The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3605 Unable To Release Power

Originally annoyed, Long Fei summoned the Fire Bull King to shake his coercive beast back, making Dong Tiankui even more annoyed.

It can be said to be flamboyant.

For a moment.

His robes are automatic without wind, and his robes are automatic without wind, and the explosions are constant.

The breath turned into strength.

Flip the right hand, "Boom!"

The eight coercive beasts disappeared instantly, and Dong Tiankui's eyes widened, "I will make you resist!!"


The eight coercive beasts that disappeared suddenly changed drastically, turning directly into eight giants, standing in front of Long Fei as if they were real.

Clap your fists.

"Crack, click!"

The eight-headed giant, with his fists clenched, looked down from above, and slashed towards Longfei like a battle axe.

Without any sloppy water, I drank it almost in one go.

Space burst.

Cracks continued, moans continued, and the space was roaring.

The Fire Bull King also roared, and his body grew bigger to meet him.



The Fire Bull King who was on top of him didn't support him for even a second, a punch hit him, and his body cracked immediately.

A wailing, turned into pieces.


"The system prompts the ghost king spirit to send out cracks, the ghost spirit fire cow king Death!"

The ghost king spirit cracked again.

The Fire Bull King was also instantly killed.

"Get down on my knees!"

Dong Tiankui roared.

Under the heavy pressure of the eight giants, Long Fei's eyes sank, "I lie on the eighteenth generation of your ancestors!"

"Strong will!"


Long Fei roared in his heart, forcibly held back his severely injured body, and released the big move of the Tauren Chief, "Roar..."

His breath changed.

Defense surges.

He directly covered Long Fei's entire body, and a seal was wrapped around his body, constantly rotating around his body.

The scene is the same as the bull's head in the game.

In front of the eight coercive giants, Long Fei can't do anything now, he can only go to passive defense.

The firm will was rewarded by the system just now, and it is also his strongest defensive force besides the Wangu Dragon Body!



The eight coercive giants bombarded down, directly on top of Long Fei's head.

Long Fei's body sank.

sink again.


The bones in the body seemed to be broken by the blast.

His body sank again and again, his scalp was numb as the power of the eight coercive giants slammed, his whole body burst into severe pain, and blood seeped out from every capillary hole.

Almost in an instant, Long Fei was dripping with blood.

The clothes were soaked with blood.

but! !

Long Fei didn't die, and he didn't lie down.

His body was bent, his legs were trembling, blood was dripping from the corners of his mouth, and he was panting heavily, ""

The bull's head defense on his body was also shattered in an instant just now.

"Not dead yet?"

Dong Tiankui stared, and the muscles at the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

It's like being slapped in the mouth by someone. It's very uncomfortable. This kind of discomfort is not physical, but spiritual.

He is a powerful swordsman Realm, actually...

Can't even kill a weakling of the swordsman Realm?

And it still didn't kill the two moves!

Although these two moves are not his strongest strength, but... for him, the two moves to kill undead have already lost a lot of money!

Shame on him!

His breathing was different, and his breath was clearly flaming before his breath.

He is fire repair.

Fire is his true power.

The two moves did not kill Long Fei, he was already furious, the fire element power surged, and his robes also turned the color of flames, and the clothes seemed to be on fire.

real outrage!

Fang Wanpeng frowned upon seeing this.

He only reacted from Long Fei blocking Dong Tiankui's attack, and his inner shock was like a giant wave.

A Practitioner of the Swordsman Realm, who was able to resist the attack of the Sword Emperor.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, who can believe it?

"This kid...too,,,too...too rare." Fang Wanpeng's love was just rising, and he never found a suitable disciple.

The disciple of the enchanting genius in the ancient Lie Sect was not up to him to choose.

In addition, he likes to be alone, and he is like a Rogue Cultivators in the Inner Sect, which makes it even more difficult to choose a suitable disciple.

In ancient times, Lizong belonged to that kind of marginal figure.

Seeing Long Fei, a love of wealth and apprenticeship has risen in his heart.

The eight giants who blocked Dong Tiankui's crush just now, his heart was even more shocked.

He even wanted to take Long Fei as his apprentice.

Seeing that Long Fei was seriously injured, Dong Tiankui furiously unleashed his fire element power to attack Long Fei again, Fang Wanpeng felt tight, "I can't let him die."


As soon as he moved, he stood in front of Long Fei again and said, "Senior Brother Dong, there is something to discuss, can you give me Fang Wanpeng a face?"

Dong Tiankui was already so angry that he ignored Fang Wanpeng and said loudly, "Go away!"

"If I don't scrap this kid today, I'm not Dong Tiankui!"

The killing intent has been decided, how can you let go?

At the same time.


The flames on his body erupted, and the entire cave was like the sun in an instant, and the temperature soared instantly.

Long Fei's whole body was covered in blood, the blood was boiling hot, and white smoke was constantly emitting.

The body trembled more and more.


Long Fei's eyes sank, and he said heavily, "Come on, daddy is afraid you won't succeed."

Never cowardly.

If it weren't for the power of the third-level Wangu dragon body that was used against the Fire Bull King just now, Long Fei wouldn't be able to bear it for a second now, and would have exploded immediately.


The body is seriously injured, and now the power of the third-level dragon body cannot be activated at all, let alone the third-level, even the first-level can not be activated.

Long Fei gritted his teeth and insisted.

"it is good!"

"Then how long can you be stubborn?" The flame on Dong Tiankui's body moved, "Boom..."

A flame giant appeared, holding a warhammer, and slashed at the top of Long Fei's head.



A powerful flame swept away.

The flames in the entire cave seemed to be suddenly closed and compressed into a crimson fireball, just like the fire energy on the Fire Bull King.

Explosive damage.

Bang Longfei.

Long Fei clenched his fists, "Ah..."

I roared in my heart.


Just roaring, watching the super-strong flames roaring himself, he was desperately activating the power in his body, but... no!

Unable to activate!

Can't activate!

Just not!

No matter how hard he tried, the power of Wangu Long's body could not be released at all.

Severe physical injuries limited the release of Wangu Long's body.

Looking at the flames crushing down, Long Fei's eyes tightened, "Am I going to die here?"


"Daddy is not reconciled!"

"Not reconciled!!"

Long Fei roared inwardly, but he couldn't do anything now!

Can't do it at all!

I can only watch the flames crushing towards myself, and I can only wait there to die.

Both eyes stared angrily.

Long Fei's eyes were full of unwillingness, and his heart was secretly relieved, "I, want, am I dead?"

Just this moment. A figure emerges...

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