The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3600 Fire Yuan!

The flames roared and the magma boiled.

A streak of golden light emerged from the melting flame pit, and the two huge horns flashed cold light, and the muscles on the whole body were extremely thick and full of powerful strength.

A ring hangs from the nose, and the breath spews out like a flame.

A long chain hangs around his neck.

A thick belt is tied around his waist, and the word "king" is written on the belt.

He is not a cow.

He is humanoid.

It's just that some places haven't evolved well.

But these don't matter, the most important thing is that its body... shimmers with golden light!


Humanoid boss!

It was the first time that Long Fei encountered a boss in this form in the ancient world. Looking at the bull demon king who was constantly churning in the magma, he couldn't help but get excited.


"I don't know what the boss looks like for a long time." Long Fei excitedly opened the system to check.

boss Fire Bull King

level fairy

attribute fire

Skill? ?

The description is surrenderable!

A series of simple attributes appeared on the system interface. Long Fei rubbed his hands together and couldn't help but smile, "Submit your ass, daddy is going to explode it..."

I don't know how long I haven't seen the boss, but now I see it, can I let it go?

Now Long Fei is very hungry and thirsty, as if he hasn't eaten meat for several years, can he let go of a piece of fragrant thigh meat?

Absolutely not!


Just when Long Fei let out a chuckle.


A heat wave burst out from the molten flame pit, and the Fire Bull King's eyes glared.


The heat wave hit Long Fei's body heavily.

Long Fei couldn't control it and was almost knocked out.

Looking at Huo Niu Wang's eyes, Long Fei's pupils also shrank suddenly, and the mighty beast on Huo Niu Wang suddenly crushed Long Fei's mind.

The body sank slightly.

The pressure is strong.

At least it is much stronger than the last time I met the Dongying Ghost King, and the coercion of the Huo Niu King is that kind of brute force, rushing up wave after wave.

Whether you can resist it or not!

Long Fei's body was a little overwhelmed by the successive pressure shocks, and the weight continued to increase.

"A mere human, dare to enter my territory and seek death!" The Fire Bull King opened his mouth slightly and stared at Long Fei with disdain.

The heat wave in the melting pit is also constantly coming.

Crazy hit in Long Fei.

This attack is not a single attack, but a group attack.

Heat wave attacks and coercion attacks are both group attacks.

As long as he was in this cave, Long Fei couldn't hide.

"How dare you spread wild in my territory with this little ability?" The Fire Bull King was full of contempt. He had just cultivated Huo Yuan and evolved into a human body.

Human language is already available.

He could judge Long Fei's Cultivation Base from the breath from Long Fei's body.


very weak!

The Fire Bull King naturally does not put Long Fei to put in one’s eyes.

Long Fei raised his eyes and became unhappy, "What kind of ability do I have?"

"Then let you see my power!"

"The third-level Wangu Dragon Body!"



With a roar, Long Yin shuddered in Long Fei's body.

The heat wave attack was overturned.

The coercion attack was directly crushed.

The breath on Long Fei's body moved, as if a giant dragon suddenly swooped down, and the huge dragon head stared at the Fire Bull King stubbornly.

The Huo Niu King's body sank, and the huge body was about to be pressed into the molten flame.

The dragon is the king.

No matter how you evolve, no matter how powerful you are, in front of Longwei everything is scum.

The third-level dragon body, without anger and self-pretence.

The one who directly crushed the Fire Bull King couldn't move.

Even the heat wave in the entire cave was crushed, and the molten flames were no longer rolling.

The Fire Bull King looked at Long Fei stupidly, and said, "You,,, you,,, you, you are human,,, how, how can you have Longwei?"

Long Fei smiled lightly and said, "How about my power?"

The Fire Bull King stopped talking.

Long Fei said, "Are you still arrogant?"

The Fire Bull King looked at Long Fei, and couldn't help clenching his fists secretly, saying, "Boy, I don't believe you are a strong dragon."

"Your Cultivation Base is simply not worthy of a strong dragon."

"Even if the breath on your body becomes Longwei, but... it's not your own power, so..."


The Fire Bull King roared angrily, the flames on his body flicked violently, and rushed out like a fiery snake, with magma in the flames.

Rolling, ejected to form a hemisphere, and instantly enveloped the dragon flying.


The Fire Bull King snorted loudly.

All the magma flames rang Long Fei.

The corner of Long Fei's mouth hooked, and he rushed out in one step. At the moment when the flames and magma exploded, Long Fei landed directly on the head of the Fire Bull King.

Fist move!

"Power King Fist!"

Like a giant hammer, it slammed heavily on the head of the Fire Bull King.


The Huo Niu King's two huge horns split directly, and he screamed in pain, and his body was instantly blasted into the molten flame by Long Fei like a nail.


The blood bar above the head also dropped by half in an instant.

The flame of the magma sent out by the Fire Bull King was instantly extinguished.

Long Fei floated above the molten flame pit, looked at the Fire Bull King sinking into the magma, and sneered, "Are you still arrogant?"


There was a roaring sound in the depths of the magma.

at the same time.

The entire Huo Niu Valley was trembling, and the mountains and rivers within a radius of dozens of kilometers were also trembling constantly.

Rocks rolled down.

Demonic Beasts hummed.

It seemed that there were monsters trying to break out of the ground.


The roar from the Huo Niu King made the Huo Niu in Huo Niu Valley go crazy, and at the same time, a magma Huo Niu suddenly rushed out of the magma.


Rush towards Long Fei and hit it hard.

Long Fei dodged gently, turned around and slashed down with a palm, directly slicing the fire cow in half, like cabbage.



"Come out a few more, daddy just needs fire horns!" Long Fei said lightly, staring at the magma pit.

Immediately after.

The flames in the magma pit kept coming out.

Fire bulls rushed up one after another.



The entire mountain range below was shaking, and the cave was shaking.

The same is true outside the cave.

The fire bulls that rushed back from the valley also rammed into Long Fei desperately.

Front and rear pinch.

Extraordinarily ferocious.

Long Fei's big sword is in his hand, and his body is like a phantom, one sword and one slash, one head and one head, and each one is an instant kill.


"Daddy depends on how much you can give birth to."

no doubt.

These fire bulls are all made by the fire bull king.

He used the underground magma combined with a certain secret method of his cultivation to continuously create these fire cows.


These fire bulls are a little too weak for Long Fei!

Totally not enough!


The Fire Bull King let out a roar, his body doubled in size again, and... at this moment, he was covered in magma.

heart part.

A crimson, an extremely dazzling flame is burning. Long Kuang suddenly said, "Huo Yuan!"

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