The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 3614 Phoenix King Blood

Phoenix fears this kind of separation.

Long Kuang felt the energy of the Third Nirvana Pill entering Long Fei's body, and he was excited.

"Another one?"

"This..." Long Kuang's heart was shocked, and the whole person was relieved, "Thank God!"

"still have a chance!"

"Master, I will definitely save you!"

Even in his era, Nirvana Pill was extremely precious. It could be said to be the treasure of the Phoenix family. He was extremely shocked that a little girl had so many Nirvana Pills on her body.

Long Kuang didn't have time to think, he couldn't waste a second now.

Any second will decide Long Fei's life.

He once again controlled the Nirvana rebirth power of Nirvana Dan and injected it into Long Fei's body.



The limbs hummed in bursts.

Long Fei's body twitched.

His face was in pain.

The limbs and bones are transforming and being reborn. This process is extremely uncomfortable. The kind of transformation based on the original foundation is like a new bone growing out of the bone. The pain cannot be described in words.

Long Kuang said in a deep voice, "Master, you must hold back. If you hold back, then your power and your physical body can directly step into the three-turn realm!"

"You must resist."

Long Kuang tried his best so that the power of Nirvana Pill was not wasted at all.

After a few minutes.

The power of Nirvana Pill entered Long Fei's body little by little, and then was quickly consumed. After a few minutes, the power of Nirvana Pill in Long Fei's body was completely consumed again!

The Mystery of Myriad Souls continues.

not yet completed!

Long Fei's body has not been recast.

The power of three Medicine Pills is still not enough! !

Long Kuang was a little panicked, "How could this happen? It's impossible, how can the master's body be so strong?"


"What has the master experienced before?"

"in the end……"

Long Kuang was stunned.

Under normal circumstances, one Nirvana Pill is enough to complete the Wansoul Dafa, even if Long Fei's body is seriously injured, two pieces are enough.


Three nirvana pills into the body, still not enough, still not enough.

This is not the reason for the serious physical injury, it is the physical strength that exceeds his expectations.

This is related to Long Fei's experience!

Too many things have happened in the past, Long Fei survived through gritted teeth every time, his body, his fearless will, his mind, sea of ​​consciousness, and that kind of spirit are all the power of the body. A sort of!

These are things that Long Kuang didn't calculate.

It is also because of this that the three nirvana pills entered Long Fei's body, and the Myriad Soul Secret Art has not yet been completed!

Long Kuang gasped heavily, "Is there still Nirvana?"

"Any more?"

At this point, Phoenix didn't hear him talking. Phoenix looked at Long Fei's body twitching and didn't know what was going on. She didn't dare to move, looked at Long Fei and said, "My lord, what's the matter? You... can't bear the power of Nirvana Dan? Auntie It was said that people in the mortal world can't bear the power of Nirvana Dan.

Maki, yes... yes... is it beyond your limit? "

Nirvana has an incomparable power.


If such a Medicine Pill is not a supernatural body, even a mortal sword emperor can't bear it, and one can make his body explode!

Phoenix was scared.

And... she only has three nirvana pills on her body!

Long Fei's painful expression made Phoenix panic.

She just wanted to save Long Fei, and didn't think about the power of Nirvana Pill being too powerful for ordinary people to bear.

a time.

Phoenix became extremely worried, "My husband, it's my fault, I shouldn't let you take so many Nirvana pills, it's my fault... woo woo..."

Phoenix just started crying.

Long Kuang shouted wildly in Long Fei's body, "One more, hurry, hurry, another Nirvana Pill!"

"Hurry up."

He was even more anxious than Phoenix.


The Myriad Soul Secret Law cannot be stopped during the release process. Once it is stopped for too long, all previous efforts will be lost. Not only will the caster be severely injured, Long Fei will die directly.

Now Long Fei is in an extremely dangerous state.

To take a step back is to die.

To be slow is to die.

Only move forward!

But... this progress requires strong support.

Without strength, everything is in vain.

At this moment, Long Kuang is like an ant on a hot pot, anxious, "What to do, what to do..."


Long Fei's body was concave, and black blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Long Kuang felt that the power of the Mystery of Myriad Souls was fading.

The loss of strength could not support the operation of the Myriad Souls Secret Technique. Over time, Long Fei's body would quickly enter the Death state.

By the time……

Not even if the Immemorial Golden Immortal came.

Long Kuang became anxious.

His brain is about to explode now, and he doesn't know what to do at all.

Just as anxious as he was was Phoenix.

Seeing the black blood spilling out of Long Fei's mouth, her face turned pale with fright, and she didn't know what to do, "My husband."

"Master Husband..."


"What should I do?"

"What should I do? What should I do?"

Phoenix's face was pale and panicked.


Phoenix's eyes moved slightly, "Phoenix holy blood!"

"My blood..."

"My blood can save people."

"Yes, yes, yes, my aunt said that my blood is very precious. It is the most precious and unique blood in the Phoenix family."

"Blood of King Phoenix."

Phoenix didn't know what to do, but she had to do something.

Nirvana is her most precious Medicine Pill. She asked Long Fei to take the three pills without thinking. Now that Long Fei was vomiting blood, she didn't think too much about it.

He cut his own palm directly, and bright red blood gushed out.

Phoenix put his palm to Long Fei's mouth and said, "My lord, wake up, wake up."

Also at this time.

Long Kuang was extremely shocked, "Phoenix King Blood!"

"Oh my God!!"

"It's actually the blood of the King Phoenix. It's hard for the Phoenix family to have the blood of the King Phoenix in 100,000 years. This girl..."

"Really amazing!"

"This time the power is always good, right?"

Long Kuang was extremely surprised.

He can't describe the shock in his heart, because the blood of King Phoenix is ​​really too scarce, and the entire ancient world can say that the blood of King Phoenix can be ranked in the top three.

No wonder he said at the first sight of Phoenix that he can make breakthroughs without cultivation.

This kind of bloodline is a natural powerhouse, and there is no need for cultivation at all.

The key is.

Phoenix is ​​also an eight-turn super-divine body.

She can only use one word to describe it, so terrifying!

Long Kuang clenched his fists and controlled the blood of Phoenix King into Long Fei's body. This time Long Kuang also let go of it completely, and said excitedly, "Master, just wait!" "If it doesn't work this time, Daddy is dead!"

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