaks of the ancient Lie Sect.

Not to mention in the entire ancient sect.


The Xunmi Mirror has just been used up and its energy is exhausted, so it can only be used if the Xunmi Array accumulates power again.

It is impossible to find people in the same mirror.

"Master, I searched all over the place where Senior Sister would go, but there is none."

No one was found.

The Sword Spirit King's face was a little overwhelmed, and he apologized to the elder, saying, "This disciple is a bit wild and runs around all day. I, the master, can't control the elder to laugh."

The elder smiled and said, "Brother Zhang is serious. Since I can't find it, I will go back first. Anyway, I just want to know how she completed the task."

"It's just a pity..."

"I really want to meet her."

The old man sighed softly.

The Sword Spirit King could see that the elder elder attached great importance to Liu Luoxi, the person who completed the task he issued, and said, "Don't worry, elder elder, if you find her, I will take her to the main hall to meet you in person."

The old man nodded and said, "Then I will trouble Brother Zhang."

With both fists clasped, the old man stepped out of the Great Hall and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The speed was so fast that the Sword Spirit King couldn't see clearly.

He is the leader of Jianling Mountain.

Cultivation Base has reached the peak of the Sword Emperor Realm.

His status is also the most honorable one besides Sect Leader.

Sword Spirit Peak, the head of the six peaks.

How noble is the identity of the Sword Spirit King?


In front of the old man just now, the Sword Spirit King always bowed slightly when he spoke, because the identity of the elder was even more special.

The special place besides his Cultivation Base is his identity.

Cultivation Base is the strongest existence other than Sect Leader.

Just based on the speed just now, the Sword Spirit King couldn't reach it.

Cultivation Base is only one of the special places, what is even more special is his identity!

The messenger of the divine space.

He is the only person from the ancient Lie Sect who has entered the divine dimension.

Even his status as Sect Leader has to be polite.

Anyone from the ancient Lie Sect who wants to enter the upper god space must be recommended by him to be useful. All... He is like someone who holds the power of life and death in the ancient Lie sect.

It is also because of this that the Sword Spirit King has great respect for him.

After the elder left, the King of Sword Spirit was furious, and slapped his palm on the chair, the chair made of golden nanmu instantly turned into dust, and said in a deep voice, "Running around all day long, ignoring the rules of the Sword Spirit Mountain, there is still something in her eyes. Is it my master?"

A disciple said, "Master, Junior Sister must have something urgent..."

The Sword Spirit King glared, "Ling Yuan, don't excuse your junior sister."

"As the senior brother of Sword Spirit Mountain, the earliest disciple of the ancient Lie Sect who entered the Sword Emperor Realm, you said that your sword cultivator is so powerful, why can't even a girl be subdued?"

Sword Lingshan Senior Brother, Ling Yuan.

Sword Emperor Realm.

He is the strongest disciple of Sword Spirit Mountain and the youngest disciple of the Sword Emperor in the entire ancient Lie Sect. He has always been highly regarded by the Sword Spirit King.

I want to train him into a disciple who enters the divine dimension.

I want to betroth Liu Luoxi to him.


He refused because Liu Luoxi did not agree, which made the Sword Spirit King very annoyed.

Liu Luoxi's Talent is very strong.

Ling Yuan's Talent is also very powerful, the combination of the two will be even more powerful, and it will be of great help to the cultivation of the two.


Ling Yuan just didn't want to embarrass Liu Luoxi.

Sword Spirit King said, "Do you like Liu Luoxi?"

Ling Yuan said, "I..."

King Sword Spirit said, "I like it, right? Don't worry about it if you like it. I am her master. Whatever I say is what I say, even if she doesn't agree, it's useless."

"If you want to get a woman, the easiest and fastest way to make her fall in love with you is to get her body first."

"Women hold their first specials in mind."

"A lot of things can't wait for the result, you have to do it to get the result, understand?"

Love is made.

Such silly waiting is fruitless.

Ling Yuan smiled bitterly.

King Sword Spirit said, "This time is an opportunity. You go to find Luo Xi, and you go to see the elder. I will also highly recommend you to Sect Leader. Once you have the opportunity to challenge the robbery, it will be!"

Divine Dao!

The test that the mortal Practitioner needs to go through to enter the divine space.

It can also be said to be a disaster.

Only those who have passed the test of the Tribulation of the Gods are eligible to enter the divine dimension.

Ling Yuan has spent his whole life preparing for entering the divine space, but... he doesn't want to do it this way.

The King of Sword Spirit looked at Ling Yuan's silly appearance and sighed in his heart for a long time, and secretly said, "Ling Yuan, this is your last chance. If you don't hurry up, Liu Luoxi may marry someone else."

The last time in the main hall, there were several strong people from the God space, and one of the young disciples took a fancy to Liu Luoxi.

In the face of the powerhouses in the divine space, the ancient Lie Zong only had the share of being crushed.

Let several women from the ancient Lizong, Sect Leader dare not to obey.


For these women, this is also the best opportunity in their lives, and entering the divine dimension is something that everyone dreams of.

It may not be long before the powerhouses in the divine space come to the ancient Lie Zong again, and Liu Luoxi will be taken away.

The Sword Spirit King did not say anything.

The fact that the powerhouses of the upper gods space came to the ancient Lie Zong is an absolute secret, and no one can say it.

Ling Yuan said, "Master, my sister may have gone to the Outer Sect to play, I'll go look for it."

The Sword Spirit King waved his hand and said, "Go."

Ling Yuan exits Great Hall.

The Sword Spirit King let out a long sigh.


"Dage, this is the blood Demonic Beasts meat acquired today."

"We,,, do we really want to set up a barbecue stall?"

"This is, this is too much, isn't it?"

When Long Fei came back in the morning, Lin Yuan didn't send anyone to trouble him in the past few days, and Ma Dongchao honestly didn't dare to do it again.

Baili Tianhai and Zhao Dahan are also cultivating in Closed Door Training these days.

They now also know that this is not Ocean City, and if they want not to be bullied, there is only one way to become stronger.

Long Fei nodded and said, "Well, if you think you've lost your worth, then you should cultivate at home, and I'll do it alone."

Phoenix raised his hand and said, "And me, I'm going too!"

After all, Baili Tianhai is also the son of the city lord. When did he do such a lowly job?


Long Fei, he will also go.

Baili Tianhai said, "The boss is going, can I not go?"

Zhao Dahan smiled and said, "I'm going too, I'm in charge of chores!"

Long Fei pushed the wooden wheelbarrow he made in the afternoon, waved his hand, and said, "I'm out, I'm going to conquer this world with my barbecue, hahaha..."

A group of four walked out of the courtyard.

Making money is the key.

The currency here is Lingyuan Stone. If Long Fei wants to speed up cultivation, he must have a lot of spiritual source stones!

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